
Aslan's Sun

that's the thing, Pevensie. you're either by my side, on my side, or in my way." Enchantress-in-training Y/N is the companion and most treasured possession to Aslan. But after he disappears she is locked away by the hands of the white witch. After years she begins to fight for herself, but will the Pevensies bring a new light into her dark world?

Imogen_Henden · Fantasy
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17 Chs

May I Have This Dance?

I stood away from the crowd, watching the festivities. Lucy was talking to Mr Tumnus, the fawn and Edmund was busy telling his story to a group of young centaurs "he's probably exaggerating it" Susan made me jump "oh! yes, he probably is" we smiled at each other. Susan and I had grown quite close, and I trusted her like a sister. I sighed and looked out at the couples dancing. Peter was in the middle, looking seen, but I knew he was only concentrating as his eyes had a soft, joyful expression. He saw me and glanced over. I mouthed "dancing, fun, smile" while grinning and pointing to my mouth he gave me a small smile before being dragged off by someone else. I let my shoulders sink. "you alright?" Susan asked kindly, snapping me out of my daze "fine" I say shifting my dress, "tell me if you need anything " Susan placed a hand on my shoulder. I smiled at her and nodded. The dance finished and everyone dispersed. I craned my neck and looked around, but there was no sign of Peter. The music had kept playing even though there was no one on the ballroom floor. Then, I had an idea.

I ran over to Lucy and grabbed her hand "come dance with me" she giggled "okay" I dragged her to the empty floor. As we were dancing and laughing together I saw Edmund and Susan. I beckoned for them to join us, a huge grin on my face, but they shook their heads. There was no way I was going to take that for an answer. I ran over and took Susan's hand, who grabbed Edmund's who grabbed the beavers. Before long there was a large group of us dancing and laughing, Lucy, Susan, Edmund and I in the middle. Everything is a blur of colours and sounds as we all rotate around the floor. I switch from partner to partner, gaining speed as the music built to a crescendo. I bumped into someone and grabbed their hands, regaining my balance. "are you alright?" I look up and my Y/E/C eyes meet Peter's kind, blue ones.

Around us, the world seemed to slow down and become muffled. "I'm fine, thank you your majesty" I bobbed a quick curtsey before letting go of his hands. He sighed "why do you have to call me that?" He said as I stood next to him. "It's your title" I laughed. We stood in silence for a while, watching as the dance ended and everyone went to the sides and other rooms. "you know," Peter said leaning towards me, "I appreciate what you did for Edmund. That was a huge sacrifice" I gave a small smile and looked at the floor "It's my duty to protect you, your majesty, I was simply doing my job." I mumbled, my cheeks going red at the embarrassment. "I know" He sighed He lifted my chin and looked into my eyes "But I don't know what I'd do if I lost someone like you" I blushed furiously "you're too kind Peter," I say, pushing his hand away from my face, "but there are plenty of other ladies better than me" I glance over to a group of royal ladies whispering to each other whilst sneaking looks at Peter. Peter followed my gaze and laughed. "yes, but they're not the ones dancing with me" I raise an eyebrow and looked at him quizzically "I thought you didn't dance?" He walked to the ballroom floor and held out a hand "well there's never a better time to learn. Lady Y/N " He bowed "may I have this dance?" I curtsied back, grinning "I would be honoured, your majesty" I take his hand and we smiled at each other .

"you know," I say as we return to face each other, "if someone had told me a few days ago I wouldn't have believed them" Peter smiled as we glided around the room together "and if someone told me I'd be king in a magical land dancing with the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, I wouldn't have believed them either " I threw my head back and laughed as he spun me around. "do you want to get out of here?" I ask as the dance ended " I think I'll take you up on that offer, I've had enough of being King for now" I smiled softly "come on then" and we ran out into the evening air.