
Aslan's Sun

that's the thing, Pevensie. you're either by my side, on my side, or in my way." Enchantress-in-training Y/N is the companion and most treasured possession to Aslan. But after he disappears she is locked away by the hands of the white witch. After years she begins to fight for herself, but will the Pevensies bring a new light into her dark world?

Imogen_Henden · Fantasy
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17 Chs


"all hail the queen of Narnia!"

As I watched her arrive, my heart sank further and further into my chest. Sensing my anxiety, Peter grabbed my hand. I relaxed knowing that he cared, pushed my shoulders back and held my head high.

"you have a traitor and a criminal in your midst, Alsan" the white witch declared from her throne, "Y/N is no criminal, Aslan boomed "and what Edmund has done is in the past." the witches face grew cold "Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built?" She asks."do not recite the laws of dark magic to Aslan, witch" I spat  "he and my ancestors were there when they were written" Peter squeezed my hand and I looked to him "don't let her get to you, it'll make things worse" I nodded but tightened my grip on my wand. "Then you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me. His blood is my property."  the witch swung her own wand towards Edmund, whose face was white.  Peter drew his sword "try and take him then" he called, his face stony. "Do you really think that meere force will deny me my right, little king?" The witch says. Peter lowers his sword haven been defeated. " I want the girl too, she is one of my own after all."  there were murmurs from the crowd. I let go of Peter's hand and moved closer to the witch "you will never be family to me. you are the reason my parents are dead. you never loved me. you locked me away for most of my life, making me believe my magic was a curse and dangerous!" "you are dangerous! you're just a child!" the witch stood up "you have no control. you don't deserve your freedom!" "dangerous?" Susan took to my side "if it wasn't for Y/N, Lucy would've drowned!" "you were always using your magic for good Y/N" the witch sneered "instead of using it to build power. you could've ruled with me instead of serving Alsaln." "better to serve the good than to rule with evil" I retaliate.  "you're just like your father, wanting to help and protect," "enough Jadis!" Aslan growled. even he knew she'd crossed the line.No one ever speaks of my parents anymore. "Y/N go." I turn to leave, too sad to protest." you're weak, just like them. they were so easy to kill, and you will be too "  "HE SAID ENOUGH!" my rage boiled up inside me, rushing through my bones my eyes flashed and sharp walls of bramble sprung up twisting and turning into a knife-like wall. The white witch slowly sank into her throne. My eyes darted around, earful. the crowd had stepped back to escape the harsh defence and even some of the white witches men were astonished. Aslan sighed his face sketched in disappointment "Y/N?" Peter breathed. "you okay?" I looked to the four siblings Susan was clutching Peter's hand, er arm around Edmund Lucy was buried in Peter's chest, her eyes wide.  My anger switched to fear and sadness, clutching around my throat. I started to back away, holding my hands out in surrender " "Mark my words Y/N. it is far better to be feared than loved." the witch called out after me, and I broke into a run. I had to get away from there. "Y/N wait!" but I didn't. I kept on running. I don't think I could face them again. not now. not that they've seen I'm a monster.

A/N damn. some heavy stuff right there. it's getting intense now, but I have big plans for you, the sadness isn't over yet. Get ready for some backstory next chapter.

Immy xoxo