
Ash Grey: Resonance

Exiled from the revered and cloistered Spiritual Sage Realm, he is summoned back for a harrowing mission that could imperil humanity itself.

Enryyuuu · Urban
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7 Chs

Past II

Ash Grey: Resonance

Chapter 2: Past II


Startled by the sound, he opened his eyes and quickly rose from his bed. Another nightmare had plagued his sleep.

"Ugh," he groaned, clutching his head in pain.

He glanced toward the source of the sound—it came from his window. To his surprise, it was a bird, more precisely an eagle, tapping at the window with its beak.

He approached the window and slid it open. In a whim, the eagle perched on his arm. He noticed a letter attached to the eagle's leg with a leather-like strap

He removed the letter and set it aside, then slid open the window. The eagle perched outside, waiting patiently. With a swift motion, he shut the slider and returned to the bed. Opening the letter, he began to read its contents.

He chuckled at the message, crumpled it, and tossed it into the trash. Heading to the table, he rummaged for pen and paper, jotting down a note. Securing it to the eagle, he watched as it soared away, its cry echoing in the distance.

He observed the eagle's departure, glanced at the clock – 5:17 AM. Returning to bed, he swiftly shut his eyes.

Night: 7.00 P.M

Azil sat atop the tallest building, surrounded by others like it, gazing at the full moon's beauty. The chilly breeze tousled his hair, bringing him comfort in this peaceful moment.

He sat, mind blissfully clear, savoring the scene. The moon's glow could be seen in his stunning amber eyes, a serene moment of pure enjoyment.

"Quite a sight, isn't it?" Someone behind Azil remarked. Azil didn't turn around as he already knew who it was.

"It is," he said as the man's footsteps drew nearer. Now, he was right behind Azil.

"Can I know why you are here?... Michael," Azil said, guessing the guy's name without even turning back.

"Oh? Not bad," Michael, the man Azil had spoken about, said smiling as he sat down beside Azil. He had black hair, slightly wavy, appearing to be in his late 20s, wearing a white robe resembling a uniform. He was also quite handsome.

Looking at Azil, Michael remarked, "The same old Azil, no change, but slightly cold, I guess?"

" You know the root cause ". Azil exclaimed without even looking at him, maintaining a straight gaze. This remark made Michael's face dull.

"I don't like discussing trivial matters. Say, why are you here?" Azil asked Michael.

"You must have received that letter," Michael said. But Azil didn't reply with a single word.

Michael stared at him, expecting a response, but received none. "Listen, the Spiritual Sage Community is in danger, they really need your help."

"And why would I care?" Azil retorted.

Michael gazed at him, disappointment evident on his face. "Azil, I get it, I understand what happened to yo- ".

Before Michael could finish, Azil glared at him with rage. For the first time, his eyes bore into Michael, devoid of life. "Understand?" Azil exclaimed.

Michael, upon glimpsing Azil's expression, was utterly taken aback, rendered speechless by the sight.

On the contrary, Azil composed himself, realizing that getting upset wouldn't alter the situation. "Michael, you're aware I prefer not to talk about that matter, right?" he remarked calmly.

"Alright... I am sorry" Michael said. Azil looked convinced when he heard Michael's apology.

They fell silent for about 30 seconds. Perched on the edge of the building's highest peak, the strong wind whipped their hair and clothes.

"Tell me," Azil asked.

"Mmph?" Michael looked at Azil, confused.

"The problem that even the sages of Azara can't solve," Azil repeated.

Michael looked at Azil, straight-faced and said, "I can't."

Azil said nothing, merely giving Michael a questioning look. Michael sighed before responding, "I can't.... unless you come back. This information is top secret, only the dignitaries and authorities of Azara know about this".

"Oh? So the authorities are hiding it from the people," Azil said. Michael had no answer because Azil was right. "We'll announce it when we're prepared."

Azil gave a glance. " So I am a part of this preparation, am I right ? ".

" You are a ' part ' of preparation. There is a still lot of left ".

"Good luck with that," Azil said, his tone making it clear he didn't want any part of it. Michael bristled at the hint of sarcasm.

Michael got up and started to walk back, but Azil didn't turn around, wanting nothing to do with it. Michael stopped halfway. "You'll realize it when the time comes." Azil remained silent and still. After a few seconds, he glanced back, but Michael had vanished, leaving only dust and smoke behind.

Azil stayed there on the rooftop for a few more hours. Michael's visit left him thoughtful and wondering. The once calm scene turned to confusion. The wind was strong but cool. Azil sat there, letting his mind go blank, simply gazing at the dark sky and the pleasant moon.

[ Timeskip ]

Next Day, Afternoon 12.17 P.M.

In the college park, Azil found a quiet spot on a bench, his coffee warming his hands as he idly scrolled through his phone. When he glanced at his watch and saw it was 12:22 PM, he knew it was time to grab a quick lunch before heading to his afternoon class.

Azil mulled over the events of the previous night, fixating on the enigmatic letter he had received. Despite knowing who it was from, the contents of the letter left him perplexed and intrigued, stirring up a whirlwind of questions in his mind.

Without a second thought, Azil headed towards the canteen for lunch, but suddenly, the world around him erupted into chaos. Violent tremors shook the surroundings, causing the ground to rumble and everyone nearby to scream in terror.

" A-an earthquake ? "

" R-run, hide somewhere "

Everyone Panicked.

Confusion clouded Azil's thoughts. An earthquake out of nowhere? There had been no warnings from the media or the government.

Suddenly, Azil felt a sensation he thought he had long buried—a deep horror that should have remained in the past. Frozen in place, memories flooded back, leaving him stunned. How could this feeling resurface here, now? He wondered, his mind reeling with confusion.

As he gazed upwards, Azil noticed something peculiar in the sky—a figure, seemingly human, with discernible limbs. Before he could comprehend what he was seeing, it plummeted towards the ground with alarming speed, crashing down with such force that the earth shattered beneath it. The shockwave sent nearby students flying, slamming into the ground with brutal force.

"҉ ҉A҉t҉l҉a҉s҉t҉.҉.҉.҉.҉A҉t҉l҉a҉s҉t҉.҉.҉ ҉A҉T҉L҉A҉A҉A҉S҉T҉.҉ ҉S҉o҉ ҉m҉a҉n҉y҉ ҉f҉l҉e҉s҉h҉,҉ ҉s҉o҉ ҉m҉a҉n҉y҉ ҉p҉o҉w҉e҉r҉. It grined while saying

The creature loomed, its horns curling like wicked tendrils, eyes ablaze with infernal fury. Symbols etched into its skin pulsed with an ominous glow, while jagged fangs jutted from its snarling mouth. The air reeked of sulfur and decay, and each step it took sent shivers down the spines of even the bravest souls.

Azil's gaze locked onto the sinister figure. "A devil?" he muttered, his mind swirling with disbelief. This couldn't be real. He thought he had left this kind of terror behind long ago.

The devil advanced, each step causing the ground to quake beneath its feet. It cast a menacing glance to its right, where a girl stood frozen in terror. With a swift movement, it seized her with its enormous hands. "҉Y҉o҉u҉ ҉l҉o҉o҉k҉ ҉g҉o҉o҉d҉ ҉e҉n҉o҉u҉g҉h҉ ҉t҉o҉ ҉e҉a҉t҉,҉"҉ it exclaimed with a sinister grin. The girl's pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears as she trembled in fear. "No... no, please, let me go, LET ME GOOO!" she cried out desperately.

Its face contorted into a grotesque mask of hunger, its gaping maw stretching wide enough to devour the girl whole. The sight was so horrifying that anyone who beheld it would surely faint. The girl, overwhelmed by fear, lost consciousness just moments before the devil would consume her entirely.

To her luck, Azil came charging in, his face twisted with rage as he attempted to push the devil away. But, with a swift move, the devil leaped back just in time, evading Azil's assault.

Azil gently cradled the unconscious girl in his arms, carefully placing her near a tree for safety. The devil, witnessing this act, stared in surprise, its eyes widening in disbelief.

"҉A҉ ҉s҉p҉i҉r҉i҉t҉u҉a҉l҉ ҉s҉a҉g҉e҉?҉ ҉H҉e҉r҉e҉?҉"҉. It muttered, incredulous at the unexpected presence of such a figure.

Azil locked eyes with the devil, pointing an accusatory finger at the sinister being.

"You, you shouldn't be here. Get lost," he commanded with unwavering resolve.

The devil's mocking laughter echoed through the air as it scoffed at Azil's words.

"҉H҉A҉H҉A҉H҉A҉H҉A҉,҉ ҉w҉h҉a҉t҉ ҉d҉i҉d҉ ҉y҉o҉u҉ ҉s҉a҉y҉?҉ ҉A҉ ҉w҉e҉a҉k҉ ҉s҉p҉i҉r҉i҉t҉u҉a҉l҉ ҉s҉a҉g҉e҉ ҉l҉i҉k҉e҉ ҉y҉o҉u҉,҉ ҉w҉h҉o҉ ҉e҉m҉i҉t҉s҉ ҉o҉n҉l҉y҉ ҉a҉ ҉l҉i҉t҉t҉l҉e҉ ҉a҉u҉r҉a҉,҉ ҉c҉o҉m҉m҉a҉n҉d҉s҉ ҉m҉e҉?҉"҉

Azil hesitated to fight, aware that most of the students were present. Engaging in battle would mean revealing his true identity—no ordinary human could take on a creature like this.

The devil lunged at Azil immediately after his words, raining down punches and strikes. But Azil, with swift reflexes, blocked and evaded each blow. In a decisive moment, Azil seized the devil's hands, locking eyes with the malevolent being. The intensity of Azil's gaze startled the devil, sending a shiver down its spine.

The devil probably never expected to meet a spiritual sage like this, especially one who can go toe to toe with him.

The devil seized Azil's hand and hurled him forcefully. Azil soared toward the college gate, but he managed to use his limbs to create friction against the ground.

Just as Azil halted, the devil swiftly caught up and attempted to punch him in the face with great speed. Azil countered by blocking with both hands, sliding back from the impact.

Azil tried to avoid the fight as long as possible until only a few students remained nearby. Most had fled, and many were unconscious from the devil's immense negative aura. Yet, some were still hiding in the distance. If only an Oracle-rank Spiritual Sage were here. Azil knew this wasn't the time for reminiscing. It was now or never.

Now Azil realized there was no point in holding back. The college and its students were in danger. While most students had fled, some remained at risk. Azil charged toward the devil, unleashing a flurry of punches aimed at his face, stomach, and hip. Azil's movements were so distinct and fluid; it seemed like an entirely different form of martial art.


The devil attempted to block Azil's hits with all his might, but it proved futile. The blows came so swiftly that the devil could barely react in time. However, just as Azil was poised to strike again, the devil leaped into the air and soared skyward.

The devil, with bruises and blood, healed rapidly within seconds. From the ground, Azil observed the spectacle. As the devil found solace in the sky, a smirk crept across his face, reveling in his ability to fly. However, when he glanced downward, he spotted Azil below, seemingly hopping. Perplexed, the devil watched as Azil suddenly dropped into a squat position and propelled himself upward with such force that the ground shattered beneath him. In an instant, Azil stood directly in front of the devil.

" Y҉-҉y҉o҉u҉?҉ ҉Y҉-҉y҉o҉u҉ ҉c҉a҉n҉ ҉f҉l҉y҉?҉ ҉W҉h҉o҉ ҉a҉r҉e҉ ҉y҉o҉u҉?҉"҉ " The devil's voice trembled with fear as he realized he was in trouble.

Azil stared at him, his expression void of any emotion, as he gazed directly into his eyes. After a pause, he began to speak.

"You've given me the perfect chance to face you, where no one can see," Azil declared, the devil visibly shaken, its eyes wide with fear.

" But, you seem like a low-level devil. Someone weak as you is useless for me ". Azil remarked, causing the devil to grow furious and enraged.

" "҉Y҉O҉U҉!҉ ҉U҉G҉G҉H҉H҉!҉!҉ ҉A҉A҉A҉R҉G҉H҉!҉"҉ ".The devil suddenly began to mutate, its body expanding, horns elongating. Its skin turned scaly, dark red, and it was left with only one eye. After the transformation was complete, it looked at Azil, confident, a big, ugly smile on its face. But Azil remained unfazed, standing there fearlessly. He smirked, at the devil just before the devil lunged to grab him.

The language the devil talking is not understandable to any human. The level of devil undermine the understanding of language.

Enryyuuucreators' thoughts