
Asking for Immortality in Another World

I've witnessed chaos and the fall of dynasties in the mortal realm. I've seen a wise ruler emerge, reshaping the world's landscapes. In my prime, I stood among the crowd, observing with my hands in my pockets. Later, I learned about immortals, acquired immortal techniques, and embarked on the path of immortality. Along this journey, I faced challenges and stumbled. While geniuses led the era and set trends, I remained a mere bystander in the mortal world, facing its ruthless nature. As years passed and beauty faded,and as time flew by, the world transformed. Eventually, step by step, I achieved immortality on the path of seeking. Some say immortality is but a dream, while others urge cultivators to push forward. Some claim that ten thousand years is too long, advocating for seizing the day. Yes, indeed. ——Excerpt from "Memoirs of the Immortal" by Gu Changsheng, the immortal king of Enlightened Way!

VenerableofTime · Eastern
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Chapter 13: Gu Changsheng's Diary

Chapter 13: Gu Changsheng's Diary

  Today, the store sold two books, earning 150 coins and making a profit of 30 coins. Brother Zhou invited me to the Baihua Pavilion. What a joke! How could a gentleman like me go to a place like that!

  The people from the Double Blade Sect came to collect the regular fee of 200 coins. This is the third time in three months, and the total amount is 600 coins. If you add the many years before... This is an irreconcilable grudge, but it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge! I wrote this account down.

Goal: Work hard to practice martial arts diligently and strive to reach the level of a martial artist as soon as possible!


  [October 7, 465th year of Chu.

Today, I had nothing to do. The sky alternated between clear and cloudy.

I spent half the day practicing martial arts at home, and the other half reading books.

I didn't pay attention to what was happening outside the window, and I only read the books of sages.

I feel at ease.]


  [October 8, 465th year of Chu.

Today, I only managed to sell one book. It's unfortunate that many business strategies don't seem to work in this world.

Otherwise, why would I be struggling financially?

I may have the skill to slay dragons, but I lack the "dragon-slaying sword".

One should never underestimate the greed of the city's gangs and powerful families.

The path to a better life is still a long journey ahead.]


  [Chu State 465, October 9.

Today, with nothing else to do, I listened to books at the teahouse.

I learned that the governments of Yunchen and Chenzhou organized a military operation to suppress rebels, but they failed. Seizing the opportunity, the emerging Purple Scarf Army attacked both states.

The landscapes of these two states are gradually burning.

First, there was a severe drought, and now there's war.

This truly reflects: in times of prosperity, the people suffer; in times of destruction, the people suffer.

  It's a chaotic world.

Fortunately, Yuzhou City is 1,400 to 500 miles away from Yunchen and Chenzhou. No matter how fiercely the beacon fires burn, they shouldn't reach here.

Emperor Anping sold official positions, indulged in wine and meat, reveled in pleasure, appointed people based on personal connections, favored treacherous individuals, and was licentious... He was a complete tyrant.

What a despicable emperor!]


  [Chu State 465, October 10th.

  Today, a light rain suddenly fell from the sky, strirring something within me.

  I stole half a day of leisure and went fishing in the small river in the south of the city in a straw raincoat.

  As expected, I had a great harvest, catching three fish, very happy! ]


  [Chu State 465, October 11th.

  Beginning of winter, I have been guarding the store for a whole day, selling four books, and making a profit of more than fifty copper coins, which is not bad, enough to buy several kilograms of pork.

  But the medicinal materials needed for martial arts still seem expensive, and look like I can't afford them.

  Tsk tsk... I really want to buy a batch to see what it tastes like!

  But after hesitating for a long time, I decided to let it go.

I'll just simmer it slowly; after all, I have the advantage of time!

However, I reckon the taste of medicinal materials must be quite bitter, right?? ]


  [Chu State 465, October 15th.

  I haven't written a diary for more than three days, and today I met my "first love" in the store.

  Bah! It's the secret love of the original body, Miss Liu.

  She brought her maid to the store to buy a book - "The Life of Piaomiao Fairy".

  I have read this book, and the story of the Nine Swordsmen is very similar to that of Zixia Fairy.

  After buying the book, she left quickly with her maid.

  It seems that she does not remember, or perhaps she will never know, that there was a young man who had a crush on her on that stormy night with thunder and lightning.

  This is a sad story...

  However, compared to my memory, she seems to be more beautiful after getting married.

Gu Changsheng, Gu Changsheng... What are you thinking about?! Do you want to follow in the footsteps of the prime minister and embody the heroic spirit of Wei Wu?!!

  How can one call it a home without a place to stay and the means to protect oneself?

Yes, perhaps my mind is preoccupied with thoughts of women!

I won't pretend any longer; I'm going to reveal my true feelings.

  If you don't covet other people's bodies, you're a eunuch! ]


  [Chu State 465, October 16.

Zengzi once said, "I examine myself three times a day."

I find this statement very sensible.

I do the same!

I often ask myself: Have I experienced any humiliation today? To what extent? Can I tolerate even more humiliation?

This might be what the ancient sages meant by the unity of knowledge and action!! ]


  [Chu State 465, October 17.

  I heard from my cheap "brother" who used to practice martial arts in the Chuyun Martial Arts Hall that Xiao Huan in the martial arts hall is about to break through and become a warrior!

  If I remember correctly, Xiao Huan seemed to have entered the martial arts hall much later than himself and started to formally learn martial arts. Is he almost a warrior now? Is this the world of geniuses?


  To be honest, I don't envy you at all!

  I really don't envy you!

  No matter how brilliant and talented you are. Thousands of years later, I am still young, but you can only lie down on your grave.

  I will bring you a pot of wine at your grave some other day, and we can have a good chat.

  Time is always the greatest magic in the world.

  Woohoo...ah woohoo...

  why do people always remind me that I am a waste?

  But...I am immortal!

  Oh, that's okay. ]



  The square words are written quite neatly.

  And it is different from the writing system of this world.

  Look at this word, it is square and upright. It is impossible for anyone to recognize it.

  If someone can recognize it, it would be a ghost!

  When fellow villagers meet, they don't necessarily have tears in their eyes.

  It is more likely to be frightened!

  After all, who the hell writes a diary!

  What is written can be called the true feelings?


  Gu Changsheng tucks the diary away, embodying his "despicable" nature by freely speaking his mind. He tears out and burns the last page he read, ensuring some things remain unsaid. Life and death decisions are matters of a lifetime.

Though unlikely anyone could comprehend the diary, Gu Changsheng remains cautious. Better safe than sorry; vigilance is key in the next life!

  Gu Changsheng lay on a rocking chair, waiting for customers to arrive.

He rested his chin on his hand, seemingly indifferent to the world around him.

In his previous life, someone once said that immortality is like a secret medicine, which becomes poisonous when consumed.

Perhaps his understanding of the world isn't profound enough. He's unsure whether immortality is indeed toxic or not.

  But anyway, he has already got it.

  Moreover, it feels really good to compare lifespan with a group of "short-lived species"!

  Gu Changsheng was lost in thought, his mind drifting aimlessly.

Suddenly, the sound of galloping hooves broke his concentration.

Furrowing his brow, Gu Changsheng glanced to the side.

There, he saw a stunning and noble lady with a slender sword at her waist, accompanied by several mounted riders. They were riding away.

  Tell Miss Liu, I can't go back!