

Ashanti grows up with her father a widower because Ashanti's mother passed on when she was only 3. Ashanti is sent to Lalania to her Aunt Mrs. Marianah Norman so that she could be groomed into a woman or be taught how a house wife should behave i.e to be taught how to knit clothes and how to handle and take care of the house as a house wife. While in Lalania, she learns of her father's murder and about her inheritance of the Freeman Enterprises. She then finds love in her prince charming Vial with whom they explore the world with in quest for retaining what rightfully belongs to her and her late father.

Vialbanks_ug · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Meeting Her Aunt Marianah Norman

Mrs. Rodman didn't know that telling her about aunt's visit would hurt her feelings. She had met Mrs. Norman, Ashanti's aunt earlier that day in town. And she told her about her visit to the Rodmans to meet her niece Ashanti.

"Good night, Ashanti," Mrs. Rodman told Ashanti expecting a reply but didn't get one.

She didn't mind so much about it because she knew how kids behave especially when they are paranoid. Ashanti needed some time to process everything.

She had started liking the Rodman family and would feel more comfortable staying with them than with strangers she had never met although they were her true family bloodline. She sat on her bed trying to think things out. She was worried that she might be going to a family with very strict rules, since she heard rumors while she was still in Osborne that her aunt, Mrs. Marianah Norman was a very principled woman with her own rules and regulations. And that she was one of the most out spoken, respected and feared ladies in Lalania. Besides that, she was also a fastidious woman.

Mrs. Rodman thought it best to go and talk to her so that she would calm down and take things easy.

"Hello..... can I come in," Mrs. Rodman called on Ashanti's room door.

"It's open anyway," she answered, which meant that she had given Mrs. Rodman a green light to getting in.

"What's bothering you? You left the dinning when you had not finished your dinner with your moods off," she asked.

"It's just radiculus that I'm feeling bad about going to them yet they are my family. I really feel like not leaving you guys," she cried.

"That shouldn't bother you. You can ask her to let you live with us a bit longer. And perhaps, even if you go to the Normans, you are always free to visit anytime you feel like," she assured Ashanti.

"Alright, that sounds like a plan. I will try talking to her when she comes and find out her thoughts and maybe decision," Ashanti smiled.

They were still vybing when they heard chariots rattle into the compound and finally a knock on the front door. Ashanti together with Mrs. Rodman went to check who was at the door. A tall well bodied man entered the house. Ashanti's heart bumped. Had Mrs. Marianah Norman sent someone to take her that night? He had a round hat, a black suit and with beards all over his cheeks.

She was still thinking when she heard Mrs. Rodman say, "welcome back darling."

She then learnt that it was Erasmus' merchant father. When he moved inside, Ashanti looked at him carefully and the resemblance was unmistakably that of Erasmus. When Ashanti arrived to Lalania, she had never seen him because she was told that he had gone on a business trip. She looked at Mr. and Mrs. Rodman exchange hugs and kisses and then loud bluff conversations on the success of Mr. Rodman's business trip.

Mrs. Rodman led her husband into the living room and then sat on the couch as Ashanti looked on furiously.

"Hectic business.... hectic business," Mr. Lauben Rodman lamented.

They were discussing about his business trip in certain.

"Indeed it is but the good thing is that you managed to complete it and returned home safe," Mrs. Rodman said.

"Not even a word or letter informing us that you were coming," She added.

Mr. Lauben Rodman cleared his throat and answered, "I wanted to make it a surprise for you and our son. By the way where is he?" Mr. Rodman asked.

"He is upstairs in his room and might be sleeping already," she answered.

Ashanti walked gently down the stairs to where Mr. and Mrs. Rodman were seated.

"Welcome home Mr. Rodman," she said.

"Thanks dear. Ooh wait! Are you the Freeman girl?" he exclaimed.

"Yes, I am Ashanti Sadiya Freeman," she answered.

"No need to explain yourself. I have heard about you several times, although the last time I saw you, you were 3. Your mom had just passed on. By then you were very little and I don't hope you even remember me," he said.

Lauben and Fabio were childhood friends who had gone to the same schools till their graduation from college. The Freemans and the Rodmans were family friends before even the birth of Ashanti's father and Lauben Rodman. So it meant that the friendship between the Freemans and the Rodmans had been passed on from their great great grandparents which also meant that it had lasted for0 centuries .

"After college, your father joined politics and was later appointed Ambassador to Osborne by the late president His Excellency Kerry Rollins. As for me, I ventured into business since I hated politics," he said.

"Btw how is your father doing?" he asked.

"He has been facing some challenges in the past weeks but I hope he is now alright," she replied.

"Good night Mr. Mrs. Rodman," she said and then headed back upstairs to her room leaving them still conversing in the living room.

"Does Marianah know that is in town and that she is staying with us?" Lauben asked.

"Yes she does. Infact she will be here for lunch tomorrow," Mrs. Rodman answered.

"That's good but I would love it if she stays here with our son Erasmus. And besides, is very horrific. Ashanti will and curse life and being in Lalania under the Norman roof," Lauben said.

"I also know it very well and I would love it if she stays with us, but her father instructed me to deliver her to Marianah who would nature her to a woman by teaching her the roles and responsibilities of a Lalanian woman, she hadn't gotten time to learn the Lalanian culture while in Osborne since her mom wasn't there to teach her," Mrs Rodman replied.

"I know, but you can teach her because you are also a woman and a mother too," Lauben said.

"We shall talk to Marianah later tomorrow and find out her thoughts. But for now go inside and freshen up and let's go to bed because it's late," she said.

In the morning, Ashanti was surveying her room with heavy curtains and blossom tree outside. The windows of her room were amazing since they had white wooden shatters that slide in majestically into the gaps on the wall on either sides. The shatters were paneled from the wood from Shiongo Equatorial Forest. The room had a large wardrobe/closet where she had put all her belongings. She then went into the bathroom to freshen up as she waited to meet her aunt for the first time since her birth. Or she might have met her during her childhood but couldn't remember since she was a baby then.

Erasmus was still asleep in his room when he heard a shout, "surprise."

On looking, he saw that it was his dad who was back.

"Dad! when did you come back?" he asked.

"I came back late in the night when you were already asleep. I didn't want to bother your sleep by waking you up," he replied.

"Welcome back dad!" Erasmus exclaimed.

"Home is now going to be fan with you around. Did you get me any presents on your trip?" he asked.

"Yes I did, freshen up and then go check out on the dressing table in my room, there is a small box for you," he answered.

"Go tell Ashanti that I would like to have a talk with her in the study," Lauben added on.

"Ok dad," Erasmus replied as he ran out of the room.

Lauben was in the study when Ashanti showed up. The study was very large, full of books, boxes and documents. Lauben was seated in behind the desk trying to observe some documents.

"Sorry to disturb you Mr. Rodman, Erasmus told me that you called for me," Ashanti said after entering the study.

"It's ok, I did send for you," he answered.

"It must have been hard for you growing up without a mother in Osborne," he said.

"It's so sad that my mom didn't live to see me grow, but I had my dad and Mr. Oliver where there for me," she replied.

"Ok, do you like it here or you would like to go to the Normans' house?" Lauben asked.

"I love it here and I would like to stay here for as long as I will stay here in Lalania. I know that Mrs. Marianah Norman is my family but I'm comfortable here," she answered.

"I will personally talk to Marianah that she can let you stay with us. Are you ready to go back to school? The next semester is almost beginning," he asked.

"Yes I will as long as I don't stay with the Normans," she answered.

She was still talking to Mr. Rodman when Erasmus' mother called her.

"Come over and help me prepare lunch," she said.

"Ok, Mrs. Rodman on my way," she said and then ran to the kitchen to meet Mrs. Rodman.

"I want you to help me tidyen the dinning table as I cook the food," Mrs. Rodman requested.

"On it Mrs. Rodman," she replied as she rushed to do as she was instructed.

At around 12pm, a chariot rattled up the street and turned into the entrance to the Rodman Residence. A woman climbed out. She wore a purple dress and carried a bag with her, all that Ashanti was watching through the porlaur windows and all she would see was her hat and a green flower on the front of it and silk brown hair leaking from underneath it. It was Marianah Norman she thought, Mrs. Rodman went out to welcome her. The bright bubble of delightfulness inside her closed. She felt cold and then immediately unwell. The woman disappeared up the staircase. Ashanti stood up very carefully, tiptoed across and finally walked silently upstairs. Then on the balcony upstairs. Just as she was turning to the corridor that headed to her room, she heard voices the stairs and she immediately stopped.

The two women were crossing to the living room.

She heard a high pitched womanish voice say, "I really want to meet my niece."

"That can't be Mrs. Rodman's voice," she thought.

And then silently said to herself, "that must be aunt Marianah's voice."

The hair on the back of Ashanti's neck rose as her tensity increased. Mrs. Rodman replied nothing to Mrs. Marianah Norman as footsteps moved on across. Then Ashanti heard the study door open.

"Welcome to my home Marianah. It's been a while since you last visited," Lauben's voice said.

"Thank you for the hospitality, Lauben," Mrs Marianah Norman replied.

Lauben and Marianah had known each other since childhood and were beyond friends. Should I say family?

"I have come here on the other business, Lauben, the matter of my brother Fabio's daughter," Mrs. Marianah Norman said.

Ashanti hung on the wall. She was trembling vividly. Then she heard footsteps coming her way. There was no emotion inside her because she was already frozen. She waited. Mr. Rodman came slowly but he was alone. He moved closer and then at her with a careful expression.

"Ashanti, your aunt Marianah is here and she requests the opportunity of a talk with you. Be strong and don't be afraid, just walk in and tell her what's on your mind," Lauben guided her. She nodded. Her throat was too dry to speak. She felt empty and remote as if this was happening to someone else. She walked through the corridor downstairs and she manovered on the stairs carefully, holding her dress in one hand and her back very straight.

Lauben opened the door for her but didn't go inside. Ashanti stopped as Lauben closed the door, leaving her alone with Mrs. Marianah Norman her aunt. Mrs. Norman was standing in front of the desk facing the door, still in her neither did she take it off when Ashanti came in. She had a pink face due to the weather and little brown eyes set far back as her hair spread down about her tiny little ears. Ashanti nervously rubbed her palm on her dress and then held out her hand to shake her aunt's. She ignored it. Ashanti bit her lip, feeling disappointed and dropped her hand back to her side.

Her aunt looked at then she said softly, "You look like your mother. I remember her very well and remember the scandals that she caused when she eloped with my brother and how she neglected her family. Your mother was Sadiya who arrogantly abandoned the home of her parents to take up my brother yet her family had insisted that she shouldn't marry him. She was so adventurous that she preferred going to Osborne to explore it that staying in her home country all her life time. Are you of the same character?" She asked.

Mrs. Marianah's words sounded like praises yet intermediating.

It took a moment for the words to impact on Ashanti's mind. She trembled again with anger.

"My mother travelled to Osborne with my father because she loved him. She believed she could help him best if she stayed by her side. And she did and he loved her for that and so did it," she answered.

"So what you father is indeed right," her aunt said.

"For your education in the behavior of women is indeed poor. Your mother was truly misguided and you must be lectured to understand that. A wife's rightful place in the eyes of God is not with her husband but in her home and country for it's her duty to take care of her home and even participate in it's development," she added.

Instantly, her mouth slipped shut and she looked at Ashanti closely. Ashanti's throat hurt too much to utter a word.

Ashanti heard Lauben angrily say, Did I hear that right? You preach against women who travel with their husbands? I must inform you that gone are the days when ladies left their wives behind as they travelled to distant places."

"I am well aware of that," Mrs. Marianah said.

"And my opinion is unuttered and shame on your wife for bringing an impudent to Lalania. For it is holy will also that a daughter remain in the place where she was raised to prove the support a parent in declining years," she added on.

"I can't accept that," Lauben said.

Marianah turned impatiently away from him and Ashanti found that she was looking at her.

"The delay in sending you to Lalania is extremely remarkable, extremely bravo indeed! And no doubt your father found out that he was not competent enough to the burden of parental responsibilities. He thinks it to transfer the burden to others, so his daughter who by divine ordinance is his foremost responsibility becomes a burden on another household. And why this abrupt decision to send you to Lalania?" Mrs. Marianah cautioned.

Ashanti looked worriedly at Lauben, but Lauben was looking at Marianah. Mrs. Marianah looked at Lauben with a glace before speaking again.

"How prosperous is your father? Is he alright? He boasted enough before he went and made his empire in that horrible country of Osborne that he even refused to come back home," she asked.

Ashanti didn't expect to find her aunt so bitter as she was. She had come to confirm that all the rumours about her were 90 per cent true. She was so barbaric and horrible that Ashanti wanted to puke on hearing every word she uttered against her father and mother.

"My brother is a hard nut to crack, he might be facing problems that's why he let you come to Lalania. He has been like that since his childhood," she said. "Now, you can tell me what is really happening?" she asked.

Lauben had to come in and intervene, "hey Marianah! Are you trying to interrogate you niece?" he asked.

"Please learn how to handle kids for just once," he added.

Ashanti ran out of the study in tears leaving Lauben and her aunt alone in the study.

"It's ok if you don't want to be with her. She can still stay with us because it's what she also wants. The good thing is that Fabio is like a brother to me. It will do me no harm if I keep his daughter with me," he said.

"I wasn't being rude to her. I was just asking because I am curious about my brother. And perhaps it will be fine to me if she stays anywhere she likes," Mrs. Marianah Norman said.

She had given the Rodmans a go ahead on Ashanti staying with them.

They then walked out of the study and went to the living room. Lauben left his wife and Mrs. Marianah Norman to discuss their own issues as ladies while her headed upstairs. He went to Ashanti's room to see if she was there but she wasn't there. He also went ahead and checked in the play room where she usually played with Erasmus but she wasn't there neither. He then headed to Erasmus' room where he found Erasmus alone.

"Have you seen Ashanti?" he asked.

"No dad. What's the problem?" he asked.

"It's nothing son, continue with whatever you are doing," he said and then walked out of the room.

Where is this girl?" he chuckled.

Something came in his mind that he should go and check out side or in the gardens. He went out through the back door to check for her. He saw Ashanti seated on a swing all taken up in thoughts after what she heard from her aunt. Lauben moved close and sat next to her then touched her head.

"I can't imagine the words that my aunt said," she cried.

"She was very bitter on my mother and my coming to Lalania," she added.

"My daughter, let that not bother you. She said all that out of anger but she didn't actually mean," he said to her.

"Just calm down, dry your tears and think about the most important thing or the best thing that has ever happened to you since your birth. Calm down, clear your mind and everything will be fine after all. I have good news for you after you have calmed down," he said.

Ashanti tried to do everything as she had been instructed to see if there would be a change in her moods.

"Ashanti don't let those words put you down. I know you are a strong girl who can fight and resist any weakness that comes your way," she silently started advising herself.

After sometime of relaxing and calming herself down, Mrs. Rodman her and Lauben to join the rest of the family for lunch. They had a silent lunch without anyone say a word. Mrs. Marianah Norman considered it a bad habit if one spoke while eating. Erasmus left the dinning after having his lunch meal leaving Ashanti, his father, mother and Mrs. Marianah Norman all alone at the dinning because they wanted to have a final decision about Ashanti's custody.

"We are currently having issues back home and I myself sick and can't take the responsibility of taking care of you and schooling you at the moment. I am in no condition to have visitors in my house. Forget about all that happened earlier. I will call you after I fully recover from my illness but for now, you will stay with the Rodmans," she said.

"Thanks aunt Marianah," she said with a smile on her face to her aunt for the first time since their encounter.

She went and hugged her then she departed. Ashanti heard her footsteps outside and her voice as she ordered her rider and then sounds from the wheels of the chariot.

Ashanti didn't know what to say. She want to go and hug Lauben but she didn't. She couldn't believe that her aunt had let her stay with the Rodmans. Tears of joy started rolling down her cheeks. She had been given what she wished for. She whispered a thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Rodman, picked up her dress and ran upstairs to share the wonderful news with Erasmus also.

"Erasmus ! guess what," she said with a smile and her voice full of joy.

"Hmmm," Erasmus puzzled.

"Come on tell me Ashanti," he pleaded.

I am staying. My aunt has let me stay," she revealed the good news to him.

"What!" he exclaimed.

"You are staying with us? How wonderful," he added on as they started chasing themselves out of joy.

Mrs. Rodman on the other hand was one of the happiest people on learning about Ashanti's stay with them. She had feared sending Ashanti the bright exotic flower to the Norman household. Of course it was the rightful decision that Ashanti stays with the Rodmans. She had seen Ashanti as fine as a priceless treasure. How could anyone compare her with her silly aunt or member of her household. Ashanti was infact better than them by far. Just that she needed a little bit of mother/womanish care to guide her in womanly ways. Mrs. Rodman made sure that she gave Ashanti her time to improve on her because she had already learnt most things despite the fact that she grew up with her father only. Ashanti listened to everything that Mrs. Rodman would tell her. Mrs. Rodman even explained to her the culture and practices of the ancient Lalanians and even the Freemans themselves because they were one of the greatest families in Lalania that's why they were feared and respected countrywide in Lalania.

As if there were any spare hours in a day! Mrs. Marianah Norman did not send a message for almost one and a half months. But over those six weeks, Ashanti almost forgot about her because for everyday she was enjoying the Rodman household. Despite the wealth, everyone in the house to participate in the house activities. Ashanti helped Mrs. Rodman with house chores as she taught her more while Erasmus and Lauben were into splitting firewood and feeding the horses.

Ashanti usually thought of the daily routine in her father's house and her horse then she somehow felt she was missing. It was amazing to remember the ventures she used to carry out with Mr. Oliver. The work in the Rodman house was much because because they had few labourers since Mrs. Rodman had insisted that every member of her household was to participate in work with competence and familiarity.

At 6:30 in the morning, the maid lit the fire in the kitchen and boiled then took it to the bathrooms. Ashanti and Erasmus woke up later. There was breakfast to be made, prayers to be held and after that commotion of sweeping and cleaning was done. And making butter, knitting, washing clothes and brushing the carpets. Mrs. Rodman made the list and brought the provisions, cooked and baked and everyday when the cleaning was done, she conducted yoga and meditation classes in the house. She was a perfect Lalanian housewife. Lauben regarded her a priceless jewel.

The knitting was not left aside. The first three weeks were perfect for Ashanti to learn knitting. Ashanti under Mrs. Rodman's expert monitoring, read through the catalogs and magazines and then the designs chosen were taken to the seamstress on the upper Lalanian street, and discussed whether it was perfect for them. Then they chose the the right material which fitted the design selected and the seamstress started off with the work of joining it to make beautiful clothes out of it. Ashanti beared it all with great patience and was grateful too that her father had provided her with money before she left Osborne. Luckily, Mrs. Rodman ran out of designs and ideas before Ashanti ran out of money.

Once the knitting was done and wardrobes filled, Mrs. Rodman let it be known that Ashanti was now at home. Ashanti learnt further lessons in home care. Mrs. Rodman bore all the most precious names in Lalania that women of social standing came for advice. Beautifully dressed in pink silk dresses called, visiting and meeting evenly. Ashanti learnt how to shake hands in the proper manner and make suitable introductions. She was also taught how to play violin and singing not forgetting table manners for example how to serve tea and to eat chicken and meat with the right little table knife and fork. And to also stand and welcome visitors when they entered the house.

Ashanti also learnt the different ways of starting and making conversations as she associated more with the society ladies that would usually visit Mrs. Rodman. The house would sometimes seem small when the women visited nevertheless, Mrs. Rodman usually taught the women their rights as women with her aim of pulling them from their ancient thinking and ideology.

After two months, Mrs. Marianah Norman sent a message of her visit again to the Rodman house and later in the very week visited. Mrs. Rodman served her with cake, eggs, bread and butter and coffee which was specially by the Statesman coffee blenders. Ashanti served tea as the maid carried the plates around. Ashanti watched the visitor [her aunt] nervously from under her lushes. She was dressed superbly in a black silk dress, the fashion and color she loved most. Mrs. Marianah Norman was also dressed in black but hers was nylon. Black seemed to be the usual color for ladies in Lalania. They said that black was proper, serviceable and fitted on any occasion. Mrs. Marianah's dress was very heavy that she needed to lift it while walking.

"My health is extremely very bad," she said after having a bite of an egg.

"The doctors have quite give up. They consider it a miracle that I continue to live. Even just taking a walk downtown is enough to lay me down on bed for days," she said.

"Poor aunt," Ashanti started feeling bad because of her aunt's health despiteful of the disagreements they had in the past weeks.

Mrs. Marianah was speaking while she studied the room. Her eyes held envy and no wonder because Mrs. Rodman's parlor was wow. The house looked very different from how she had left it a few weeks ago when she last visited.

"Mrs. Rodman, I know you see me surprised by the splendid look of your house. And by the way, how do you manage to keep one maid for such a long time while ours keep on leaving?" She asked.

"It depends on how you handle and manage them. For my case, every member of the household much engage in the house work. All the work isn't left for the maid to do it but it's share among each other it everything is right. That's my only secret," she said.

"Wow that's an excellent mind. You beat me in that," Mrs. Marianah admitted.

She was a hard woman to convince but this time she admitted to the truth.

"Tell me niece," she asked and blinked.

"Have you heard from Ambassador Freeman yet? How is my brother, your father?

Ashanti was seated silently, shook her head. She did not know. The train from Osborne arrived every week but non brought news of her father. She had not received any reply for the letter she sent as she had just settled in Lalania. But that was very common because letters went missing all the time as they were being delivered.

"So you don't know how your father is doing?" she asked.

"Me," Ashanti said quietly.

She couldn't bear the nightmares that attacked her. She usually wondered whether her father was sick. Or he had finally helped the governor to fight the rebellion. Perhaps her fears were meaningless. Letters were written and went missing on delivery, or her father was busy with his ambassadorial duties and was too caught to pen down a letter for her.

"What will I do if father doesn't reply my letter or recall me back home," she chuckled.

"More tea, Marianah," Mrs. Rodman quickly said.

It was obvious that she was destructing and removing her minds from questioning Ashanti and she also accepted but didn't seem to notice what was really going on.

It was closing to winter and the weather had started changing as snow had started falling. Everyday Ashanti would seek for an hour to herself and took a walk along the streets of the city to the entrance of the famous Lalania International Post to see if there were any letters for her. Ashanti had liked Lalania, she loved the arrangement and organisation of the city. Was it because there were never any letters for her that she decided to loiter around the city?

There were a lot of visitors from Osborne as the train brought them into the country and the city. These Osbornians usually made her feel homesick. She immediately turned and walked back down street. What would she do if her father never heard from home and her father to be precise. How could she go back home if her father never sent a letter recalling her? Everytime she got in the city, she couldn't help feeling a little hopeful that this time she was going to find her letter. Her money was almost gone. How could she rise the money to buy her a train ticket back home?

The following day, she went back to the Lalania International Post. She walked gently on the stairs and entered the building. It was one of the busiest places around town. She walked straight to the office where the letters from Osborne were cleared. This time around the manager gave her a smile. She finally had a letter for her. She couldn't believe it that she even forgot to thank him. The letter was in a tiny envelope stained with dirt which meant that it had taken long on the way. The seal had even gotten off. Tears of joy sparkled her eyes as she opened the letter with her fingers trembling that she couldn't tear the envelope open for a moment.

On opening, Ashanti found that it was written like a poem or perhaps a riddle. It had no date when it was written, time nor signature of the sender. If she had not known her father's handwriting, she couldn't know where it came from. All it had was her name and the address where it was to be sent. It read as follows;

"As strong as a tigress

But emotional when hurt

And always ready to fight for herself

To make sure that everything gets back to normal in every circumstances

What am I?"

She expected the letter to be very long but unfortunately it was very brief and short. She was disappointed and wanted to tear the letter out of anger or even throw it on the streets of the city. But she couldn't because it was the only message she had gotten from her father in almost two and a half months. She decided to walk back home in disappointment and heartbreak.

On reaching home, she found Lauben seated in the living room reading through some documents.

"Oh Ashanti you are finally here," he said as that was his first expression after setting his eyes on her.

"Guess what! you have been accepted in the Lalania High School," he added.

Erasmus had already started and the semester was under way.

"What!" she exclaimed.

Is she happy about being admitted to the Lalania High School? Or she is instead paranoid. What happens next?

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