

--- Carrying the Book of Warcraft Paladins, Forseti Garrison finds himself transported across dimensions into the Marvel Universe, where he becomes an apprentice herbalist in Asgard. Armed with spells like Divine Shield, Wrath of Vengeance, Sulfuron Hammer, and artifacts such as the Ashbringer from World of Warcraft, and Forseti's knowledge and skills from his gaming world come alive in Marvel's reality. "For the Alliance, no... for Asgard!" Forseti declares, wielding his warhammer and invoking the Holy Light. "Frost Giants, Kree, Thanos... Prepare to face the righteous fury of justice!" ---

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[Lorelei escapes]

"Why do you suddenly want to use a battle axe?" Odin asked.

"Isn't my original weapon the Iron Bear?" Thor said casually. The Iron Bear was the battle axe he used to wield, but it had been gathering dust for a long time.

Forseti approached at this moment: "Do you want to change to a battle axe?"

Thor waved his empty hands: "Yes, warriors can't live without weapons, and now I want to change to a bigger and stronger weapon."

"If you like battle axes, let's see how this one is." Forseti was not surprised. He took out the design drawings of Blood Roar and handed them over.

"What is this, let me see..." Thor took the drawing, and his eyes lit up. He pointed at the drawing excitedly and said, "It's perfect!"

Forseti smiled: "This is Gorehowl, a weapon belonging to a powerful warrior. I have also considered using it, but I already have the Sulfuron Warhammer. If you want, I will give you the blueprint. I believe Eitri will help you make it."

"Gorehowl? Its name is as memorable as its shape!" Thor stared intently at the drawing, even touching it as if it would make the Gorehowl on the paper real.

Thor desperately wanted to go to Nidavellir now and find the dwarves to help him make Gorehowl. But now the Nine Realms are in chaos, and there are still many urgent matters to attend to, so he could only give up and help clean up the mess with everyone.

The Nine Realms are in chaos. The Earth is in turmoil, and Asgard has not been spared, or even worse.

After all, Heimdallr has organized the Asgardians to abandon their homes. Almost everyone believes it is Ragnarok. Some are pessimistic and desperate, some are desperately resisting, and some are passively waiting.

It is inevitable that there are people in Asgard who support Cul. These people may not have lived in Cul's era, but they support him for various reasons. In the past, Cul was sealed in the deep sea, and they couldn't do anything. Now that Cul has returned to the world, they naturally took advantage of this, exacerbating the chaos.

In every violent chaos, someone died and someone benefited.

Like many prisons in the Nine Realms, prison escapes broke out in the prisons of Asgard.

Just when Heimdallr ordered the people to abandon Asgard, many criminals took the opportunity to riot and escape from prison.

Most of the criminals imprisoned in Asgard are extremely vicious, but there is also a beautiful and delicate-looking blonde.


Despite hundreds of years of captivity, her beauty has not been damaged in the slightest, and the dim prison uniform cannot hide her charm.

Using her beautiful appearance and her ability to seduce, Lorelei can manipulate most men like puppets, and these men under her control will undoubtedly become tools for her escape.

This allowed her to easily escape from the chaos, not only fleeing the prison but also playing a big ticket.

When Lorelei hurried away from Odin's vault with her luggage, no one knew what she had taken...


On the barren lunar soil, stands a splendid pyramid. It is on the far side of the moon, facing the sun, exuding magnificent and charming colors, like the relics of gods.

For humans, this is undoubtedly an amazing discovery, but at this moment, the astronauts who discovered it are sitting in front of the pyramid in dismay.

"Still no signal?" an astronaut asked.

"Yes... Maybe humanity has been destroyed." Another astronaut murmured, "The terrible voice still echoes in my ears, and the will of the God of Fear shrouds everyone's mind."

"We found such a great ruin, but we paid for it..."

"American Renaissance, please answer!" At this moment, the Earth finally sent an order again, which cheered the astronauts.

"Thank God, humanity is not destroyed!"

"This is the American Renaissance, please instruct!"

A reply came from the ground: "Yes, humanity is not destroyed. Under the guidance of the president, the heroes defeated the evil god. We were facing the danger of the world's destruction, but now only Washington is destroyed. Without a doubt, it was a complete victory."

"Now, you can return."

After receiving the instructions, the astronauts got up and boarded the spacecraft, ready to return to Earth.

But to their surprise, when they returned to the spacecraft, they found that there was an extra person in the ship, or rather, a different person.

Their comrade had disappeared, replaced by a blonde woman in a long dress, who looked ten times more beautiful than Hepburn in the pictorial.

If it were on Earth, it would be a pleasant surprise to have a beautiful woman suddenly appear.

But on the uninhabited moon, it looked eerie, even creepy.

"Who are you?" The astronaut was extremely vigilant.

However, the next moment, when this perfect woman spoke, their vigilance disappeared instantly.

"My name is Lorelei, are you willing to be my slaves?" Lorelei brushed her long hair and asked softly.

"It is a great honor, my master." The astronauts put down their weapons without hesitation and knelt down.

Lorelei was surprised, and continued, "Take me to Midgard—that is, your Earth."



A month later.

Forseti felt it was time to challenge Ragnaros, not only because of his strength, but also because he had the help of another Azeroth faction leader.

Varian Wrynn.

To be precise, King Wrynn's gladiator personality - Lo'Gosh.

Lo'Gosh is the ferocious one after Varian was split into two by the black dragon princess Onyxia. He was upright and fearless, brave and good at fighting. He was a powerful gladiator and was dubbed the "Ghost Wolf".

Forseti thought about fighting King Wrynn in the experience space, but he never considered fighting Lo'Gosh.

Lo'Gosh's strength is considerable, but it is not difficult for Forseti to defeat today, and he successfully obtained Lo'Gosh's friendship and soul imprint.

In this way, he could summon five faction leaders to help him, including Fordring, Feathermoon, Bronzebeard, Hellscream, and Lo'Gosh. This should be enough to fight Ragnaros.

In the end, Forseti chose to challenge Ragnaros through Bronzebeard's book of experience. Although Onyxia's random reinforcement mechanism could call for reinforcements, it was a bit troublesome. Waiting for the big screw to appear and waiting for reinforcements to appear.

In contrast, Bronzebeard's strength as a part-time reinforcement is not too weak, the advantage is stability and convenience, and the probability of a powerful boss in Bronzebeard's space is significantly higher, so it's okay to try it first.

After several attempts, Azeroth's top monster breaker, Bronzebeard, successfully summoned Ragnaros in his training space.

The huge body of the Fire Demon King appeared in the lava, looked down at Forseti and Bronzebeard condescendingly, and said with disdain and anger: "Insects, are you the ones who disturbed me?"
