
Ashes to Glory: Odyssey of the White Demon

Though it is said that God can guide us on the right path, there has never been an instance where God has even cast a glance towards him, let alone provided guidance. As he, like any ordinary human, harbored regrets and unfulfilled desires. Therefore, one may question why he had to endure such a challenging existence. Sam Carlson, a vulnerable individual who constantly faced discrimination due to his uniqueness, met a tragic fate at the hands of a notorious gang member for an inconsequential reason. Nonetheless, death did not mark the end of Sam's journey. Sam, an unlikely beneficiary of divine intervention, finds himself reincarnated in a realm teeming with immortal cultivators, where he sets out on an unyielding quest for self-discovery and cultivation. As he accumulates profound wisdom and hones his formidable power, Sam's awe-inspiring renown reverberates not only across the mortal realm but resonates throughout all the celestial planes. As Sam traverses a perilous path, his adversaries match his wits and determination. Amidst the murky boundaries between morality, he confronts his own inner demons, challenging the boundaries of the newfound liberty he possesses. Countless secrets lie in wait. ... Tags: [Transmigration],[Cultivation],[Martial Arts],[Fantasy],[Adventure],[Magic],[Immortality],[Strong Protagonist],[Power Struggles],[Divine Beings],[Secret Techniques],[Inner Demons],[Beasts],[Epic Battles],[Ancient Secrets],[Sects/Factions],[System],[Fantasy],[Mythology],[Witchcraft and Wizardry],[Shapeshifters],[Vampires and Werewolves],[Angels and Demons],[Fairies and Elves],[Dragons and other mythical creatures],[Necromancy and Undead],[Gods and Goddesses]. [A/N: If the rightful owner of this cover image wishes for its removal, please feel free to contact me. I do not claim ownership of this image.]

Sam_OverPowered · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 7: A World of Fusion and Potential

The Celestial nine-tailed frostfire monkey looked at its future master, who was deeply engaged in a practice known as cultivation. It had been almost three hours since the master began practicing a technique called the vortex of the nine heavens Art. Surprisingly, within this short period, the master had already advanced to the second level of the Qi refinement realm.

This progress occurred at an astonishing speed, comparable to the average rate at which cultivators in the Spiritual realm achieve their advancements.

In the world of cultivation, there are six different realms: the Mortal Plane, Higher Plane, Spiritual Realm, Transcendental Realm, Celestial Realm, and Divine Realm.

Sam currently resides in the Mortal Plane, which is considered the weakest realm of all. Cultivators in this realm possess the lowest level of power and ability.

Many cultivators in this realm have been rejected from the Higher Planes and Spiritual Realms due to their limited potential or weaknesses. Some have even experienced their potential being destroyed, leaving them crippled and unable to progress, causing them to be regarded as insignificant.


<Achievement Unlocked: Initiation into the Realm of Cultivation>

<Reward: Frost Lotus Blossom Blade>

After some time, Sam opened his eyes with excitement visible on his face. "So this is what cultivation feels like?" he commented, his fist tightening. "It's quite captivating."

Observing the monkey beside him, Sam decided to form a Spiritual Beast pact with it. Following the instructions provided by the system, he gently placed a small droplet of his blood on the monkey's forehead. As he did so, he felt a peculiar energy leaving his body and merging with the energy emitted by the monkey.

He observed the convergence of these energies, forming a thread of energy that connected their spiritual senses.

After successfully sealing the deal, the monkey erupted in jubilation and firmly held onto Sam's hand. Sam, completely overpowered by the monkey's unexpected strength, realized that resistance was futile. It turned into a comical encounter between an ordinary mortal and a superpowered simian!


<Congratulations, You have successfully formed a spiritual beast pact with the Celestial Nine-Tailed Frostfire Monkey.>

<Reward: +3 Direction Tokens>

With a satisfied grin on his face, Sam looked at the rewards before him as if they were the most delicious pizza on a Friday night. His eyes fell upon the shiny object he obtained from the system—a blade that deserved a grander title, perhaps "the Great Katana of Awesomeness."

This extraordinary katana extended into the distance, featuring a hilt shimmering with a mix of blue and gold, reminiscent of a flashy outfit worn by a rapper at a disco. The blade itself was so pristine and sharp that it could effortlessly slice through a mountain of vegetables for a gourmet salad. If Sam could find the right words to describe it, they would undoubtedly be something like "incredibly magnificent."

[Item Name: Frost Lotus Blossom Blade

Type: Weapon

Grade: Earth Grade]

Sam stored his katana in the inventory system and accessed his status screen.


[The Divine Guidance System]

[Host: Sam Achilles Balaur]

[Status: Isekai'd For The Second Time, Awakened]

[Titles: The Blessed One]

[LifeSpan: 18/90]

[Profession: Jobless]

[Class: None]

[Cultivation: 2nd Level of the Qi Refinement Realm]

[Qi Cultivation Method: The Vortex of the Nine Heavens Art]

[Body Cultivation Method: The Crystal Frostfall Body Tempering Art]

[Physique: Immortal Sovereign Heavenly Physique]

[Bloodline: Frozen Abyssal Dragon Bloodline]

[Abilities: Dragon Transformation, Cryokinesis (Racial)]

[Direction Tokens: 8]

[Items: Frost Lotus Blossom Blade]


To his surprise, Sam noticed significant changes within the system, particularly in the titles section, where he discovered a new title: "The Blessed One."

He contemplated extensively, seeking answers, even from the system, regarding the new title, but received no response. Eventually, he gave up his efforts.

"System, use one Direction Token," Sam commanded.

<You used a Direction Token!>

He became aware of an arrow appearing in his field of vision, urging him to move in its direction. With the monkey by his side, he started walking towards the arrow.

[After Five hours]

As Sam approached the edge of the forest, he caught a glimpse of its nearing end. With each step, the arrow within his field of vision disappeared, giving way to the radiant afternoon sun. Its warm rays enveloped him, indicating his exit from the dense woods.

He witnessed an expansive city sprawling as far as his eyes could see, resembling a modern urban metropolis familiar to him from his time on Earth.

Sam observed cultivators soaring above the city, dressed in a captivating blend of tradition and modernity. Some wore customary robes, exuding ancient wisdom, while others sported hoodies and t-shirts, reflecting a more contemporary choice.

This fusion of clothing styles intrigued Sam, symbolizing the harmonious coexistence of traditional cultivation practices and modern advancements. The cultivators seemed eager to bridge the gap between the past and present, embracing ancestral wisdom alongside the conveniences of modern technology.

The cultivators' attire, featuring hoodies and t-shirts, hinted at a profound shift in their craft. It showcased their adaptability and openness to new ideas, blending timeless teachings with the ever-evolving possibilities of the present. This juxtaposition revealed the potential for progress and tradition to coexist, fostering a tapestry of diverse perspectives and approaches.

Sam found himself captivated by this cultural fusion and the boundless opportunities it presented. It sparked his curiosity, kindling a desire to explore the intricate world of cultivation, where ancient wisdom and contemporary innovation intertwined to shape a new era of possibilities.'

He continued his exploration deeper into the city.

Given his lack of familiarity with the surroundings, Sam decided to take a different direction in order to find his way.

<You used a Direction Token!>

As he walked, Sam followed the direction indicated by an arrow in his line of sight. However, he couldn't help but notice that the people in the city were casting strange glances at him. Some even appeared afraid or uneasy in his presence.

Along his path, he passed by various familiar establishments like restaurants and shops, although they seemed more spacious than he had expected. The city wasn't as densely packed as he had imagined.

Sam also encountered numerous individuals with powerful auras, clearly skilled cultivators. Whenever they noticed Sam, their expressions shifted to a mix of alertness and caution, which he interpreted as a heightened sense of awareness.