
Asking for Immortality in Another World

I've witnessed chaos and the fall of dynasties in the mortal realm. I've seen a wise ruler emerge, reshaping the world's landscapes. In my prime, I stood among the crowd, observing with my hands in my pockets. Later, I learned about immortals, acquired immortal techniques, and embarked on the path of immortality. Along this journey, I faced challenges and stumbled. While geniuses led the era and set trends, I remained a mere bystander in the mortal world, facing its ruthless nature. As years passed and beauty faded,and as time flew by, the world transformed. Eventually, step by step, I achieved immortality on the path of seeking. Some say immortality is but a dream, while others urge cultivators to push forward. Some claim that ten thousand years is too long, advocating for seizing the day. Yes, indeed. ——Excerpt from "Memoirs of the Immortal" by Gu Changsheng, the immortal king of Enlightened Way!

VenerableofTime · Eastern
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79 Chs

Chapter 2: From today on, I will give up literature and practice martial arts!

Chapter 2: From today on, abandon literature and practice martial arts!

  Gu Changsheng also combined all the memories of his original body over the past 10 to 20 years, and learned from history, and was shocked to discovered the precarious state of Great Chu

The turmoil plaguing the final days of the dynasty seemed to mirror the current state of Chu. Justice remained elusive unless the matter was resolved.

  Of course, it is not necessarily accurate, it can only be said that it is nine out of ten.

  After all, the situation in the two worlds is not exactly the same.

  But the basic principles should still be the same, and he believes in his own judgment.

  In fact, Gu Changsheng doesn't care whether the Chu State is finished or not.

  At most, he will be a spectator and watch the show happily.

  But he has just crossed over, and he hasn't started to survive yet.

  He wants to hug the Chu State and shake it hard, begging it not to die.

  At least he has to wait until he survives, has a certain ability to protect himself, and thinks of one, two, three...four ways out before you die,

  Gu Changsheng is very clear about his current situation.

  To describe it in one sentence, that is-it is easy to get the Tao, but it is difficult to keep the Tao!

  His "Tao" came too easily, and he has no skills to protect the Tao.

  This made him feel very insecure.

  Longevity is the way, how can there be no skills!

  The first thought when he just crossed over was... I must survive!

  Survive, don't waste time. The advantage is mine!

  Fortunately, the current situation of the Chu State is not the worst.

  The current situation should still be able to last for a few more years.

  After all, it is also a dynasty that has existed for hundreds of years. Its rule has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It will not be completely destroyed in one or two days.

  Otherwise, Gu Changsheng is probably packing up and preparing to run away.

While survival might be feasible momentarily, preserving life held precedence, a notion he deemed honorable.



  Early the next morning, the door of a bookstore was slowly opened from the inside. The old and loose wooden door is older than Gu Changsheng's two lives.

  It made a series of "creaking" and "creaking" sounds that could not bear the weight.

  The sunlight poured in through the gap of the opened door and shone on Gu Changsheng's face.

  There was still a bit of paleness on that handsome face.

  It seemed like a lifetime ago.

  The bookstore is located at the end of a shopping street in the south of the city.

  There is a store in front, a residence in the back, and a small courtyard between the two.

  Usually, this place is quite lively, with many shops on the street.

  In my memory, the original body was able to ensure that he could eat and wear himself in a month under the double taxation of the gangs and the government in the south of the city, and had a little money left.

  Although the Gu family has run this bookstore for four generations, it is also inseparable from the fact that there are many people on this street.

  It must be said that the original body did leave him a considerable legacy.

  Gu Changsheng brewed a pot of tea and flipped through the accounts of the bookstore, but his mind was not here, thinking about the legacy that the original body left for him to "inherit".

  Not only this bookstore, the Gu family also has a few acres of thin land in the countryside, which is rented to the Gu clan members for farming, and a large amount of additional land rent is received every year. The original body is also full, and the whole family is not hungry.

  Therefore, over the years, he has saved up a deposit of about 20 taels of silver.

  This is already a large deposit.

  For an ordinary family of three in Yuzhou City, if only the money needed for food is calculated, it only takes two taels of silver a year.

  In other words, the original body's savings are enough for a family of three to eat for ten years.

  Of course, this is the price of food in the past. In the original body's recent memory, the price of food in Yuzhou City has also begun to rise.   

  Moreover, the price is quite touching!

  "Good people."

  As expected, there are still many good people in this world. Gu Changsheng felt the deep warmth and wanted to kowtow to his original body. He made up his mind to burn more paper money for his original body next year.

  As the saying goes, the poor are good at literature and the rich are good at martial arts. Whether in the previous life or in this life, the cost of practicing martial arts is much greater than that of studying.

  In this world, the status of scholars is far inferior to that of martial artists.

  There are more than a dozen martial arts halls of all sizes in Yuzhou City, but the fees of each one are not low, and they are similar. I don't know if they have been discussed.

  The minimum fee is five taels of silver per month, which is sixty taels per year.

  The minimum starting time is three months, otherwise you can't even enter the door of the martial arts hall.

  And this is just the most basic cost of entering the martial arts hall to learn martial arts.

  To practice martial arts, you also need various medicinal materials and a lot of meat to supplement.

  Otherwise, people will become weaker and weaker as they practice, mainly because their bodies can't stand it.

  Spending more than a hundred taels of silver this year is not a big deal.

  This is equivalent to the money an ordinary family of three spends on buying food for fifty years.

  No wonder there are so many warriors who make a living by robbing and looting.

  They keep killing, and I'm afraid they are all going crazy.

  Beginners have not even touched the door of a real warrior, but they have to spend so much money. What about real warriors?

  I'm afraid it will be an astronomical figure!

  Gu Changsheng originally thought that the twenty taels of silver left by the original body was a huge sum of money, but now it seems that it is just enough for him to enter the door of the martial arts hall.

  However, this is enough.

  The original body knew the warriors so clearly in his memory, but he didn't dare to think about becoming a warrior.

  It seems that everyone has the possibility and the opportunity to become an enviable warrior.

  But if you don't have money, don't enter this door!

  "It's okay, I've fulfilled this wish for you."

  Gu Changsheng saw that in his memory, the original body used to look at the martial arts hall with envy and desire, but in the end he hesitated for a long time in front of the door, and left timidly. He closed the account book and said with a smile in his eyes.

  I don't know if it's a coincidence, but he did see too many scenes in his original body's memory that were very similar to him, just like him in the past.

  But after a closer look, it wasn't him.

  It was just a teenager who was very similar to him.

  Gu Changsheng stretched lazily, put the bookstore's account back to its original place, and picked up a book sold in the store and opened it.

  If nothing unexpected happens, he should stay in this bookstore for a long time in the future. It doesn't depend on how long he can stay, but how long the Chu State can last.

  As an immortal species, only by enduring loneliness can you keep prosperity.

  Gu Changsheng has been mentally prepared for this. The road to immortality is long and there is no end in sight.

  And he himself is not an active character.

He even hopes to stay in one place until the end of time before coming out of the mountains.

  It's not bad to be a ¹ "Shilipo" sword god!

  The max-level boss abuses the novice village! !

  The sun gradually rose to the sky, and no one came to buy books early in the morning.

  Gu Changsheng was also happy to be idle.

  This is normal. Bookstores usually do the best business at noon and in the afternoon. And because books are relatively expensive, they can only sell a few books a day.

  Although Gu Changsheng has some immature ideas now, he still wants to become a martial artist first.

  He has almost thought about the martial arts hall.

  In the small city of Yuzhou, there is no internal strength, almost all of them are external strength, also called martial arts, so you can only pick a general from the short people.


1. "Shilipo " translate to "ten-mile slope" in English