
Cha 1 memory loss

She opened her eyes with difficulty... She was still half conscious... Ah... I feel a heaviness in my body... What happened and where am I...

The maid entered and opened the window curtain. The sunlight reflected on the girl's eyes and she quickly opened her eyes

She got up immediately. The maid was astonished and said, "Miss, are you okay? Can you hear me?" The girl is still not...

Aware of what was around her, she moved her lips with difficulty, but was unable to make any sound. She extended her hand, pointing to a glass.

The maid did not hold back and offered it to her immediately while she was worried. Then the maid ran outside and after a while he entered

A handsome, prestige man. Behind him was a cheerful-looking doctor. He said, "Excuse me, Your Majesty, I will examine her now."

The girl's body shook at the mention of Your Majesty's word... This man was the Crown Prince of the former Sun Empire

She was now helpless... The doctor began to examine the girl and said, "Young miss, there are no severe injuries or any fractures on your body."

I looked at him strangely and confused because I did not understand what was happening to me. I felt very dizzy... He looked at me with sad eyes and said:

"It seems that you fell from the top of the cliff and remained unconscious for a long time in the open, so you need time to recover better."

The girl spoke with difficulty and said, "Where am I? What's happening to me? My head hurts so bad..."

The doctor was astonished and looked at the prince... "It seems that she has lost her memory... His Majesty walked up to her and looked at her and said, 'Don't you remember your name?'"

She shook her head and said, "My mind is confused and I cannot understand what is going on around me."

He sighed and turned to the maid, "Prepare her a bath and food to eat, and provide her with the necessary care." The maid quickly left...and on the other hand, she stood and greeted him and said, "Thank you, sir...this girl will never forget your kindness.."

He looked at her strangely and said that your greeting style indicates that you are a noble girl... and he left...

I showered, got dressed, and ate. The palace was very lively and the servants were very nice, but I felt strange, as if someone was watching me. I did not care and went out with the maid to the garden.

She was very beautiful and made me feel comfortable and at peace. The maid suggested that I should bring some tea

She was very excited about sweets and snacks and went running without even listening to my answer.

I lay down and closed my eyes.. It seemed that I fell asleep... I woke up to the sound of a child crying..

The little boy: (crying)... "My ball got stuck in the tree.."

The maid said, "Don't worry, Prince, I will ask one of the servants to bring it to you.."

The prince continued to cry. Then she came up to him, patted him on the head and said: Don't be a crying baby, prince. Princes don't cry.

The maid got angry at me, "What is this impudence, miss? You must respect the prince and greet him properly."

I ignored her and looked at the prince.. She wiped his tears with her handkerchief and told him that I would go up to get her..

She went to the maid and said, "You insolent woman, are you ignoring my warnings.."

I looked at her with indignation and contempt. The maid became confused, felt afraid, and fell to the ground. I was surprised at myself. I also felt that my body, movements, and facial expressions were moving on their own. I jumped to the tree and caught the ball.

I feel that my body is light and I am accustomed to this.. Is it possible that I am truly a noble girl? I am afraid that I am a more dangerous person than that..

So I must be careful.. I corrected myself and heard my maid's voice..

"Miss, what are you doing up in the tree? Come down now." (I turned towards her and my feet slipped and I fell to the ground)

I felt dizzy.. and the sounds started to disappear.. it was dark.. where am I and what am I doing here.. I looked around and there was no one there but the darkness and then I heard a voice..

"You annoying girl, you woke me up from my sleep. My power will flow through your body now."

Strange and frightening eyes appeared to me, watching me closely. They seemed to be devouring me. I shouted and asked him:

"who are you and what do you want from me..."

"Hmm, isn't this what you've been wanting for a long time... I'm going to start devouring you. It's going to hurt...." I suddenly opened my eyes and saw my maid, the little prince, and the crown prince coming from afar... and when he reached me... I felt pain in my head and screamed...

"This is painful... very painful... someone please help me... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

The Crown Prince appeared and asked what was happening here. The little prince replied, trembling in fear and trying to hold back his tears, "I fell from the tree when I tried to get my ball... and then... then I suddenly started screaming."

The Crown Prince used his power to heal the missus... and she finally calmed down... then he asked them to take her to her room...

He looked at the little prince feeling confused. Albert was spoiled and cried a lot. I did not expect him to restrain himself in a moment that might seem frightening like this. Alfonso spoke up and said, "Go and rest in your room, Albert. It seems that you have had a difficult day."

"I won't cry anymore"