
Ask for Redemption

Our main protagonist was dreary of living. Abandoned by parents since birth, bullied by children in the academy, throwing dignity for survival, finally achieving fame and honor but died mysteriously. This game featured around fantasy, mystery and action! Will our dear gamer pass the game as smoothly as he thought?

Xiao_Lin_6148 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 3 - Bi Xi's fantasy

Feng Liuxie started sparring session in the morning once he spotted Yun Xialuo enthusiastically training his martial arts with the wooden mannequin in his yard. In the first round, Feng Liuxie didn't know how much strength is needed to beat him barely and not hurt him much and the other didn't know whether he could hit a senior and a savior with full strength.

Feng Liuxie could spot his indecisiveness and hardened his mind to hit him with all strength so that each can get full results, learning from each other. Without warning, he aimed for the head with his bare fists, "I will give you a warning. Take this seriously or you will get injured before the match even begins."

To make it fair at the start, Feng Liuxie gave his junior a wooden sword and secretly put shackles on himself with great weight to restrain his strength. Yun Xialuo could see his determination, the atmosphere turning serious, both charged at each other. The clashes of the sword could be heard from the outside as he was defending off the heavy strikes Feng Liuxie was giving him. Dodging the fist barely, he could feel the heat sprouting off from his attacks, aware that he'd be weakened once a punch landed on him.

By the time morning has passed, Bi Xi has come in to bring her master to eat his meal, coincidentally found her male god training hard. Despite being mature in nature, she wanted to put off the look that she was innocent and pure. She called Feng Liuxie's name sweetly, who cringed just from the tone of her voice. But he still had to play his character.

"Let's go eat."

"Okay, brother." Yun Xialuo whirled his sword skillfully and playfully into the rack, joining him inside his room to have the meal.

[Help Bi Xi fulfill her desire.

Rewards: 4000 coins

Failure: ----------------- ]

Feng Liuxie was originally a cheerful person with morales, nevertheless, these changed ever since he became a NEET. Straightforwardly, he asked his junior, "Do you have anyone you're interested in these days?" He shook his head firmly, grinning head to toe, savoring a free and delicious meal. "You look like you haven't eaten before. When I first met you, you were more like an old man."

"That was all because I was left alone." This sentence reminded him that he should shut his mouth and not say things without a thought, especially for an orphan. The protagonist's life is one he wouldn't like to experience even if he transmigrated.

"Then I will accompany you from now on." Feng Liuxie stared at his face sincerely, wiping off the oil from his lips.

Yun Xialuo was surprised by this sudden action but didn't dislike it. "Please keep your promise, brother."

"If I don't, what will happen?" He asked jokingly.

Thinking hard for a while, Yun Xialuo's answered. "I will torture you until you wish you were dead." Of course, this is what you, the protagonist will do to the bullies that hurt him physically and verbally. He agreed while hoping his name wasn't included on the personal list for revenge in the future.

[Warning, Bi Xi's emotional value is decreasing.]

[Mission completed]

What? Is the system glitching? Didn't Bi Xi wanted her to be together with her male god? Wasn't that her desire? Where did that desire go?!!

[Wrong. This character has changed her desire these days.]

Though he was curious he had a bad feeling he shouldn't know about this.

[What you imagined is correct.]

Seriously? His action of caring of his dear junior sincerely was distorted so wrongly in her mind. He would like to clarify that what she thought is true is actually an illusion, but he will lose the coins and have to act as a character in love with that maid. He would rather take the misunderstanding than clear it.

He subconsciously fed Yun Xialuo, picked larger pork pieces from the curry, and transferred the chicken to his rice bowl. The junior was elated to be pampered. A warm feeling struck inside his chest as it was his first time this relaxed and peaceful. When he was an orphan in the street, he was envious of watching harmonious families celebrating together in the festivals. Now, he was contented, having his own support. These little actions make him see his cold senior in a new light.

After finishing the meal, they resumed training. These 3 months were what Feng Liuxie always dreamed of life, time passing quickly. While Yun Xialuo focuses on learning what he taught, he would visit the library where he first met his junior and immerse himself with a stack of books on the second floor.

Feng Liuxie found out the system was very right in recommending him to transfer the original owner's cultivation as he could understand the books just by reading them once. The system recommended what was necessary when passing the bookshelf and gave him an alarm so that he can return back to his room in time for the sparring session with new techniques to teach.

In the night, he would combine techniques to create natural movements with great agility and power in his attacks. He also spent the remaining money on pills and kept his shackles on when sparring. This improved his strength greatly, which motivated him to get stronger in order to run away from the protagonist if he decides to go mad, destroying the world unlike the usual, righteous, moral protagonists.

This reminded him of the scene where the protagonist openly shows that he was a madman in front of everyone and slaughtered the criminals. He looked so cool as a tyrant in power. Moreover, it was impressive seeing him still alive even after killing so many people that when he played the game he wondered whether karma even applied to him if he was a real person. He decided to take it slow and focus on teaching the protagonist develop and think for himself.

These two months of interaction made the two familiar enough to form a friendship. He was unsure what Yun Xialuo would address this relationship as. Mutually beneficial? Anyway, their friendship started a month after Yun Xialuo's training.

"Senior, I can't always call you brother."

"Why not?"

"There are lots others older than me. What if you don't hear me calling you?"

"If someone were to call me, we need to become close friends before revealing my courtesy name."

"Aren't we already friends?" How can one say that they are close friends if it's only been a month since they've been acquainted? Do youths form friendships that fast? Feng Liuxie wondered if his junior was a social person who befriends anyone interesting that catches his eye. "What is your courtesy name?" he asked pretending as if his question was never dismissed.

This time, Feng Liuxie reluctantly accepted. After all, if you think about it, being in a close friend status with the protagonist was beneficial for him, if he couldn't buy his way out of OOC. "Feng Yi. What about you?"

"Yun Lang." He beamed happily, obtaining new information about his senior. "Can you start teaching me the skills now? I think my body has developed ever since you started training me. I am beaten to death almost everyday." He pulled a face to show his annoyance.

"Don't be disappointed. I am not as strong as you think. Who knows? I might grow weak one day, the patriarch might disown me in order to keep the weakness a secret from the other clans."


"It's a family matter. You don't need to hear about it. You're still too young to know about this." If possible, Feng Liuxie wanted to keep his life away from the young one. He wanted his junior to remain the same as now, cutely accepting his pats and hugs, not the boss that turns cold and crazy with irrational logic to his killing.

Yun Xialuo was getting annoyed that his senior brother won't think of him as a friend but always as an immature child. He would like to deep more into this matter but it mustn't be known for he had a feeling Feng Liuxie will definitely stop him. Instead, he decided to encourage him in his own way. "I won't let that happen."

Feng Liuxie saw the determination in his eyes when he grasped his hands and pulled him forwards. "Okay, okay, you're too close. I was just joking." He stated, slowly retreating. Yun Xialuo couldn't help but get closer for he thought it adorable seeing his senior like this for the first time. Unable to escape, he fell back on the bed, with his junior on top of him. This was weird, two boys in a position like this, it felt more than bizarre for the NEET who had plenty of experiences in dating SIM games.

Bi Xi just had to come in the wrong time while they were taking their time to get out of their current positions awkwardly. Feng Liuxie knew at this moment that his little maid definitely made up some fantasies inside her head about them, when she closed the doors to thoughtfully leave them in their own world.

They were left alone, only silence lingering around. "Feng Yi, I am sorry. I took it too far." In the awkward atmosphere, he apologized first for his disrespect. Feng Liuxie knew it would be childish to ignore him due to this incident. As an adult, he had no choice but to let it go, didn't he?

"You aren't a kid, why do you like touching people so much?"

"I don't do it to others. I just want to feel a person's warmth that is close to me. Do you think I would do that to a random stranger?"

As if appeasing him, he nodded along. "I get it. You're young now, but try to control it in the future so that you don't end up doing it to others."

"You're jealous?" He smirked playfully, teasing him.

Feng Liuxie wasn't in the mood to play along. "Of course not. I am worried if you did it to a girl, the girl will misunderstand your intentions. You might even be labelled as a nasty playboy when touching people often."

It was quite obvious that he was disheartened his tease wasn't effective at all. "Oh? That's all?"

"Of course, that's all. Let's train." He ushered him to stand up and started teaching him. He hoped his comprehension was high enough to absorb these techniques. In contrast to his worries, Yun Xialuo was able to understand things quicker than he expected. He was stupid to be anxious for the main character who has an impeccable golden plot armor.

He observed these few months nothing major will happen to the protagonist, due to no one's perceiving the protagonist's insane regeneration from wounds. Unless a great demon that was sealed from one thousand years come to attack him with full strength, the protagonist would still be alive.

He predicted it was because the heavens is trying to prevent Yun Xialuo from blackening, and keep him as a normal mortal. That would not be an easy feat as the system's side is trying to make the protagonist an antagonist. Would this mean he was on the side of villains? He shuddered at the thought of playing into their hands whom thankfully didn't assign any missions that were harmful to him.

Once he tried asking system if it was dangerous to keep. The system gave no answer. For the second question, system denied being evil.

[It is after all for the good of all people.]

It suddenly spoke like a god watching over people's actions. Feng Liuxie discovered that he could just find a loophole out of the OOC rule. There were no penalty but only rewards - rare items from the store. He had such a fun time splurging and earning, that he, in the end, had 2500 coins left. Sincerely, he rooted for his junior so that he could receive his compensation for the diligent coaching sessions he offered for free.