
Ashen Flames

*Hello, sorry for not updating, I will be reworking this story into something else due to some inspiration* A story of a young woman as she explores this fantasy world where she will witness multiple other realms and dimensions and learns how the world works. Following in her trail is an inferno of white flames where ashes continuously fall with every step. Will this person continue walking the path of danger, or fall along the way. Like a phoenix arising from their Ashes, will this individual Rise to become a Flame who's power is acknowledged throughout the realms as corruption spreads across the lands and monsters who have achieved cataclysmic levels of power descend upon their birth soil. A world that will become a scorched wasteland will show the resolve of its protectors.

En_Kai · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 26: Intense Beat Down

Aaron landed roughly on the wall of the barrier, slumped down into a sitting position while his spear landed far away from him. Standing up, Aaron looked at his father who started coating himself in mana, dashing straight for him. Aaron's mana was disturbed due to the recent hits he took, while it didnt hurt, it still shocked him. Not prepared, Max sent another punch straight at his son, smashing him back against the wall, Max then sent a barrage of punches at Aaron, causing him to cough. "Focus son, adventuring is dangerouse and requires quick thinking and acting on the spot" Aaron focused after his father said this and slammed his right foot on the barrier, putting all of his focus on his right leg, once Aarons leg made contact he pushed off the wall and sent a roundhouse kick straight at his father. Max was surprised at this and coated his left arm with mana, taking the hit, he was sent skidding a few feet away. "Impressive, keep it up" said Max who ran in a zig-zag back towards Aaron. Max sent a left hook, aiming at Aarons temple, Aaron ducked and weaved. Going into a half-lunge, Aaron did a big upper cut, Max saw this and moved his head slightly, dodging by an inch. Aarons outstretched arm allowed Max to perform a high-knee, connecting with Aarons jaw, this sent him flying towards another wall…again. The collision picked up a lot of dust, Aaron was in a daze, dizzy and wobbling he took a fighting stance. 

Max circulated his mana around his body, he jumped up to the roof of the barrier, then launched himself to the barrier wall to Aarons left. Once he made contact with his right foot, Max launched himself at Aaron, performing a right hook, this connected to Aarons jaw, sending him spinning towards the other side of the barrier. Max did not let Aaron off, he dashed to the direction Aaron was sent flying. Max managed to overtake Aarons flight and prepared to send another kick at his abdomen. 'Crap, Dad is taking this seriously.' Aaron fought the urge to faint, acting like he had no control of his body, Aaron controlled his body to set up a counter towards his dads next attack. This took all of his concentration and mana control, circulating his mana to twist and turn his body. When it was time for him the get kicked again, Aaron performed a drop kick, this connected to his lower left jaw and moved into his shoulder, Max however moved himself a little to avoid a lot of the damage. While Aaron was successful, his dad landed his kick on Aarons leg, albeit the power behind it decreased due to his recent dodge. This sent Max to the ground and Aaron spinning and also crashing on the ground. The both of them however stood up almost immediately. Max was faster due to his experience and sending his mana towards his back, blasting it and getting back onto his feet almost immediately. While Aaron was trying to stand up, Max sent another roundhouse straight into Aarons left temple…again. Sending him crashing into the barrier wall that was a couple feet away. With the amount of times Aaron was sent into the wall, The Guild should make their field and array bigger. Aaron ricocheted back into his original spot, he however didnt compose himself and received a left hook from his father, sending him into the wall on the other side of the barrier…again. 

Due to all the trauma, Aaron managed to achieve an extreme flow state, his thinking was much faster and his mana control was much better, instead of being shocked about his state and what just happened, Aaron used his Blood Ocean manual to make a sort of substitute energy, healing his body at an extreme rate, he was not able to do this before. It however had its drawbacks, he consumed over half of his total mana, leaving him with very little left. However he didn't notice one thing, 3 months prior, he couldnt increase his mana capacity, he asked his mother and did a lot of research, finding out that there was a limit to the amount of mana one could hold. He did however find out that once you reach this cap it was possible to break through it, however it was extremely difficult. While his mana pool increased in capacity, he didnt regain any mana but rather expended it at an extreme rate. Another thing he didnt notice was that he obtained a new skill orb, relating to his flow state. Once Aaron landed, he locked his eyes on his spear, with greater mana control and focus, he made an angry dash towards it, picking it up.

Older Brother: Aaron Revera

Age: 13

Stats: Vitality: 1,101 Mana: 140,000

Strength: C 12 Endurance: C 23 Agility: C 19 Core: D 95

Charisma: 9 Wisdom: 7 Fate: 0 Will: 12 Luck: 8

Abilities: Boiling Blood

Affinity: Blood

Skills: Advanced Mana Control, Intermediate Mana Manifestation, Intermediate Necessity magic, Intermediate Spear Mastery, Advanced Close Combat, Intermediate Mana Coating, Intermediate Mana Density, Intermediate Affinity Imbuement, Advanced Movement Skill, Initial Flow State

Technique: Blood Ocean