
Aslan's Sun

that's the thing, Pevensie. you're either by my side, on my side, or in my way." Enchantress-in-training Y/N is the companion and most treasured possession to Aslan. But after he disappears she is locked away by the hands of the white witch. After years she begins to fight for herself, but will the Pevensies bring a new light into her dark world?

Imogen_Henden · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Golden Butterflies

I stood between the four thrones, beaming at my group of friends. As they arrived, I stepped down to be level with them. Susan self consciously touched her hair "don't worry, you look beautiful" She smiled at me, and I smiled back comfortingly "so do you"  I walked to Alsan and the beavers, who had the crowns . " we have gathered here today to create four unbelievable people. To the vast western ocean," I call whilst picking up the smallest crown "Queen Lucy, The Valient" I place the crown on her head and she grinned up at me. I gave her a small wink "to the great eastern wood, King Edmund, The Just." Edmund gave me a bashful smile "to the radiant southern sun, Queen Susan, The Gentle." Susan squeezed my hand and we shared smiles  " and to the great northern sky King Peter, The Noble" Peter held my gaze for a moment, and I blushed before returning to Aslan . " now the high royals must bless Y/N, who will vow to be their guardian. Aslan gesture for me to take my place. I stand in the centre and curtsy "do you vow to be valient, no matter how large the foe." "for you, Queen Lucy, I do" "do you vow to be just to all you encounter, no matter what their intentions?" "For you, King Edmund I do." "do you vow to be a gentle and loving guardian to all?" "for you, Queen Susan, I do" "do you vow to be loyal and trustworthy to this kingdom?" "for you, King Peter, I do." I stand up, the four of them circling me and the beavers produce my crown and wand. I bow my head. Peter places the crown on my head 

and Susan hands me my wand.

I smile and curtsy my thanks. "Y/N I now declare you the guardian of the High Kings and Queens, you may now cast the coronation spell" I point my wanted to the sky "this is my favourite part" I whisper to Lucy. I threw the wand in the air and the room exploded into golden light. There were gasps of amazement from the guests. I look to the others who were gazing up in wonder, except for Peter, who is staring right at me . "what?" I ask as he moved closer "nothing" he shrugged his shoulders "there's just something I've been needing to do" I brought my face up to his "oh really? and what would that be?" "this" He pulled me close and our lips crashed together. His arms snaked around my waist snd I placed around his neck. The golden explosion fell around us forming into golden butterflies which fluttered around us and landed in guests clothes and hair. Lucy squealed when she saw us and Susan cried  "I knew it!" whilst Edmund made various gagging noises. We broke apart, laughing and I held out my hand. The wand fell neatly into it "show off" Peter muttered. I look up at him and burst out laughing. on top of his crown sat a single butterfly. "what?" Peter inquired, looking at me funny "nothing" I respond, smiling "I'm just happy" I put my head on his chest and he put his head on top of mine. Lucy hugged us around our waists. I put a hand on her back, smiling warmly. Susan rugged Peter from behind and rested an arm on my shoulder. I looked to Edmund "come on Ed." He shifted from foot to foot, crossing his arms. "Ed. get your butt over here. now" I say sternly and he breaks into a grin and stands next to Lucy, hugging us all. We stood there, a mess of arms and love whilst ten guests cheered out "long live Queen Lucy, long live King Edmund,  long live Queen Susan, long live King Peter, and long live guardian Imogen!" And for the first time in what seemed like forever, I was truly happy.

A/N aww how cute, anyways we are almost at the end of our journey in Narnia *sob, sob sad violin*  I'm currently writing another fic so I will be back. but for now, let's enjoy the rest of this story. (P.S I changed Peter's title to noble cause I don't like magnificent)

Immy xoxo