
Chapter 3 : Pewter city

Travelling through Viridian Forest had been quite the adventure for Ash and Misty. Misty's fear of bugs had kept them on their toes, but the vastness of the forest was what truly tested their resolve. Getting lost was easy in such a big maze of trees and undergrowth, yet they had persevered and finally arrived in Pewter City. Despite the challenges, the journey wasn't without its rewards. Ash managed to catch a Caterpie and a Weedle. During their journey, Ash trained his Pokémon diligently .Caterpie evolved into Metapod, then Butterfree; Weedle transformed into Kakuna, then Beedrill; and Pidgey evolved into a fierce Pidgeotto.


[Type: Bug/Flying]

[Ability: Compound eyes]

[Moves: Tackle, Sleep powder, Poison powder Psybeam, Confusion Supersonic]



[Ability: sniper]

[Moves: Fury attack, Fury cutter,Poison sting Laser focus]


[Type: Flying]

[Ability: Keen eye, Big peck(hidden)]

[Moves: Gust, Sand attack, Tackle, Quick attack, Steel wing, Whirlwind ]

By the time they reached Pewter City, Ash and Misty were exhausted. "Phew," Ash sighed, wiping the sweat from his brow. "I thought we'd never get out of that forest."

"Me too," Misty agreed, shuddering slightly. "And I thought those bug Pokémon were going to be the end of me! If I see another Caterpie, I might just faint."

Ash grinned, trying to hold back a laugh. "You mean the same Caterpie that's now a Butterfree? Don't worry, Misty. If any bugs come near, Butterfree can scare them away for you!"

"Very funny," Misty shot back with a playful glare. "I'd like to see you deal with them without screaming next time."

They headed straight for the Pokémon Center to rest and recuperate. As soon as they arrived, Ash handed his Pokémon over to Nurse Joy. "Can you make sure my Pokémon are in tip-top shape for the gym battle?" he asked.

"Of course, Ash," Nurse Joy replied with a smile.

Ash blinked, a little surprised. "How do you know my name? This isn't Viridian City."

Nurse Joy chuckled softly. "My sister told me about you. She even mentioned your run-in with Team Rocket. Oh, and there's a poster on the wall beside me that you should check out."

Curious, Ash turned to the poster. It was an announcement for the upcoming Indigo League tournament. "Wow! I'm definitely entering this tournament," Ash exclaimed, excitement lighting up his face.

Misty leaned over, peering at the poster. "The Indigo League, huh? Big dreams for a little trainer," she teased.

Ash puffed out his chest, determined. "Hey, I'm not little! Besides, I've got what it takes to win. Just wait and see."

"Oh, I'm waiting," Misty said with a smirk, "But don't expect me to go easy on you when we battle someday."

Ash grinned. "You're on!"

While Ash's Pokémon were recovering, he and Misty decided to grab a meal at a nearby café. "So, you're really going to enter the Indigo League?" Misty asked as she sipped her drink.

"Of course!" Ash replied, determination in his voice. "I've always wanted to enter, and now's my chance."

"Do you think you'll be ready?" Misty asked, her tone cautious. "You'll need to earn eight gym badges, and the Gym Leaders can be really strong."

Ash flashed her a confident grin. "Don't worry, Misty. I know how this works. I did some research before I left home. I know the Pewter Gym uses Rock-type Pokémon, and I've been training hard for this."

Misty rolled her eyes, though she was secretly impressed. "You? Research? I didn't know they had comic books on Gym Leaders."

"Hey!" Ash protested, playfully flicking a straw wrapper at her. "I'm serious! I've got a plan for every Gym."

Misty dodged the wrapper with a giggle. "Okay, Mr. Pokémon Master, what's your big plan for Brock?"

Ash leaned back with a smirk. "You'll just have to wait and see."

After finishing their meal, they made their way to the Pewter Gym. The building was imposing, made entirely of stone. "Well, here goes nothing," Ash muttered to himself as he pushed open the gym door.

"Who goes there?" came a voice from within the dimly lit gym.

"My name is Ash, and I'm here for a gym battle to win your badge," Ash called out confidently.

"Very well," the voice responded. A figure stepped forward, revealing a young man with spiky hair and a serious expression. "I'm Brock, the Pewter Gym Leader, and I accept your challenge."

Brock led Ash to the battlefield, which was a vast, sandy area dotted with large, jagged rocks. Misty took her place on the sidelines, eager to see how Ash would handle this.

"This battle is between Brock, the Pewter Gym Leader, and Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town," announced the referee, a boy who Brock introduced as his younger brother, Forrest. "Each trainer will use two Pokémon. The first to defeat both of their opponent's Pokémon wins. Let the battle begin!"

"All right, Pidgeotto, I choose you!" Ash shouted, releasing his newly evolved bird Pokémon onto the field.

Brock raised an eyebrow. 'A Pidgeotto?' he thought. 'That's a bold choice. Surely this kid knows that Rock beats Flying.'

"Go, Geodude!" Brock called out, sending his Pokémon into the battle.

Ash quickly opened his Pokédex.

Geodude : The Rock Pokémon. Geodude is often found on mountain roads with half of its body buried in the ground so it can observe mountain travelers.

"Geodude, use Rock Throw!" Brock commanded.

"Pidgeotto, dodge it with Quick attack !" Ash countered.

Pidgeotto expertly swooped and dived, avoiding the sharp rocks that Geodude hurled its way. "Now, use Sand Attack!" Ash ordered. Pidgeotto kicked up a cloud of sand, blinding Geodude temporarily.

"Nice move," Brock muttered, impressed. "But you won't win just by dodging."

"Pidgeotto, Steel Wing, now!" Ash shouted.

Pidgeotto's wings glowed with a metallic sheen as it struck Geodude repeatedly. The Rock-type Pokémon grunted in pain as it took hit after hit. After a relentless barrage of six strikes, Geodude finally crumbled to the ground, unable to battle.

"Geodude is unable to battle," Forrest declared. "This round goes to Pidgeotto."

Brock returned Geodude to its Poké Ball, a look of respect crossing his face. 'This kid's no joke. He knows how to counter Rock-types,' Brock thought.

"Okay, Geodude, return," Brock said. "Go, Onix!"

Ash checked his Pokédex again. Onix: The Rock Snake Pokémon. By twisting its large and powerful body, Onix can quickly bore through the ground at fifty miles per hour.

"Pidgeotto, return!" Ash called. He had a different plan for Onix. "Pikachu, I choose you!"

Brock was surprised by Ash's choice. "An Electric-type? He knows that won't work against Rock, right?" Brock thought, but after seeing Ash's strategy with Pidgeotto, he knew better than to underestimate him.

"Onix, use Tackle!" Brock ordered.

"Pikachu, use Quick attack to dodge!" Ash countered.

Pikachu darted around the battlefield, evading Onix's massive body with ease. The crowd could barely keep up with Pikachu's speed as it zipped around the arena.

"Onix, use Bind!" Brock commanded, trying to catch Pikachu in Onix's powerful coils.

But Pikachu was too quick. It leaped onto Onix's body, running up the length of its rocky form. "Pikachu, use Iron Tail!" Ash shouted.

Pikachu's tail glowed bright silver before it slammed down onto Onix with incredible force. The impact reverberated through the gym, and Onix let out a roar of pain.

"One more time, Pikachu!" Ash yelled.

Pikachu delivered another powerful Iron Tail, and this time, Onix could not withstand the blow. The massive Rock Snake Pokémon collapsed to the ground, defeated.

"Onix is unable to battle," Forrest announced. "Pikachu is the winner. Therefore, the victor of this gym battle is Ash."

"We did it!" Ash cheered, running to hug Pikachu.

"Pika, pika!" Pikachu squeaked happily, jumping into Ash's arms.

After the battle, Brock approached Ash with a smile. "Ash, that was an incredible battle. Most challengers use Water or Grass-types to beat me, but you took a different approach. You used an Electric and a Flying-type, and you still won."

Ash grinned, holding up Pikachu. "I've learned that Steel-type moves can be effective against Rock-types, so I made sure Pikachu and Pidgeotto knew them."

"You've studied well," Brock said, nodding in approval. "For that, I present you with the Boulder Badge."

The badge was a solid grey octagon, glinting in the light as Brock handed it to Ash. "Thank you, Brock," Ash said, accepting the badge with pride. "All right! I got the Boulder Badge!"

"Pika-chu!" Pikachu chimed in, equally excited.

After getting Pikachu and Pidgeotto checked out at the Pokémon Center, Ash and Misty prepared to leave Pewter City and head toward the next gym. "Ash, I was amazed by that battle," Misty admitted.

After getting Pikachu and Pidgeotto checked out at the Pokémon Center, Ash and Misty prepared to leave Pewter City and head toward the next gym.

"Ash, I was amazed by that battle," Misty admitted as they walked towards the city's exit. "I thought you'd have trouble, especially since Magikarp wouldn't have been much help. But teaching Pikachu Iron Tail and Pidgeotto Steel Wing? That was really smart."

Ash beamed at the compliment, his confidence swelling. "Thanks, Misty. I told you, I was prepared. Besides, being ready for anything is important when you're on a journey, right?"

Misty gave him a playful smirk. "Well, I suppose even a broken clock is right twice a day."

Ash feigned offense. "Broken clock? I'm more like… an unstoppable clock!"

Misty chuckled. "Okay, Mr. Unstoppable Clock, what's your plan for the next gym? Or are you going to keep me in suspense again?"

Ash winked at her. "You'll just have to wait and see. But trust me, I'm ready for whatever comes next."

Just as they were about to leave Pewter City, they heard a voice calling after them. "Hey Ash, Misty, wait up!"

They turned to see Brock running towards them, a small pack slung over his shoulder. "Brock?" Ash asked, surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm coming with you two on your journey," Brock answered, his usual calm demeanour replaced with excitement.

Misty raised an eyebrow. "But what about the gym? Who's going to take care of it?"

Brock smiled, a mix of relief and excitement in his eyes. "Don't worry. My dad, the real Gym Leader of Pewter Gym, just returned from his adventures and wants me to walk towards my dream of becoming a Pokémon breeder . He's fit enough to take control of the gym again. And nine younger siblings helping him out, they'll be fine without me."

Ash grinned, thrilled at the idea of another companion. "So, you're really coming with us?"

Brock nodded. "If you'll have me. I want to see the world and learn more about Pokémon, just like you."

Ash and Misty exchanged a look, then turned back to Brock with identical smiles. "Of course!" they said in unison.

"Welcome aboard, Brock!" Ash added, extending his hand.

Brock shook it firmly. "Thanks, Ash. I think we're going to make a great team."

With that, the trio set off together, leaving Pewter City behind and heading towards their next adventure. The journey had started with just Ash and Misty, but now they were joined by Brock, and the road ahead seemed even more promising. Together, they were ready to face whatever challenges and surprises the world of Pokémon had in store for them.

(20 power stone = 1 extra chapter)

20 power stone = 1 extra chapter

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