
Ask for Redemption

Our main protagonist was dreary of living. Abandoned by parents since birth, bullied by children in the academy, throwing dignity for survival, finally achieving fame and honor but died mysteriously. This game featured around fantasy, mystery and action! Will our dear gamer pass the game as smoothly as he thought?

Xiao_Lin_6148 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 1 - Helping the protagonist

He jolted awake. His head throbbed in pain, reminding him that the meeting with gods wasn't a dream. Even though it was a brief meeting where he managed to get less information than expected, he felt it would be proper to pay them respect and call them gods. When he digs his own grave by making an irreversible mistake, he would just be a normal mortal, relying on them.

Memories of his previous life streamed inside his new life. His body, unable to handle the strain, was smaller, much smaller and shorter than his 180 cm tall, skinny body last life. He let out a cry of pain as he struggled to get out of bed and stand on the ground. As the last whiff of pain flew away, he signed in relief, observing his surroundings.

[Ding! System is activated by impossible achievement!]

A screen all of a sudden turned up in front of him.

Could this be the observer, the overseers mentioned? It was impossible because in the novels and games he'd seen all over the years, the system provides the protagonist to go a step further into the real world of power. But he was surely not the protagonist, a shut-in otaku NEET like him wasn't suited to save or be saved. Besides, an observer wouldn't offer a system that could make out an easier way for him.

Xue Long had no qualms in accepting this system, after weighing the pros and cons. The faction who provided this could be opposite of the gods he met and control him someday, in addition to this, it may get him into a feud with the superior of the overseers once he does something wrong. Nonetheless, if the gods were to come collect his soul, he could fend off against them.

After his will accepted the system's existence, abruptly, it was imprinted into his mind. He couldn't explain what the feeling of his new experience was, similar to two souls sharing a body but feels natural, as if it was his own body. He was dragged into a black space where he could only figure out the presence of another.

Where is this? He didn't bother asking out loud because it sounded like a cliche a time traveller would say the first thing after they've transmigrated.

[This is your subconcious. We're one, merged into the same body.]

Xue Long nodded his head in response, slowly taking in the facts that he was in a different body, that he had a system, that he met gods, and that his parents died... Before wallowing in sadness, system interrupted his thoughts.

[Your user ID is Xue Long. You have logged in to Feng Liuxie's account.]

[Completed. Would you like to keep it permanent?]

What's the difference between keeping it temporary and permanent? He thought out loud.

[Keeping the account permanent will allow you advantages to absorb skills quickly and master them faster than the protagonist.]

There's a con to such an advantageous method right?

[True. Missions will be harder to complete, but rewards higher points. If missions failed, points will be deducted. Points are used to buy items, skills not from this world from the system's shop.]

If the points left is 0, what will happen to me?

[After 6 months and you haven't earned points, you will die. Soul will completely disperse, unable to reincarnate forever.]

Got it. Don't scare your host too much, or else I might run away.

[... Okay.]

System took a while to get this joke, which didn't break the ice between them but made it even more uncomfortable for them.

[Please enjoy your journey.]

Xue Long lay on bed lazily, unable to figure out what to do next. His blanket was rough due to embroidery but the mattress was soft and thick with curtains kept open to get sunlight in. It reminded him it was morning now.

A table with four chairs and a tea set on top was kept in the middle of the room which was opposite to the wooden doors, exquisitely carved. A bookshelf was placed next to a longer wooden table, facing the bed with a set of books and writing utensils neatly arranged. He had the urge to write some characters, using the ink brushes that he had only heard about in the fantasy settings. He

Feng Liuxie, feng liuxie, he wondered where he heard that name before as he tapped the table impatiently. Racking his brain, he realized he reincarnated into the childhood friend of Yun Xialuo, the protagonist of that damned game he didn't manage to complete. He wished the past him chose to die instead of reincarnating, banging his head on the table in self reflection.

A voice of a young girl, probably in her 20s, reverberated, as she desperately dashed into the room. "Young master!" It gave him an ominous feeling. Since he was called young master, he would be the son of the current master of the house. According to the storyline, he would already be 14 years old, while the protagonist is 11.

"What's the matter?"

Feng Liuxie was someone who kept calm no matter what happened, especially to the events occurring around the protagonist. His face inside out was more impressive than the villains and main boss themselves. Though he despised him, Xue Long also admired this character more than the protagonist. He believed it was best to act just like him, not to arouse suspicion.

"Our guest," she stuttered, "the child young master brought from the auction is now injured!" He could guess just who she meant by the guest. This maid was Feng Liuxie's only weakness in all his routes for he considered her as a mother, a family among all the others who pretend to be caring for him. Her name was Bi Xi.

Xue Long agreed that she would one day get into trouble, since she was a trouble magnet. Wherever she goes, Feng Liuxie, cleans up for her as if it was natural. If this were a dating SIM, he would abandon her straight away even if she's his destined heroine. He returned to his current role, following her. "Lead the way."

But unfortunately, that same Bi Xi was in love with the protagonist when he was older. He expressed his condolences to the previous Feng Liuxie. Unaware of the awestruck gazes, he was engaged in his own thoughts while maintaining a cold exterior. The dim hushed down to silence as the maids and all people he passed by payed respect to him, the heir of the Feng clan.

The mansion was gorgeous, built in Ancient Chinese style where all the paths were made of wood and had lakes with koi fishes in them. Bright red latterns with varied shapes - rabbits, squares, dogs - hung under the roof, where gardens were neatly maintained by many maids.

Alongside plenty of training buildings, there were two three-story temples at the entrance of the clan where disciples were coming in and out of the houses. Basically it was a library where in accordance with their monthly ranking students are able to choose their skill books, but must be returned intactly, just like a normal clan.

He remembered the clan leader built the library there so that whenever disasters from fights in the north arrive, students can take books quickly to flee south in a basement he built himself about 100 miles away. In modern terms, it would day only a few hours, so about it would take them 1 day and a half at a walking pace.

In between those two libraries, there was quite a fuss in front of him. Encircling something, they had contrasting opinions of the other. One group was enjoying the ruse, laughing and pointing rudely, and the other was disgusted by their actions but couldn't back up for the victim because of their background. Feng Liuxie figured out what this ruse was about.

[Please help the protagonist without OOC.]

{Rewards: 5000 coins.

Failure: - }

5000 coins! What a splendid start to his life! The other students with authority to stop this are out on missions right now. He must have hit the jackpot!

"What's this?" The others, who just watched dispersed quietly from the scene, frightened guilty by his deafening voice. Even Xue Long himself was surprised by the volume he produced. The ones only remained standing in front of him was Deng Zerong, Fang Shao, and Xian Nu. He scorned their names, undeserving from their current behavior. "You guys are bullying my guest."

Deng Zerong wanted to surrender, however, in face of all these students and his support, his pride mattered first before anything else. "So? What if I bullied your guest?" He replied bravely. Xue Long would have clapped at his courage, as no matter the background, here in Feng clan, it didn't matter. The strongest of the survival was the law in this clan.

Feng Liuxie has the second highest authority after his father for he was the strongest disciple in the clan. He wouldn't be given any power if he were weaker. Even if he decided to bully them, they would have to bear it silently until they become stronger for the month's test.

"Nothing. I will take him back. You have no problem with this, do you?" He glared at them, warning them to back away. They took his offer willingly, when they watched him lift Yun Xialuo, who was sprawled on the ground. The moment his back faced them, they took this chance to strike him with the best internal energy they could muster, however, to the current Feng Liuxie, they were nothing but ants, even without his adult skills.

Carrying the knocked out Yun Xialuo, Feng Liuxie gathered energy in his right hand, at the same time, with a light but graceful movement, he rapidly gave the three of them a palm strike near their abdomen. The audience was bewildered, as to what happened since they couldn't see his movements with the naked eye. All they could catch was the sight of three students who took him seriously as an opponent but were blown away just by the energy he emitted.

They no longer saw him as a fellow disciple, but as a monster.

"Such a despicable trick. Is this how you also treated my guest?" He feigned anger as he switched Yun Xialuo to a comfortable position in his arms. "If you won't stop doing this, then we will decide this using the bout. Will you accept?"

Bout, a match where one student challenges the other with something on the line, is a cruel reality where the stronger wins, and lose what they bet to the stronger. Feng Liuxie figured it was better to settle this all in one go. The three wavered, unable to gather the courage despite their family's pride on the line.

" Don't worry. I won't be the one participating. This guy will do it." He revealed a layer of trap, whether the choice to get in is theirs.

Deng Zerong was the first to accept, "I will do it." Once seeing their boss take the challenge, the two followed suit. "The losers will get expelled is the only condition."

"I agree. Since I am responsible for him, I will quit the clan if I lose." The spectators who were silent all roared in absolute chaos. Feng clan losing him will cause a big stir in the power of clans, bringing hatred to whoever removes him from clan. Not understanding the fact that they dug their own grave, they were actually glad that they could finally rise to fame.

Stirring commotion as an undercover, with gentle movement, not to disturb the protagonist's peaceful sleep, he secretly took him away back to his home.

[Warning. What you're doing right now is OOC.]

How could this be out of character? Feng Liuxie is originally a character of pride, but suppressed his arrogance with kindness. Right now his crush's man is beaten badly, if I help him, won't I gain his crush's favor? He argued with the system.

[... Accepted.]

System reluctantly went back into his subconscious, like an unsatisfied child pouting in protest. He laughed silently, amused by the sudden humane action, made by an AI as he went back to his residence.