
Aslan's Sun

that's the thing, Pevensie. you're either by my side, on my side, or in my way." Enchantress-in-training Y/N is the companion and most treasured possession to Aslan. But after he disappears she is locked away by the hands of the white witch. After years she begins to fight for herself, but will the Pevensies bring a new light into her dark world?

Imogen_Henden · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Melting Into Spring

The water threw me around like a ragdoll and rushed against my ears. I squinted looking for Lucy among all the bubbles and chunks of ice. Finally, I caught a glimpse of her green cardigan. I grabbed her and pulled her up next to me. She wrapped her arms around my chest and I pushed against the current. we eventually broke the surface, gasping. I pulled my cloak around Lucy, even though it was soaking wet, and managed to struggle my way to the bank. I pushed Lucy up as far as I could, but my arms were growing numb. I looked around feverishly for some help. there was a large oak branch hanging just a few meters away. I held out my cold hand and mustered up all the strength I had left. It began to grow and I wrapped the branch around Lucy's waist and managed to lift her onto the bank, unharmed. She sat up and immediately grabbed my hand. "Y/N it's okay I've got you" I smiled weakly, my breathing heavy. "thanks ". "Lucy! Thank god you're alright!" Susan, Peter and the beavers came running. I looked up, my face pale " remind me to never swim in the winter" Peter gave me a small smile And helped me out. Lucy immediately ran over, hugging me. my knees buckled, but I held on tight "thank you," she said into my dress. "that's quite alright", I looked at the others,  "I know you would've done the same for me." Susan placed a hand on my forehead "you're freezing!" "you don't look so sunkissed yourself" I laughed. "don't worry I can handle it." I pulled out my wand "more magic?" Lucy said, returning to her old self "I'm a witch Lucy, magic is kind of my thing" I bent down and kissed her on the forehead. her clothes and coat instantly began to dry and she sighed "that's a lot better, thanks." "oh, I'm not done"  I ran over to Susan and kissed her too, on the cheek this time. she went a bit red, but she too began to dry. I turned to Peter. he shifted uncomfortably "that's okay you don't have to-" I cut him off giving him a quick kiss on the lips "oh stop your blabbering, it's only a kiss" I smiled.  "oooh" Lucy and Susan cooed "don't ever do that again," said a very red but dry Peter. "no promises" I smirked. " oi lovebirds " beaver called, making me turn red too, " I don't think you'll be needing those coats anymore" we looked to see small green leaves and pink blossoms on the trees again." shame," I said, as I waved my wand around me and dried myself off, "I thought Peters was rather flattering" We all laughed " I'll get you back for that" he called as we began to make our way to the camp and hanging their coats and my cloak on a branch. "oh I'm sure you will" I call back, feeling the spring sun on my face.

We arrived in an opened area, and I saw that the camp was already here. Colourful tents brightened up the already bright surroundings. I looked to lucy who was busy admiring all the blossoms I secretly waved my wand and a cloud of them formed into a child who waved at Lucy smiling, she waved back. As we made our way further and further into camp, many of the creatures stooped their tasks and looked at the three children in awe. some of them even started to smile. "why are they all staring at us us" said Susan through her smile, "maybe they think you look funny" Lucy answered. I giggled. on a small hill at the end was a large red and yellow tent. I knew exactly who was in it. on our walk, a crowd had gathered around us I pulled my wand from under my sleeve and gestured Peter to unsheathe his sword.  " we have come to see Aslan" Peter declared, his voice shaking a little from nerves.

 I looked towards the tent. The others followed my gaze there was a wave of movement as everyone got down on one knee. I, however, curtsied  (mine is special) Then, there he was. even though the lion is supposed to be a dangerous predator, I couldn't help but always get a warm feeling of safety from him.  They too, eventually sunk to their knees "Welcome Peter, son of Adam, welcome Susan and Lucy daughters of Eve, welcome beavers, you have my thanks. And welcome home, my sun" Aslan said in his usual calming voice. I looked up to him and smiled, he chuckled "you still haven't lost that radiant smile" "of course not sir." He looked to the children concerned "but where is the fifth?" "that's why we're here sir, we need your help," Peter said as he stood up, sheathing his sword. I looked to him in sympathy, "their brother has been captured by the white witch" I explain, sadly. Peter grabbed my hand. I squeezed it. "captured?" Aslan questioned, "how could this happen?" "He... Betrayed them your majesty" Beaver answered "then he has betrayed us all!" "Peace Orius, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation." Peter sighed, looking at the floor "I was too hard on him, really" Susan rubbed his arm in comfort "we all were."  "Sir, there must be way to save him" I let go of Peter's hand and stepped forward "Please, Sir, he's our brother" Lucy clung to my arm "I know dear one, but that just makes the betrayal all the worst " Alaskan spoke in a soft, comforting voice, but I could see the concern in his eyes. Don't worry Edmund, we'll get to you soon, I know we will.