
Aslan's Sun

that's the thing, Pevensie. you're either by my side, on my side, or in my way." Enchantress-in-training Y/N is the companion and most treasured possession to Aslan. But after he disappears she is locked away by the hands of the white witch. After years she begins to fight for herself, but will the Pevensies bring a new light into her dark world?

Imogen_Henden · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Claw Marks

I listened to Lucy babbling to Susan as I switched my travel worn clothes for new ones. I recognised the pattern right away. It was my mother's. Aslan must have kept them for me. I smiled softly, and admired myself in the mirror. "Y/N what on earth are you doing? Hurry up!" Susan was getting impatient. I hastily tied a bow behind my back,and stepped out from behind the trees. "Wow" Lucy breathed "you look great Y/N" Susan smiled in admiration "really?" I say, fiddling with the fabric "yes, you look wonderful" "thanks" I grinned "you both look lovely" Lucy gave a little twirl. "actually, I think that was mine" I approached Lucy, kneeling to her level . "Really?" Her eyes shone with excitement"hang on.. yes! yes it is!" I found a small hole in the fabric. "Thus hole is from an arrow" "you were shot?" Lucy looked up at me, amazed. "No" I laughed, "my quiver was broken,and an arrow made a hole" Susan laughed "that a bit silly" Lucy giggled, fiddling with the hole. "Well I was only five" "out mother would love dresses like these" Susan said absent mindedly, admiring her reflection. "You should take her some, I've got plenty" I say smiling into the water "could we take her a whole trunk full?" Lucy suggested, grinning I couldn't help but smile. "Oh why couldn't I have had sisters like you?" I sighed wistfully, sitting down next to the river. "Someone to explore and play with every day" "it's not always like that" Susan sat next to me " you grow up" "we used to have fun, didn't we?" She turned to Lucy "we did... Before you got boring" Lucy joked "oh really?" "I mean, you haven't been the most optimistic of people" I say, stifling my laughter Susan raised her eyebrows, and Lucy burst into fits of giggles. Susan stood up, and pushed s load of water into my face I gasped, breathless from the cold. I jumped into the river, splashing both Susan and Lucy. Lucy squealed with laughter and ran in after me. The next few moments were about of laughter and happiness,as we splashed around in the water, not caring that our dressed were ruined. Breathless from laughter, Susan and I clambered onto the bank, grins splitting the sides of our faces. After a while of just laying there together, enjoying each others silence, Susan got up and grabbed one of the towels hanging from the branches. She screamed, and I sat up, urgently. It was Maurgrim and the witches wolves all snarling and bearing their teeth. I ran to Susan's side, and we sheilded Lucy together. "Please don't run. we're tired, and we'd prefer to kill you quickly" Maurgrim growled "Lucy get in the tree" I mumbled, not taking my eyes off the wolves, reaching for my wand. "What?" "Get in the tree. Now."

Susan's horn was loud and clear, unlike any I've heard before. The branches were fighting for us ,I'd enchanted them, do now the branches were swinging back and forth, thumping the wolves, who were snapping at our heels. Susan and I had pushed Lucy higher into the tree,and Susan herself was above me, clinging to the swinging branches. I heard the sound of hooves and metal on metal in the distance and yelled "over here, help!" At that moment, wolf jumped and I heard the sound of tearing fabric. I screamed, as Ret hit pain shot up my leg. "Get back!" Peter yelled while crossing the stream, his face a mixture of anger and worry. He went after Maugrim ."Come on. We've already been through this before. We both know you haven't got it in you." Maugrim said circling him. Finally Aslan and some people from the camp arrived."Stay your weapons, this is Peter's battle." Aslan ordered, as the rest arrived next to him "You may think your a king. But your gonna die..like a dog!" Maugrim said before he leaped on Peter making him fall back. "Peter!" Susan, Lucy and I all screamed. We jumped out of the tree. I winced in pain and stood back as the two sisters ran to their brother.They pushed off the non-moving Maugrim and Peter sat up looking scared and hugged his sisters. I slumped down next to the tree and watched a wolf, who was being held down by an centaur run off whimpering. "Follow him. He will lead you to Edmund." I said to the troop, Still clinging to my leg .They all left except for Aslan. He looked to Peter."Peter. Clean your sword." He said. Peter cleaned it off in the river then came back and kneeled down in front of Aslan as he put his paw on his shoulder. "Rise. Sir Peter Wolfsbane, knight of Narnia."Peter stood up shocked and looked to his sisters and smiled. I was still sitting at the base of the tree, clutching my leg "this is great and all, but...can I get some help?" Peter sheathed his sword and wandered over "come here then. Give me your arms." I wrapped my arms around his neck and he picked me up. Aslan, Susan, and Lucy walked back to the camp while I was carried by Peter. "Soo. Knight of Narnia," I said. He looked at me, "I like that. Just don't do being arrogant" He laughed "Anything for you Y/L/N"