
Asheva: Dreamseekers - [A Monster Tamer Progression LitRPG] 

A curse for some, a blessing for others, such is the truth of eternity. Ewan is left all alone to deal with his tragedy when his father passes away. Scarred, bruised, and smeared in cynicism, he loses all hope and only lives for the promise to his Pa. But before his all-important eighteenth birthday, he finds new information on the Ashevas that makes him dream again. Because its path promises him an eternal life. And of its ever-growing branches, Ewan embraces the Severynth—the Summoner. Yet the road ahead is full of thorns, and he is not the only one with ambitions. Join Ewan in the world of high fantasy as he calculates his steps and threads through setbacks, the first of which is getting an Astylind. After all, what is a summoner without his beasts… ---------------------------------- Release rate: Current release rate is 1ch/day. If you're all caught up, you can read the early access chapters on Patreon [40chs--Volume 1 is complete on patreon]: https://www.patreon.com/aleth P.S: The genres and the tags have most of the information you might need about the novel, please check them out. But other than that, there are still some details that tags don't show, so I'll add them here. --Narration style is third person limited with minor POV changes to explore the plot [Change is marked by the character's name]. --Story will have status panel, but they'll start after some chapters. --Protagonist is native to the fantasy world, this book is not a transmigration, reincarnation, isekai, etc. story. --Pet beasts are a major part of this book. --Romance will be OTP type [One true pairing] [No Harem]. --Protagonist will be a Beast Summoner/Tamer and pure Spellcaster type [Elementalist]. --There will be character growth and change, the book will have a realistic tone and approach. --This will be a slow paced story, things will develop little by little, with a good amount of details. P.P.S: If you want to join my discord, here's the link -- https://discord.gg/w2e25FtZgp P.P.P.S: The book cover is from Wong40k.

Aleth · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter-11 Inheritance

"The wealth I left behind, everything you lost, none of it matters, not even Sunbird. All that you see on this table; this is my true inheritance I left for you. This is our family's true inheritance," he said. "I have confidence in my setup. But in case I failed and you're not Ewan, I hope you take what's here and let my son go. You only need a drop of his blood to activate the artifact, you won't need him for anything beyond that. This is my plea; I hope you comply. If you harm him in any way though, you may come to live a life worse than death, I'll make sure of that."

Ewan chuckled. "It's me, Pa."

The audio remained quiet for a moment then resumed. "But I hope my plans succeeded and you're Ewan. I'll continue assuming that."

"The two booklets contain the spell circuits, <Contract > and <Identify >. Don't use the ones available for free out there, those are garbage. Even the ones you pay for can't compare to our family's spell circuits. Our ancestors, generation after generation, researched and created them. Our <Contract > spell circuit boasts a hundred percent success rate, while our <Identify > has a database that all our ancestors enriched with their knowledge."

As far as Ewan's memory went, their family was no more. His maternal relatives were a dime a dozen, they'd even crowded that roomy funeral hall. But he had no paternal relatives left. His father mentioned his grandpa and grandma sometimes, that they died when he was mere a teen. But that was about it. Beyond the bits of fond memories he recounted, Ewan knew nothing about them.

"I've left you three Astylinds, the two eggs and the seed. With your aptitude, you should have enough soul essence to contract them all at once, I'm confident. They're in a suspended state, so you'll need a lot of blood to awaken them."

The tape went silent again for a few seconds. "They don't need your blood, anyone's will work." He almost sounded flustered.

"The seed and the blue egg are descendants of my own Astylinds, they're my gift to you. While the white egg is handed down in our family, it's a special Astylind. On Airadia, and maybe even in the whole universe, only our family has it now, our forefathers made sure of that. You'll get a memory inheritance if you initiate the contract process with it, so I won't go into details. But I'll warn you, this Astylind is a double-edged sword. Our ancestors prospered because of it, and they died because of it. Even if it didn't have anything to do with their deaths, it still played a role in it."

He heaved a deep sigh and continued, "I hope you skip it, don't contract it. But I'll leave the final decision to you. Whatever you choose, I'll support you. If you do decide to contract it, use your spirit not the spell."

"Aside from the Astylinds, I've left you a special spell circuit inside the claw-ring. My father, your grandpa, envisioned the idea and created the framework. And I completed it and used it to build myself up. The details you'll find in its book. It's my finest creation, I know you'll be proud. Haha."

The tape continued. "As for the claw-ring, it's also a legacy handed down in our family. It's a storage artifact. I've sealed up most of its space so you can use it too. Once your soul is strong enough, you can push the seal back. You can also increase its size using other storage artifacts and materials."

"That will be all. I leave everything up to you now. I hope it helps you with whatever you want to do. One last thing. Whatever happens in the future, always remember that you are and will forever be my son. It's a fact that no one can change. No matter what you do, what you become, that won't change."

After a bit of silence, he resumed, "I had the DNA test done to confirm that. HAHAHA!"

Ewan laughed, his eyes getting misty. Even in the face of death, his father never lost his perverted sense of humor. 


The well-timed jest ended the audio, and Ewan sat with his head down and his eyes closed. Once he half-digested everything, he stood up and pocketed the player. His Pa asked him to destroy the tape and the player, but he didn't want to do it. His Pa's voice was his crutch, and he wasn't ready to give it up. He knew the risks he was taking, but he didn't want to relent on this. Once he became a Severynth, he could keep this player and the rest of the audio in the claw-ring, only death could separate it from him at that point. And once he died, he wouldn't care about someone finding out the secret anyway. 

For the other items on the table, he left the claw-ring and the Astylinds as they were and grabbed the books before heading out—he couldn't use them before his soul awakened, they were safer here. Now, he needed to practice the new spell circuits.

Once back in the shed, he closed the door and took out the key. Without it, the door seams vanished. The wall smoothened with not a gap in sight, except for the hole for the key.

Hours went by as evening approached.

The chores of the house eluded him with the genuine excuse of his arm, so he just fed the baby monkey and practiced drawing the spell circuits on his notebook for the day. He'd practiced the ones on the public site before, but these two were far more complex. And by sundown, the continuous practice hammered him with a brain-splitting headache. So, he stopped and went up to the balcony with the baby monkey in his arm. 

He sat there, relaxed, his legs stretched on the recliner. His left hand surged with waves of pain, but he learned to ignore it.

Gentle wind caressed his face, his neck, his shoulders. The baby monkey hugged his finger and looked at him with his black beady eyes, his large nostrils steaming from time to time. The tiny blob of orange fire on his forehead flickered with the wind, but it flamed stronger than ever. With the nutrients in, his limbs now looked stronger. He still couldn't compare to his sibling, but he carried a healthier tone.

I should name him…

Ewan looked down at the baby monkey. 

"Orange?" He glanced at his fire and named him such. "Yeah, you'll be Orange from now on." Ewan beamed and finalized the monkey's name. The baby monkey, now named Orange, released two childish hoots, and buried his face in Ewan's palm, drooling all over his hand.