
Ask for Redemption

Our main protagonist was dreary of living. Abandoned by parents since birth, bullied by children in the academy, throwing dignity for survival, finally achieving fame and honor but died mysteriously. This game featured around fantasy, mystery and action! Will our dear gamer pass the game as smoothly as he thought?

Xiao_Lin_6148 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 10 - The cold war that main protagonist started

At his fastest, he reached the clinic in just a few minutes. The staff were surprised to see the aloof young master of Feng clan arrive at their doorsteps with another handsome lad, so disheveled. The contrast to his appearance now and the rumors dispelled his tidy, neat image completely. 

Despite the thought, they knew rushed for the patient in his arms. Feng Liuxie handed him over before, collapsing on his knees. The doctors offered to treat him, but he refused. Anyways, with the system, he wouldn't have any trouble curing himself. "Treat him first." He pointed at the unconscious Yun Xialuo, "then treat me." 

Before losing his conscious, he threatened them. "If he is not alive, when I open my eyes, I am going to kill you." His murderous intent delivered his words more weight. They nodded meekly in response before he lost conscious. 


Yun Xialuo staggered, walking towards the bed beside him, where Feng Liuxie was sleeping peacefully. He smiled in relief. The only thing he could remember was Yun Xialuo defending him and ... sucking his wound. He flushed at the memory of his senior's warm, hot lips touching his cold stomach.

Seeing that he was completely out of it, Yun Xialuo took this chance to do something he always wanted to do before. He ruffled his hair gently, and liked how his senior adorably grumbled at a touch. His hand was stopped. Feng Liuxie, who just woke up, stared at him.

"Feng Yi, you are awake." 

Feng Liuxie was on guard, Yun Xialuo has never once called him by his courtesy name after asking about it. "Xialuo, are you okay?"

Yun Xialuo was delighted at the fact that senior didn't nag him about the trouble instead was firstly concerned about his safety. "Um," he nodded his head. "I can walk fine."

"I know I shouldn't ask you this while you are a patient, but how did Tang Zhong start the fight?" Feng Liuxie couldn't tell what expression his junior had, but he was determined to solve the root of trouble. 

"It's about the Martial alliance conference. He said I wasn't qualified to be part of it, when I haven't had a specific ranking yet. With a duel, he said he would test me." 

Feng Liuxie sighed, thinking it was inevitable for Tang Zhong to interpret Yun Xialuo as a boy who luckily got into the team because he had special status in the clan. "I will take you off the roster."

Yun Xialuo was not surprised, his disheartened gaze seemed to say he expected as much. "I don't mind." As he walked away to sit back on his bed, Feng Liuxie held onto his wrist. 

"It doesn't mean you're incompetent. I know you've worked hard for it, but the time for you to show your true abilities is not right now. " Feng Liuxie did mean it. The protagonist was destined to leave the clan with or without him. Besides, he needed to hide these abilities or else the head clan would be adamant in tying him to this clan with the excuse of protection when his identity and powers are revealed. 

"I got it." Yun Xialuo didn't turn around to show his face as he lay on the bed, his back facing Feng Liuxie. Feeling his desire not to talk to him, he left the sword aside on the table, with a letter underneath explaining all details he needed. After casually caressing the protagonist's smooth and soft bed hair, he headed for the training room. 

With an important event coming up, he will need to work on gaining trustworthy allies - Que Xirou, Ren Liying, Tang Zhong, Si Runie, Lei Jiaying, and finally Jiu Meng, the poison disciple who was a scout - to overthrow the schemes of over clans. 

Despite being the potential heir to clan, he didn't have any supporters since the previous owner didn't bother to gain favor with the patriarch. This was the right time to keep his father's trust and assert his dominance to compete with the eldest son, Yan Shen. First, he needed a reasonable way to approach them. He remembered a crucial event that happened way before the martial alliance conference - the monthly rankings that will begin in 2 weeks. 

Out of the people he aim to form an alliance with, Que Xirou was the fastest to spot. She was a diligent, responsible, mature student immersed in the study of martial arts. The game creator designed as a clumsy but a lucky genius who gained internal energy of 4 years by meditating at a young age. 

Even during Yun Xialuo's match, when everyone was denying the possibility of the protagonist winning, she was busy learning his techniques and observing him. 

"Hi," Feng Liuxie greeted her as he tapped Que Xirou on the shoulder. 

She gave him a side glance before staring at him with doubt. "What do you want?" 

"I just want to spar with you." 


"You are practicing manual of sword arts, but if you rush to do all of them, there would be no improvement in your current state."

"Who are you to comment on my matters?"

"Me?" He pointed at himself. "I am Feng Liuxie."

Maintaining her stern face, she replied. "I know."

"Then you should have an idea to what I am talking about right now as well. I want to help you." He paused. "After all we are teammates for the martial arts alliance." He continued as if he had made it up on spot.

She was startled. "Really?"

"Or else what? Do you think I chased you here as a stalker or one of your admirers?"

She must have had that thought since she flushed in embarrassment, while trying to apologize for it. "I couldn't help but be suspicious these days. Those acts are getting too outrageous. Please forgive me."

"It's okay to be cautious. It doesn't hurt anyone. Anyways, let make a deal. I will provide you with some tips I know to improve from your current status, in return you just have to find me the rest of our team members." 

"I will lose nothing except my time even if you back out."

"To prevent that," he rummaged through his sleeves before, out came an old paper prewritten with the conditions he predicted the both would want. "I have this paper. We each must have a copy, just like merchants do for their business." 

"Then," she asked as she shook hands with him, "as an equivalent exchange, tell me why you are not finding them yourselves."

"You are really..." His sentence stopped midway as he couldn't find a word to describe this. "I can't easily find them without reason in public and also the team members to partake in the martial arts alliance were announced by my dad privately. You think I could just march up to them and say some nonsense they hadn't even heard of?"

She looked as if she wanted to question it further but held back. "You knew I was roughly acquainted with them, didn't you?"

"Mm." He shook his head in denial. "I didn't. I thought since you were one of the top students last month, you would at least have some connections in the clan." This was something, not suspicious, but can be easily guessed from observing. 

She seemed to have accepted his defense statement for now. "Fine. Just promise you will keep your word."

"Of course. The clan's reputation and my father's trust is relying on me. Getting you to improve will increase our team's chances in winning the competition. Just make sure you tell me the info in two days." He waved her goodbye, before handing her a note to prevent others from seeing.

She was stunned by how simple the solution was that she didn't think of it. He calmly walked away from her, having thoughts of visiting the Deng family, to cause some ruckus. 

[What did you tell her?]

To stabilize her qi through her body as she practices each manual. From this tip, she will figure out the rest on her own. It will take at least three days for her to bring the info to me. I didn't notice, but system you are quick. Finished with preparing the disguises? 

[Yeah. All dead people. No longer alive, with no living people to identify them.]

Woah. You sounded like a villain there for a sec. 

[Do I? Should I keep talking this way?]

Nah, I prefer the former. 


Before he knew it, his feet took him to the residence of Deng family. He stepped inside, cutting in the merry chat between Deng family and his elder brother, Yan Shen. Deng Hui looked visibly shocked while his wife shook unbearably, looking pale, almost fainting at the sight of him. 

Wow. They are not bothering to hide their expressions at all. Feng Liuxie wanted to laugh at their obvious displeasure. System, how's my older brother faring?

[He seems angry.] 

Meanwhile, an elegant gentleman, with impeccable manners, seated beside Deng Hui, stopped his talk and walked over to the little brother. He welcomed him with open arms, hugging him tightly. Yan Shen initiated a conversation. "Long time no see, ... little brother. I feel it's been ages since we've hugged like this."

"I haven't seen father for longer than this. It must have been because we have grown up." He patted his brother's broad back gently. 

"I still remember the times when we were scampering around looking for insects while mom and dad were busy teaching the endless students."

"How nostalgic those times were." Breaking free from the hug, he seated himself at the far end and continued the conversation. No matter how much you wish to go back to those times, time could never rewind.

"We were so naive, not knowing anything of the world."

He chuckled. "Right? It was actually ridiculous that one time when I believed the medicine would taste sweet despite the rancid smell it emitted. I was so betrayed when I found out her words weren't true." 

"Haha, my mother also used to bake sweets along with her. They were the closest friends just like us."

"How's your mother doing?"

"Not well. I think she's getting sick. I am planning to visit her some time later, but father would probably not allow me to go there." He understood the fact that both didn't want to bring up what happened in the bout. 

"I will ask him to do it. Elder Deng, how's your son doing?" Seeing that their main topic has switched to them, his panic was visible. 

"Thanks to you, he is doing very well."

"Relax. I am not planning to condemn you." Deng Hui somewhat relaxed at his declaration. "Do you think I can't tell your son is not grateful for my guest's mercy?" He pointed at Deng Zerong who was glaring at him. Deng Hui by now was on edges by whatever unpredictable comments the young master would make next. 

To gain a favorable impression, Deng Hui signaled his son with his eyes to immediately stop this rude action. Rest assured, he focused his attention on the conversation with him. "Of course not. He had learnt well from his lesson." Deng Zerong trembled, ashamed when hearing anything related to the bout. It seemed he wasn't taught enough as heir. His eyes were filled with fear, no desire to put on a poker face, huh. 

[What do you mean?]

What else? He must have been beaten by his father. Don't you dare pity him. He deserves it after redemption. 

[...Very well.]

"Not to intrude your happy moment, brother. I am just here to remind you - Deng family - not to provoke my guest again. Though he may not have any powerful figures behind him, nor any family members to care for, I am still watching over him. If you guys lay a finger on him one more time, I swear with my name, I will destroy you with all my might until you are crushed." He left his seat, walking towards Deng Zerong. 

He leaned over, whispering. "Your mother is going to die soon. Find me if you want a solution. Brother, it was nice meeting you." With this statement, he disappeared, the family left awestruck as if a hurricane has passed. Yan Shan tried to take back the flow of the previous conversation they had, but it remained futile. They had no energy to pay heed to his words today. 

"I will come back to visit you again." He gently nodded as he took his leave. Deng Zerong's parents sighed in relief as Deng Zerong's mind still stuck on his earlier words. Deng Hui asked him what Feng Liuxie told him just now and made up a believable lie. He himself was puzzled as to why he lied to his father because of an outsider for the first time. 

Yan Shan walked back home as he muttered, clenching his fists tightly. "I will definitely make you pay for this."