
Ask for Redemption

Our main protagonist was dreary of living. Abandoned by parents since birth, bullied by children in the academy, throwing dignity for survival, finally achieving fame and honor but died mysteriously. This game featured around fantasy, mystery and action! Will our dear gamer pass the game as smoothly as he thought?

Xiao_Lin_6148 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 5 - The bout

He wasn't expecting the head to come this early, however, the timing for justice was impeccable. It could strengthen the trust of the disciples into him at the same time, intimidate his enemies. He wasn't the cunning type, rather a clumsy and awkward person to be around, but he really is sweet unlike his scumbag parents.

He grew up as a child who obediently listened to his parents argue everyday and accepted their abuse silently as part of disciplining. As soon as he was of age, he ran away from home with funds saved up from his allowances. He hoped to come across someone kind enough to take him home, but unexpectedly the world was harsh to him. The adults were unwilling to keep a child who wasn't useful, when he was at his lowest point, a kind hearted savior offered him to work as her servant.

She was someone of high status who took him in and talked with him genuinely as a friend despite the huge gap of status. Others were jealous that he was personally selected and punished him with harsh labors. He didn't let that down and only looked forward to the time when the lady come passing by the servant's mansion. She would secretly look for him to play together or go out at night because she didn't want to be confined inside the house.

He knew her affection was equal to everyone, treating no one specially, but he still longed for more. Determined to only serve her as a loyal servant and friend who could provide her emotional support when needed, he hoped these happy moments would last forever. One day, this small hope of his which he desperately wished for was destroyed.

The imperial edict selecting concubines from the families came. Everyone who gathered around supported this event, however, feeling distraught, he couldn't watch until the end. During those 2 days before she had to leave, he avoided her, not able to see her face to face. On the last night, he decided to at least confess his feelings for her, so that she could remember him and relief this burden.

Under the willow tree where they always met before they went out, she was waiting for him there with messy hair, styled by the cool breeze. Her eyes sparkled once she spotted him. "Are you done avoiding me?"

"How did you know that?" He asked, not meeting her eyes.

"It was blatantly obvious." She shrugged. "It's not as if we will part forever after I go into the imperial palace."

"You might get chosen for the position."

"Definitely not. I don't like the emperor one bit."

Despite saying something that was worthy of beheading, he was quite elated she expressed it for him. "I love you."

There was a short pause before she responded. "I know. But I can't respond to your feelings. I am sorry."

He was taken aback, unable to say something. He expected this result yet he felt tears streak down his cheek silently. He lowered his head so she couldn't see his weak, pathetic side as he walked away. "I will see you when you get back."

When he was not near enough to hear her, she mumbled, "I also love you." Burying these feelings inside her heart, she left for the imperial palace. In the end, her prediction was correct. She was unable to return back to her home, a bird in a cage. She and the other concubines who had a loved one felt trapped in the palace where they can never see their beloved ever again.

[What a tragic story! ToT]

Thankfully he loved his first wife, Feng Liuxie's mother as much as he cherished his first love.

Feng Liuxie also felt sorry towards this game character for he was someone who had the settings a male lead would have yet gained nothing but a clan and a foxy wife, aiming to kill him for her own ambition. Moreover, he was killed by the protagonist 5 years from now for obstructing his plans, though he was just manipulated by his wife, who also met a horrible death after her role as pawn for the antagonist was over.

[How sad... To be used so badly that she didn't notice and was busy trampling all over her husband.]

Seeing this death flag character, his own father, in front of him alive and well, strangely spread a sense of relief to him. This time, he wished for this character to abandon his naivety and not trust his wife easily. To do that, things will need to proceed a bit differently than the game's given route.

Yun Xialuo was surprised that the head of clan, Feng Wuying, was willing to interfere, though he was the one who established the rule not for outsiders to rig the match. But what he's doing here wouldn't count as rigging, would it? Since it is already over. The elders stood up, possibly at impulse. They were boiling with rage, complaining that Feng Wuying was being unfair and biased.

Their statement backfired the students' harsh opinion back to them. He rebutted in a way no one could deny, "Your son has attacked someone again even after he admitted defeat to the opponent. This is what is called a sneak attack, which is witnessed by everyone unilaterally. Would you still not let me interfere?" He asked gently, however, his eyes weren't kidding.

He warned the elders, with murderous intent, "Don't you dare."

The elders were afraid if they moved another step, they would be instantly killed. All of a sudden, Feng Liuxie kneeled down to the ground. The audience and the clan elders were all surprised by his behavior. His father paid no heed to bewilderment, "What wrong did you commit that you are asking for forgiveness?"

"I didn't do anything, however, I plead for your wife's guilt and forgive her with mercy. My dear father, you're being deceived."

Feng Wuying was clearly startled but quickly regained his composure. "Really, tell me what on earth has my wife done that I don't know about?"

"This scheme for the bets was all arranged by mother, including this dagger. If he lost, she told him to use this dagger to stab my guest."

"That's true. If you lost, the elder's child would have the chance to become heir to the clan. When that same elder is supporting my wife, she could have her son become the heir. This dagger was just used to stab the contestant. Provide me the evidence first if you are going to say some nonsense."

His stepmother, Yan Meixiu, smirked and interfered in their conversation to drive wedges between them. "That's right." She must have thought there's no way evidence could appear by itself, some of the servants in the mansion were spies for her. They were already watching his moves last night.

"I knew you would say that, mother." The disciples all knew of the whole story before coming in here. The branch disciples were warned not to interfere with one another nor mingle with others because there was a complicated power struggle between the head of clan and the other elders. 

'Mother' this word hasn't come out of his mouth ever since his birth mother died five years ago. She died, giving birth to her youngest daughter. Just one year after her death, when he turned ten, his father brought in a divorced widow with a twelve year old child, who was not of his own blood. He remembered this scene vividly, because it was when the trust he held for his father cracked completely.

He didn't object to put their names on the register because even if she was his offical second wife, Feng Liuxie never considered his birth mother and that despicable woman as equal. She was just a concubine. Everyone in the clan was aware he never accept the two as family, because from then on, he avoided family gatherings, and private meetings from both of them. 

"How could I not show such despicable affairs of yours out to the open? Also, this is the first and the last time I will ever call you my mom." He snapped his fingers, signaling the cue for guards to bring in a total of four servants. Among them, one was someone whom the head of clan, the elders and some of the students who often visited the library recognized.

Whispers of doubt spread among them as he was the current manager of the martial arts study on Yan Meixiu's orders. She panicked a little, continued with her little facade. "What on earth does my servant has to do with the case, son?"

"Don't call me that. So disgusting." He replied automatically as soon as he heard the word 'son'. "I might be doing something unforgivable to elder brother. I apologize in advance." He rummaged through his inner sleeves and took out two sheets of paper, one which he handed over to his father whose shock was visible to the eyes present.

"I presume my father knows her handwriting well, don't you, father?" His eyes turned from the letter to Feng Liuxie, as if he's asking how he obtained it. Ignoring him, he continued. "She was doing such despicable deeds to me behind your back. As your wife, she is so unruly and unmannered. Moreover, I found a secret letter in his chamber. It says the plan has been carried out. It's your turn to do the job. Cover your traces so that no one can recognize it. Father, what does the other letter say?"

Provoking him, he shakily read the contents. "Thanks for your co operation, elder Deng. We will surely get rid of him, and please support my son's position when this is done. Signed .xiuye." Although what's inside the letter didn't specify what she would do to him, it was more than enough to plant doubts in father's mind. The fact that he didn't say anything to refute it, made Yan Meixiu more scared.

"But this letter could be fabricated! And this servant is someone easily recognizable. Why would I even use him?"

"You wouldn't but what about your mansion's maid. Does she count?" He unveiled the second person.

"Who is she?" Her impromptu acting was worse than he expected.

He chuckled out loudly. "It's impossible for you to not recognize her. She has went into your room about 2 times yesterday and she must have talked with you, no?"

"How dare you investigate me?" Her rage was inevitable. She was someone who couldn't be touched easily in her younger days, now she was reduced to an old fool who had let her guard down.

"Calm down. I am not interested in you. I was merely curious about her." He turned to his father whose head was lowered in dismay, possibly silent anger. "Father, do you know why? I heard someone's light steps pass by my mansion four days before the bout started. I had a feeling this suspicious individual should be looked into. After all, I wanted to stop your wife before she did anything irreversible."

"You!!!" Yan Meixiu who held in her anger was apoplectic. "Why would I ...?!!" Feng Wuying's murderous intent enveloped her, the darkness and fear she could only feel made her swallow her words. His eyes were glaring at her, forcing her to stay silent.

"This little servant was the one I saw. Guess what she was doing. She was handing over a letter with a little token of appreciation to elder Deng." He reached out for the maid, but was stopped by his father. "Why are you stopping me?"

"Men and women shouldn't touch. It's inappropriate."

"Still the same." He scoffed, calling for Bi Xi, who was standing nearby. She understood immediately his order, taking out a letter with a carved jade from the maid. The message was given to his father while holding up jade to show undeniably proof, it was carved dragon with letter 'Mei'.

Everyone from the capital knows the story about a harmonious couple, while mocking them. Yan Meixiu was a wife of the emperor's dead brother. As per customs, she was about to be buried alive with him, nevertheless, Feng Wuying who deemed this as a horrendous act, stopped them from carrying on. He wanted a fabulous talent as hers, concocting medicine and saving more lives.

However, she fell in love with him. It was apparent from her aggressive approach. The others who didn't know what really happened made fun of the two saying they were match made in heaven. Yan Meixiu didn't care for the gossips and asked the king to grant them the marriage. The first night between them only went well because of an aphrodisiac she made. His trust shattered, and he felt foolish to think that she was decent unlike the other girls.

Since the marriage, they rarely saw the other, only interacted like real couples in public. Of course, he took responsibilities a husband would - consummating once in a while, appearing in events harmoniously with the public. He never once extended a gesture of care towards her, instead lay boundaries between them, respected her opinions, never kept another woman by his side. Unlike her fantasy, he was cold towards her except for when he was drunk in his wife's death anniversary. He found anyone accompanying him through this sadness a comfort.

Now, knowing his mistress's hidden intentions, Feng Liuxie ponders if he could ever see her as a solace again. If only this sanctuary she was providing could be destroyed, could the plans ahead be as effective he made it to be. For the protagonist's growth, as well as his sake, he had to make the shaky trust between his father and his mistress irreconcilable.