
Asher Reborn

Asher, a royal vampire was killed by his brothers and he reincarnated on Earth. Before his death in the celestial world, he was sealed with three sealing arrays by a witch, sealing his powers and memories. He is now on Earth, how can he survive without his powers in a world filled with mages capable of destroying continents, without his memories about his purpose on Earth. Unknown to him, he is reincarnated on Earth to complete a task that would determine the fate of everyone, he is tasked with the destruction of the Phoenix, a mythical creature that would aid the defeated Primodial being in the destruction of the celestial world and Earth. This is the story of a royal Vampire, burdened with the fate of millions of creatures as he protects family, fight enemies and love ladies.

Emma08 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 11: The Father with a temper.

" You dare to kill Hashar!" The witch in a green suit shouted as he stood up from the ground, he removed his green jacket and he threw it a few metres away from him.

" You still don't know who I am, you are really young and impulsive." The demon said after eating Hashar's heart, he turned to look at the other witch with pity on his face.

" I don't know! But it doesn't matter, you will die soon enough." The witch said.

" You should know, I am Xander, they call me Xander the demon gem." Xander said with a big smile on his face.

" Well, I am Gori." Gori said as he made hand movements as he casted a spell. Gori finally casted his spell and a dark tornado moved towards Xander at a horrifying speed, Xander ran forward to collide with the tornado head-on. As the tornado hit Xander, a loud screeching sound was heard as dust went up where Xander collided with the tornado. A few seconds later, Xander jumped out of the dust and he slashed his claws at Gori after he landed close to him, but Gori already expected this as he conjured a dark element shield that stopped Xander's claws. Xander retracted his hand and he swung his other hand at Gori but he also blocked it, Gori dispelled the shield and he punched Xander's chest with his fist that dark energy was concentrated on. Xander just moved backwards a few steps and he quickly caught Gori's hand and he pulled him towards him. Gori tried to escape his iron grip but he couldn't before Xander slashed his claws at Gori's neck. Gori's head immediately left his body as blood spurted from his headless neck, Xander released the body and he reached for a white handkerchief in his pocket. He cleaned blood off his cloth with the handkerchief and he threw it to the ground before walking away as he hummed a song.

Asher and Toni already reached Toni's house and Asher was explaining what happened to Shawn, he couldn't tell him that Xander is a demon because Shawn would ask him how he recognized a demon and he didn't have a good explanation.

" What did you see?" Shawn asked.

" There was this man that approached us and he looked dangerous so Asher didn't allow the man to harm us, but two other men appeared." Toni responded.

" They just appeared, like they just appeared out of nowhere." Toni added.

" Like teleportation." Asher said.

" They didn't follow you here?" Shawn asked.

" No." Asher responded and Shawn sat down as he thought about the situation, maybe the witches are not dark witches but he couldn't confirm that, he has to check it out as soon as possible.

" I have to go check it out." Shawn said as he stood up.

" Stay here, three of you." Shawn said and he walked to the door.

" I want to go with you." Sarah suddenly said.

" No Sarah, I can't let you come with me." Shawn said firmly.

" It might get dangerous." Shawn added.

" That's a good reason for me to follow you." Sarah responded quickly.

" Okay, let's go." Shawn said and he led the both of them out of the house.

" When you see anything strange, quickly call us." Shawn said before he walked out his house.

" Asher, there is something you are not saying?" Toni asked Asher after her parents left the house.

" What's that?" Asher asked as he found a seat.

" Why did you say that the man that stopped our kiss is dangerous?" Toni asked Asher.

" I have always felt things like that and they are always accurate." Asher said with a smile.

" Really?"

" Yes."

" Speaking about the kiss, why don't we continue. We have the whole house to ourselves." Toni said with a mischievous smile as she sat on Asher's leg, without waiting for Asher's response, she kissed Asher. Asher was already used to her forwardness so he just kissed her back, her lip felt so soft on his. Toni wrapped her hands around Asher's neck, pulling him closer to her while Asher held her waist as he pulled Toni closer to him. When Toni's tongue touched Asher's tongue, a jolt of pleasure went through both of their bodies and Toni shivered against Asher's body. Asher dipped his tongue into Toni's mouth and Toni's tongue also moved around Asher's body, both of their tongues were engaged in an intense dance. Asher moved his left hand to grab Toni's breast, the softness of Toni's breast surprised Asher so much that he pressed the breast and Toni whimpered in response. Asher moved his same hand to rub both of her breasts and Toni kissed him harder as Asher pressed her breasts. Asher separated the kiss to catch his breath and he saw Toni's swollen lip and he smiled.

" You are really nasty." Asher said.

" You too." Toni said and she kissed Asher again, Asher felt her hot breath on his face and he felt that shirt was unbuttoned. Toni unbuttoned every button on Asher's shirt before yanking the shirt off and she cut the kiss to look at Asher's toned body.

" This is great." Toni gasped as she stared intently at Asher's body before placing her hand on his chest then she traced Asher's chest with her fingers.

" Your body really looks great." Toni said.

" I would take that as a compliment." Asher responded and he placed his lips on Toni's neck before kissing Toni's earlobe. Toni threw her head backwards in pleasure as Asher kissed her earlobe. Asher took Toni's top off and he saw her breasts covered with a brown bra. Asher gasped as he saw her breasts and he tried to remove her bra but he couldn't, he simply didn't know how to.

" You don't know how to do it." Toni said as she chuckled.

" Yes, help me princess." Asher said with a smile and Toni removed the bra. Asher's eyes almost fell from its sockets as Toni's breasts spilled into his hands after the bra was removed. But before he could do anything else, the door opened before Shawn and Sarah walked in, both of them couldn't believe their eyes.

" F*ck!" Toni shouted as he quickly covered her breasts with her hands and she ran into her room, leaving Asher with her bra on his lap, his shirt opened and his lips swollen and Toni's top just beside him.

" Why didn't we lock the door?" Asher whispered as he stared at Toni's parents.

Thirty minutes later, Asher already got to Lauren's house.

" What happened to your face?" Lauren asked Asher as she noticed her swollen lips and bruised face.

" Nothing." Asher replied.

" Nothing? At least you should lie properly." Lauren said.

" Okay, I was training with Shawn and he kicked my ass." Asher lied through his teeth.

" I thought Shawn told me that you would start training tomorrow." Lauren said and Asher face palmed inwardly.

" So you're lying again." Lauren added and Asher walked into his room, ignoring Lauren. Getting to his room, he remembered what happened at Shawn's house, after Shawn caught him making out with his half naked daughter. He did what protective fathers with a temper did, he beat Asher up and he didn't even beat him fairly, he used magic. He carried Asher out and he froze him to the ground as he hit him but he was later saved by Sarah, Asher heard Sarah say that Shawn also did that before they got married. Shawn later released him and he ran far away from the angry father.

" Shawn is really unreasonable." Asher said, comforting himself.

Asher laid on his bed as his bruises healed swiftly, but as his head touched the pillow, a scene appeared in his eyes. He saw a burning house that looked like Lauren's house and he saw people running around to get rid of the fire but they couldn't get rid of the fire, then Asher in the vision walked towards the house and he saw different witches flying away from the house then he saw himself crying over a body. When he moved closer, he saw himself crying over Toni's body, he saw that her neck was slashed and he could see her throat dangling out of the cut, Asher gasped and he looked to his side in the vision and he saw a man with pitch black eyes and a big smile on his face. Asher jerked off his bed immediately the vision cleared out of his eyes, he looked around and he saw that he was the only one in his room. The vision just like the others he had seen felt so real, but this one scared him so much because it involves someone he knows, someone he loves. Asher quickly stood up and he decided to check on Toni.