

Eithan is a high school student, Carlos is the head of a MAFIA. Eithan suffers from an early age from abuse from those around him, from family, relatives, and school. One day he arrives at the school and discovers that there is a new teacher: Carlos. Carlos resigned his position and went on to become a teacher as a deal he made. Carlos lived his life as a king, killing, scaring, slaughtering. In contrast Eithan lives a life of poverty, a life of suffering, pain, weakness, betrayal. And as a result of trauma he has experienced in the past everything he puts in his mouth has its own taste of ash. Both are opposites, both meet by chance at school. One day Carlos walks around the school and finds Eithan on the floor sleeping and takes him home and when he finds out about his mental state he decides to take ownership of it which only causes more complications and troubles.

NalitaSan1732 · Realistic
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27 Chs

Chapter 5:


The question that the teacher asked me permeated me, am I okay? I'm more then okay, after five years I feel taste, I eat rice, I taste rice, I do not vomit, I do not feel dust in my mouth, I can eat, I can finish a plate without vomit. I quickly snatched the plate from him and started devouring, I did not care how much food was left I did not care what it would do to me, I wanted to remember this moment, I wanted to remember the moment when my mouth first tastes rice after a few good years. Cheers, want more, want to live as soon as I finished the bowl I handed him the bowl and said: "More!"

I looked at them and they were shocked, they did not believe I had finished a whole bowl, and I did not believe what happened now, "More! Please…"

The teacher took the bowl from me and got up.

"Sorry… but too much you will have a stomach ache, you need to go to sleep"

"Sleep? Why what time is it?" I looked out the window and realized it was already the middle of the night.

"Thank you" I whispered, I looked at the teacher who started walking towards the door and his hand landed on the switch I screamed: "Do not turn off !! Please, leave the light on"

"Sure?" I nodded and he left the room, and I lay on the bed, trying to recover from what had happened during the day but the fatigue took over and I fell asleep.

* Carlos *

After Eithan fell asleep I went to my office, Oran was already waiting for me there where he was typing on the computer.

"Did you find anything?"

"Really yes!" He handed me a document and I opened it.

"His name is Eithan Shilin, he is 17 and a half years old and lives with his father, his mother died in

Childbirth. He suffers from post-trauma, school abuse and misses full classes in school"

"That's it?"? I asked him as I flipped through the document.

"No… There is a rumor :that saying ''because of past trauma he has lost the taste in his mouth, and everything that goes into his mouth has a taste of dust!"

So that's why he reacted like that, and everyone's harassing him, they wanted to test his durability in the mouth, bastards like you, especially Jaz, I'm going to make you suffer tomorrow.

"And it also turns out that today they made him eat gouache with a tuna sandwich"

This sentence shocked me, how can they do such a thing to him, he's just a kid, there are things he just does not do. I tossed the document and leaned back in my chair.



"Eithan's dad called!"


"A quarter of an hour ago! He wants Eithan to come home and not stay here"

"It's too late he's already asleep"

Oran looked at me suspiciously, he was afraid I would do something to him, it's true I could have done but to him, I'm not that cruel. Door knocks distracted me, I looked at the door already Oran opened it and one of the maids was out of the room.

"Sir, the doctor has arrived and he is currently treating Eithan" Oran thanked her, I got up from the chair and without saying anything I just got up and left the room towards Eithan.

After a few minutes I stood in front of the door with Oran next to me and reached out to open the door, "Leave me ... No ... No… Save… Save me!!"

In a panic and misunderstanding I quickly slammed the door and in front of me I saw Eithan writhing and screaming while the doctor tried to inject him with something.

"What's going on here?"

They both looked at me in surprise, the doctor sighed and rose while Eithan folded in fear, his skin was pale and the blanket covered was full of vomit and his smell spread throughout the room. I approached Eithan.

"He refuses to let me connect him with a blood transfusion.

I looked at Eithan and then at the doctor, I trusted this doctor, he would not do anything without my permission, or hurt the child, but when I looked at Eithan, he would look awful, all covered in vomit, he was shaking all over his hands his hands were protecting his body, his eyes were looking dark And emptiness, he would look for a second like a corpse.

I turned to Oran and asked him, "Can you do that?"

"Give him a transfusion?" I nodded at him.

"I can, but he will not let me"

"You'll take care of the transfusion I'll make sure he gives you!"

I did not wait for a response and went to sit next to him, whose body rested on the bed he hid under the blanket.

"You know, eventually you'll have to get out of there and take a shower because it smells awful."

"I do not care… Just leave me, and let me go"

"I cannot, your father asked me to take care of you"

"Sure" he was rolling about what I said, he did not believe what I said, his ridicule was so abstract, he did not believe his father asked how he was.

"If you let me inject you you'll get something sweet you want?"

Eithan peeked out of the blanket slowly like a child who just wants sweet and looking for intimacy, I stroked his hair and said gently: "Let me put you an infusion, and you will get something sweet, closed?"

He nodded to me, slowly he pulled his head out until he pulled out his hand, I signaled to Oran and he connected the infusion to him, as soon as Oran connected he writhed in pain, I pressed my forehead to his forehead and whispered: "Shhh… it's okay… it hurts but worth it"

He closed his eyes tightly and tears of pain flowed.

"I'm done, now it's your turn, Doctor "!

Oran put down the pipe and left the room to sort out some things, the doctor approached us and started connecting Eithan to the transfusion while Eithan kept the news to me and stared at me


"I need to treat the forehead, Can I?" The doctor asked Eithan. I looked at Eithan I saw his hesitation but in the end he agreed and he let him treat his wounds. I got out of bed and went to one of the drawers and took out some chocolate.

"Eithan?", Eithan stared at me questioningly, and I served him chocolate.


He has chocolate, chocolate, no... no… no… no…, no chance no, my eyes were quickly on my cheeks, I felt the attack soon appear, my heart once quickly my chest went up and down, my souls were heavy I felt I could not breathe, my hand landed On the chest. I tried to regulate breathing.

Chocolate, why would he bring me chocolate, I do not want chocolate "No ... l…a ...." I stammered: "I do not want chocolate… please ... I… sorry ... Dad…"

"It's not my fault… Excuse me .. please…"

My vision blurred, my body moved back and forth I tried to relax I did not want to go into an anxiety attack, I looked at the chocolate once more and screamed:

"No!!!!" I felt my senses lose, my legs lose sensation, my limp hands fall on the vomit, and after two seconds I collapsed on the bed.

My head was burning, I blinked, something dazzled me so I covered my eyes, after a few seconds I rubbed my eyes and after getting used to the light I sat down on the bed. I looked around, nothing had changed yet I was in the big room with the big mustard curtain in red, and the double bed whose sheets were changed from the vomit I was vomiting because of the pressure this doctor was putting out. Next to the bed was a dresser and a plate with food and a note written on it:

"Good Morning,

Sorry about yesterday. If I knew about chocolate I would not give it to you. \

Anyway there are cookies here, I went out for a few minutes already coming back. If you need anything, call Rita, one of the maids here, she will help you. "

I read the note several times, repeating the events of yesterday I realized that the level of seizure had increased again, I had no appetite especially not after yesterday, so I got up on my feet, looked at my hand and saw that the infusion was no longer connected to me. But I wore pajamas. After all the school uniform was destroyed. I advanced towards the door and opened it. And in front of me the teacher appeared, and we collided, I stumbled and fell. The fall may not have been strong, but it still hurt.

"Are you okay?" I raised my head and he held out his hand to me, I hesitated at first but held out my hand back to him, and he helped me up.


"Where were you thinking of going?" The sentence permeated me and made me fold, I cringed all over, and stammered, "Home, I have to go back"

The teacher did not answer me but just smiled. "Come, I'll take you home," I nodded at him and followed him.

As soon as I saw the stairs I was amazed by the size of the house, the stairs today were beige, they were smooth and stunning, downstairs three servants were waiting, we started going down slowly, the pictures were scattered all over the house, and when we got downstairs the teacher stopped and looked at me.

"Are you sure you do not want to stay?"

I shook my head in the negative, it's not that I do not want to stay, but I cannot stay, the consequences will be severe, and probably the household chores will only get worse and I will be in trouble.

"I'm sure, so take me home"

"And what if I eat?"

I bowed my head, played with Yi from anxiety and said, "I'm not hungry."

I bowed my head and waited for a response, but she did not come and he just led me to his car and we drove to my house.

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