
Ashes of Lucky

"life is like a dick it get hard sometimes without any reason, maybe an equation hard to solve but easy to read...it's fun cause I think mine is Logarithmic one"

lilacsancho · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 5: UNKNOWN

Early one hour before the time of the wedding, Hazel and Milley arrived at Visk Hotel they debated whether to go in or wait for the actual time as to perform their mission. They decided to just wait in the car because Hazel was a bit nervous and needed to calm down for a while.

" I can't belief this is her doing "Hazel wondered "I mean,she should just call off the wedding right?....she is rich, she got nothing to lose....unless she wanna destroy the groom?....OMG! she is doing this for vengeance "

Milley roll her eyes towards exhausting nervous Hazel " Hazelnut , don't exaggerate...We all know how Chloe is, probably she just needs some attention and decided to create some drama for Sympathy...so she can sell her wardrobe or something "

"Yah, Chloe likes to be center of attention, your right, remember those times when she desperately wanted to befriend you..." Hazel seem to be relaxed a little " because you were a newbie high school girl " Hazel laugh when she remembered the old memories

" stop laughing, am not proud on what I did back then...though she deserved it" Milley can't help but laugh along as she remember " I mean she can't just walk over you like that, she look down on you so, i did a payback for you "

"by stealing her fake boobs.... My your such a bitch, the girl was humiliated the all prom"

"Oh yah!....Am a bad guy....Duh..." They both giggle at that " I think you gonna be just fine now that your relaxed"

" You just brought me back from my interested days and now your taking me to my darkplace "

"Hey! come on, when your there just think,like your an actress in a movie theatre.....good thing,.. nobody can see your face. " Silence take place for a while, both try to buy some time and ,Now that the clock is ticking Milley was the one who's becoming nervous about all of this, " Hazel, now I think we should just leave and do something else , I suspect Chloe is up to something" she started the engine as to drive away

"wait what are you doing, I got this. I don't think Chloe is that clever, besides this is all a show ,am acting there....Oh! it's gonna be fun..see you half an hour later " with that she get out of the car and leave Milley alone with a strange look on her face.

"Wooow....she's becoming surprisingly good "

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Once she get out of the car, she was excited like a teenage girl who's going to step on stage performance, she walked with confidence , she step into elevator then started humming a song of 'Billie Eilish-Bad guy'. She feels like the song is going to boost her confidence at that time.

She step out of the elevator and take out her phone to check the room number were the bride was being dolled up. she start walking in search of the room.

At the end of the long corridor the door opened, And there stands Chloe, elegant as always, she call out for her " Lady come this way" Hazel wonder if Milley told Chloe that she's the one ,who's doing the job. Hazel follow her inside the and she was stunning by the room big beautiful with most very expensive furniture, this is literally her dream room her eyes can't help but wonder around at the accessories.

she was forced to stop wondering with her eyes and continue to follow her" Look the ceremony is about to start,...Umm..can you please make this very real as possible " she turned and stopped again " can you do it with in 6min , am about to pass out am exhausted..and " the sound of the bell made them run through the secret pass way so as to reach the hall in time.

By the time Hazel reachs the door she was breathing heavily, she tried to relax but the door swing open and there she was staring down at the floor, panick started to have it way to the peak of her mind.

O My....Shit! this is really happening she was prepared, how come she can't move nor stop staring at the floor. She can handle this right?....who was she kidding, she definitely can handle a little act . she was actually trying to consult herself right that moment the violin started to play louder.

The sound of violin somehow boosted her up as she started to walk down the aisle her head held high ,she picture the groom as sponge Bob her favourite cartoon and magically she gain her confidence ' so this is easy sponge Bob ' Hazel thought to herself .

When she reaches the altar she try to download her lines which she has been practising, but she got nothing, only thing that left is to follow her mind what tells her to do.

When the door opened again and Chloe stood there she try to find words that can be used and she started talking randomly as an idea come when she saw the small baby blanket which she didn't realise she was carrying until now "Sorry for the interruption , I...first of all ,am here to take my husband home ( crowd started to murmur to themselves).... Yah I know, he married me for over a year, and .....i....i got pregnant (pretending to wap a fake tears) but the baby didn't make....it..(sobbing) Am sorry..please donn leave me.... I will do better....in fact am pregnant right now....(sobbing hard) I promise to give you an heir... it's baby boy..."

And after saying that she was suprised at how many reporters were there, asking questions while getting closer to her and how many people were there watching her. A while ago she just blocked people and only focus to the things her mind seem to creat but now that spell has been broken and she can't see any sponge Bob, but she can see the flashlight and noises.

Suddenly she was dragged outside by one of the bodyguards and she was taken to the private elevator that will send her directly to the garage were Milley was waiting for her , before the door closed she received a cheque from the bodyguard ,as she take the cheque he turned and left.

Finally Hazel was in the car with Milley driving home, seated there but still process what she did at the ceremony, it work Yes. but she did not feel good at all ,especially after receiving the cheque. Something doesn't feel right, she was about to talk when her phone beeped with notification ,she checked it and saw that it was a transaction successful. What is this because she never gave any one her bank account , could it be her dady.

"Milley, did you gave my bank account to anyone?"She ask with a frown

"No , why asking that?"

" I just received balance in my account with huge amount of money and it's scary" she start to feel like it could be a trap from the police. FBI's in the movies they use to trap fraud or , Is she not a fraud? NO...it could be her father but how is that even possible. she was in her quizzes mind again, until she heard Milley's voice

" It could not be your Dad. right?,.... Listen why don't we just calm down and give the caretaker call to ask about your father....Ey can we do that?"

"am calling her now."

Before the call go through, she received a message from the unknown person telling her good job, what job ? Aanha the unknown discreet client, wait this person also wanted to ruin the same wedding. what on earth.

" Hey, Hazel what is it , your staring and do nothing.....Something wrong?"

"Yah,....I mean No, nothing is wrong, but do you remember the unknown client, I think he also wanted to ruin the the wedding...this wedding "

" wait, your confusing me , take me back..."

" Ok,...so the unknown person didn't actual say anything, he only tell me the adress and it turns out to the same address as the wedding took place so i figured , maybe he wanted me to ruin the wedding and...." Milley who seem not to understand asked" how could you draw that conclusion ".

Hazel raised her phone to her "So he texted me a good job and he say he send me money i should check my account , could that not meant this "

"We're going to see through this tomorrow. But for now I could really use a drink, we're going to the club right now"

" Yah, I really need to know who's this unknown person and I need a drink too...so let's go "

Milley made a U-turn and take the high way to the club's direction. While Hazel made a call to the caretaker so she can check how her Dad is doing and everything else.