
Ash and the Beastmen

Burnt out and exhausted mom, Ashleigh (Ash) with ungrateful children, and a husband that has no care about her other than using her as a maid and breeder. What will happen when she is transferred into her favorite genre of web novels? will she embrace the chaos or try and find her way out. Come and join the adventure...

ZG1988 · Book&Literature
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21 Chs

Chapter 20

After the feral attack, we lost 20 females and, 871 males died.

      The Tiger King organized a search and hunting party to find the missing females.

      The ape King gave his customary wheat and rice seeds to all the females that were left after the feral attack.

     I convinced the leopard King to take several Wells for water throughout the entire city, it made fetching water a lot easier for all the basement.

     The wolf King was with the search party along with the very meticulous Raven King to the mother Queens dismay.

    My little family was growing and thriving throughout all of this, I showed the Beast then how to make rice patties to grow the rice without succumbing to heat stroke.

   I also taught them how to build irrigation pathways in the fields that way it didn't take as long to water fields I use bamboo poles to take water from the river all the way to the fields I even fashioned a way to stop the water flowing when their was too much.

    I was proud of myself, I was helping develop a civilization, I kept telling myself that it was for the best.

    I kept having a feeling I am forgetting about something... It's on the edges of my mind but I just can't grasp it.

   Currently I was with my two oldest kids at the market, they were restless and so as I, it was nearing the end of the hot season.

    The younger girls are with their grandmother who was excited to spend time with her grandchildren.

    We all were looking at some of the jewelry and other accessories surrounded by almost all my males but Blaze and Tristan when a high pitched nails on a chalkboard voice yelled, "I didn't like that price! You will reduce it since I am the most beautiful woman in beast City and my father is the Tiger King and I am mated to the wolf kings son!"

   We El and I looked over I frowned under my Vail and made a choice.

    I took my Vail off to my males protest and Marched over to the young lady and said, "young lady your mouth will bring misfortune to you and your family. Be humble kind and loving or you will eventually lose your tongue."

    Beastmen male and female a like surrounded us nodding their heads.

   She then said, "who do you think you are talking to you fat ugly old lady?"

  I smiled at her stupidity and said, " a spoiled princess that only knows how to utilize the strength of others because she has none herself. Though I would like to introduce myself I am Ash the daughter and high Priestess of the Beast God."

    I knew who I was talking to Rosa was just as the books described, overbearing and a shrew.

   She gave me a nasty look then tried to slap me but I caught her wrist and  jerked her arm up behind her back with a burning twist that had so angered her she started to hurt curses at me.

I looked at Tony and said, " please bring me a chair it is high time for this young lady to learn discipline."

   My males held hers back and Tony brought me a chair, sitting I held onto her and put her over my knees and borrowed my daughters sandle and spanked her until she shopped cursing at me and started to cry.

   I then said,"as a second punishment you and your males will clear the streets of all debris and filth in the Beast City for the rest of the season. You then will compensate this gentleman 5 clear crystals and a sincere apology. If you don't complete these tasks I will have you and your males in the center of the city for 3 days without water in restraints unable to move. No one will feed you or water you or get the same punishment. That includes the kings and their mates. You will learn to become a member of royalty that is for the people not themselves. Or be banished or traded to very small tribe lacking in women."

   Everyones faces blanched at my harsh punishment.

    I view it as a necessary evil to nip problems in the bud before they arise.

    I turned around looking at it everybody and then bowed sincerely, " I am sorry that you all had to see a member of a royal family this way we are her to help and bring peace in one way or another not to be overbearing and cruel."

    El bowed with me I was proud that she was such a a sensible young girl and knew when and where she can be silly, and where she needed to be serious.

    Though no matter what the situation she was cute and clumsy, she bowed too deeply without balance and before anyone could catch her she fell on her face her butt in the air.

   I just couldn't hold it in and laughed hard while helping up the 12 year old girl that had turned beet red and looked like she was about to die of embarrassment.

   To not have my daughter's embarrassment prolonged I collected her and Xane and left for home the males in our family tailing us.

When we got to the castle I went straight to my room and plopped onto the bed today wes mentally exhausting.

   Omori came in to the room and asked, " their won't be any problems with you disciplining the tiger princess?"

I patted the bed next to saying "sit here, for a moment."

   He sat down and I took his hand and said, "I will bring this kingdom down and kill all those who are going to put my family in danger. That will not be a problem for me that will be their problem. What I did today was give everyone a nice warning that I am no push over and with all of you strong sexy  males around I will never worry about safety."

  He nodded understanding where I was coming from.

     smiled and kissed him hard while wrapping my legs around his waist looking into his beautiful eyes I replied, "I can't be your girlfriend Tae I love you too much but I will be your lover.  I am not ready for a relationship with anyone at the moment."

He carried me to bed while kissing me, I helped him with his shirt, than ran my hand down his chiseled chest, taking in the Sher beauty that was Kim Tae-hyun. I guess this was his awnser to not being my boyfriend but just my lover.

I kissed him again licking his bottom lip so I could gain access that he granted. Before I knew it my clothes and his where off, I gaped at his massive member wondering how he was going to fit inside of me.

He blushed and asked, "are you ok with this?" Not trusting my voice I nodded a yes. he flipped us and crawled on top of me and started licking, and playing with my nipples, sending ripples down my spine.

with his tongue trailed it down my torso, and then he spread my legs and started to kiss down one leg than the other.

He started to licking and sucking my clitoris it felt so good and I moaned in my enjoyment, wanting more. He than inserted two of his long perfectly shaped finger's inside of me while licking and sucking I started to buck from the pleasure riding him, my orgasm came in ripples upon ripples but he just rode them out. He was satisfied that I was wet enough for him to gain entry.

It was pure pleasure taking all of him inside of me we rocked in sync with each other. Him being generous with his kisses on my collarbone and neck. Me wanting more of this man, holding each other as if it was the last time we would see each other. He came than I did knowing that I gave this other worldly man pleasure.

when we where done he held me close and said, "you are mine now and I don't want to share ever. But I will I love you."

I snuggled in to him and said," I love you too"

He started to nibble on my ear wanting a round two, so, I started to rub my ass in his member. which got the reaction I wanted, he than took me from behind while we laid on our sides.

It felt so good that he had me holding on to his encircled arms screaming his name in ecstasy. When we had our release I turned in his arms kissed him hard and long we only stopped to catch our breath.

Our day and night continued like this, sedating are carnal needs with each other until we couldn't any longer.

    In the morning he has already cleaned me up and I was like Jello so I just went back to sleep to recover.

   It was hot and humid when I woke up again and so I just got up and got ready for my day.

     Searching for Moto's tattoo I found it on my hip bone it looked sexy, I was starting to look like a sexy biker chick.

    Feeling myself I left the bedroom and made my way to the dining room knowing food would be ready.

     I was hindered by a sexy little Peter who drug me into one of the spare rooms and started to kiss me.

   while lifting me up and so I could wrap my legs around him. He placed me against the wall and slid into me at an agonizing slow pace. I looked at him and said," if you don't fuck me right now I refuse to suck your cock later."

He then smiled at me and kissed me while slamming into me with one hard thrust the loud moan that escaped made me happy.

   kissed him back running my claws down his back urging him to go fast and harder I enjoyed the feel of him inside of me his tender touches.

He captured my nipple in his mouth sending me over the top in ecstasy, I screamed his name on top of my lungs wanting him to feel me up. Before I knew it we where on my floor and he was ramming into me with so much force that it sent pleasure with every hit I was a whimpering mess of happiness and contentment. I held on to him and threw out it, saying his name.

We orgasm at the same time me clutching him for dear life not wanting him to leave my arms. He then picked me up and carried me to the bathtub but I popped us home into my world I was already in my bedroom, he put me down onto the bed.

   I kissed him again and started to stroke him he responded to my touch I than got up and went down on him sucking on him playing with him in my mouth with my tongue stroking what I couldn't fit in. He came in my mouth his sweet and salty cum filling my mouth for me to swallow. I than asked, "you want to take a shower with me?"

He nodded yes in response I grabbed his hand and took him to my new shower. Its white marble walls and floors seemed seamless.

I started it up and he pushed me into the wall and lifted me up onto him from behind. I held on to the hand rail so I wouldn't slip and he rammed into my ass.

   It took me by surprise and I let out a startled moan. He gave me time to adjust to his girth before he started his rhythm was steady only increasing little by little until to let out an inpatient moan, and saying , "harder daddy please." He smiled and went harder I looked back at him and took his head and kissed him hard he sped up until I was screaming in pleasure screaming "yes daddy like that" over and over again he would pinch my stiff nipples while rubbing my clitoris until I orgasm over and over again he finally came inside of me resulting in another orgasm.

He then helped me clean up and I helped him it was fun we got to trail our hands down each other's bodies and explore each other. We got out when the hot water ran out.

We helped each other dry off pausing only to kiss each other.

   He got me dried up then put me in the bed saying, "don't move or go anywhere, I will be right back."

    He then ran out of the room and after about half an hour he came back with some food.

    I put down the book I was reading and said, " your so sweet and loving."

   He sat next to me and we fed each other while laughing and talking.

   I truly loved my life at this moment, we even found a lactating cow to supplement the girls so I wasn't always confined to feedings and bed.