
Ascent (Pokemon Story)

Beginning on Episode 1 of the anime. You start your journey alongside Ash Ketchum and Gary Oak. Can you go the distance? Follow along as Cobalt Sota journeys along to become a top tier pokemon trainer and rake in all the cash. This is from a Second Person PoV, so it might not be for everyone. It is initially being written as a quest first after all. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 8

The next morning, bright and early you set off with your pokemon after getting some breakfast. You didn't stick around and get any training in, that Scyther you were going for today is apparently a beast of a pokemon going by the way it apparently kicked Samurai's pokemon around.

As expected of the boss pokemon of an area you supposed.

Still, you wanted your pokemon to be well rested. So no training in the morning. And you left with your new Charmander at your side. Most pokemon you ran into in your time in the forest had a hard weakness to fire attacks.

It took you about an hour going from your camp site to the area Samurai had shown you on your map. Along the way, you ran into only a few pokemon. A Pidgey and Nidoran that ran as soon as they saw you. And a Weepinbull who got uppity when you and Charmander ate some berries from a bush it had apparently claimed.

It didn't last long under Charmander's fire attacks, and you continued on your way. Going on for another hour before running into anything else. That being, the familiar sound of buzzing Beedrill. Where you came across two fighting against a Gloom

Charmander tidied all three of them up before you even gave any orders. So very eager to please. And while just randomly attacking pokemon isn't your thing when you don't even want to capture them, you couldn't admonish him when he looked up at you with those big loveable eyes and you just had to praise him for putting all three down with one large, pinpoint flamethrower attack.

Honestly, you were nearing the very end of the forest, at around half eleven in the morning before you finally found the pokemon you were looking for.

Or more like, you randomly ran into each other.

Thick footfalls crunched against the ground, even without seeing the pokemon, you could hear it and knew it was big.

Charmander eager to please as he had been since you got him, stepped out in front of you and let loose a loud, squeaky growl that might have been threatening, to a Rattata.

You grinned as you saw the foliage ahead of you rustle, and a flash of light green meet your eyes. Before without preamble, the pokemon you were looking for casually marched out.

"Scy?" it glared at you in curiosity, sharp blue eyes gleaming as they landed on Charmander.

You were quite surprised by its to be honest. Is green body armour was scuffed and beaten, and looked quite fresh. It seemed it had already been fighting today. And atop its ahead was a large X-shaped scar.

You grinned.

"You're a strong looking one aren't you?" you asked, eyeing the pokemon up and down.

Scyther glared at you, raising its bladed arms threateningly. Charmander seeing it hissed angrily, flames licking at his mouth.

Laughing, you crouched down and pet Charmander atop the head, "You're a little worn out buddy from taking on those other pokemon, how about letting Kingler take this one?" you asked, "I want to see how he battles after evolving anyway."

Charmander slumped slightly, but nodded. "Char.."

"There, there, I promise I don't think you can't win, and you'll get plenty chance to battle later." you consoled the little fire type.

He perked up a bit at your words, "Char!"

"Take a nice long rest," you continued, raising his pokeball and returning him. With that done, you turned back to face Scyther who was eyeing you intently. Your hand went to your belt and grabbed Kingler's pokeball, "So you look tough. How about taking one of my pokemon on, one on one, and if we win, you become my pokemon?"

"Scy!" the bug pokemon scoffed, turning its nose up at you with a roll of its eyes. But didn't say no. Instead, it raised one of its bladed arms up and beckoned you to come at it.

As good an agreement as any. Your grin widened. "Go, Kingler!" you released your water pokemon.

The massive crustacean appeared before you, snapping his claws menacingly at Scyther. But the bug pokemon wasn't intimidated, instead a grin split its face.

It was excited, you could tell by the way its keen blue eyes vibrated with barely supressed energy at the sight of Kingler.

"Scy!" with a shout, Scyther exploded into a Quick Attack, closing the distance between it and Kingler in blink of an eye.

Fast! You didn't even see it move.

A loud clang resounded out. While you couldn't follow it, Kingler could. His largest pincer was raised up, blocking a slash from one of Scyther's glowing white bladed arms.

Scyther hissed, unable to press forward against Kingler's insane physical strength. The white energy from Quick Attack formed around one of its legs, but instead of using the attack to move, Scyther lashed out with a rapid Quick Attack enhanced kick.

You winced as you heard the impact of its foot impact against Kinglers head. But the attack barely even fazed Kingler. And Scyther took a return Water Gun to the face that blasted it back through the air a good five feet, drenching its form.

"Agility then Crabhammer!" you ordered sharply. Until you can get used to seeing movement at these kinds of speeds, you wouldn't be able to help much.

Kingler blitzed forward with Agility, almost disappearing from your sight he went that fast, massive claw glowing. He lashed out, but Scyther was a step ahead, jumping into the air and rapidly beating its wings to take flight.

It pushed off with its wings, shooting down at Kingler, bladed arms erupting with sinister crimson light. It lashed out in twin slashes a moment later, but Kingler blipped back in an amazing show of speed with his four legs, before shooting forward again as Scyther cleaved two thick gouges into the ground.

White light erupted from Scyther's legs, and it disappeared in a blur of speed, just as Kingler did the same.

They clashed so fast you couldn't even see it in the beginning. Just felt the impacts, and heard the cries of both as they hit. But slowly, over the course of a minute, it got easier and easier to track their forms.


"Grab it!" you shouted as you saw Scyther push off a tree with enough strength to leave a foot shaped hole in it and shoot at Kingler, both crimson glowing blades pointed out forward to stab into your pokemon, "Vicegrip!"

Kingler pushed off hard, meeting the pokemon halfway, and hundreds of leaves fell from the surroundings trees as they met. Kingler's massive claw gleamed with power and snapped taut around the bladed arms, but even still Scyther's speedy momentum built charge was enough to push the massive crustacean back a good few feet before he dug his four legs into the ground and stopped the momentum flat.

Scyther hissed, beating its wings rapidly and trying to pull out, but Kingler held strong. Perfect.

"Hyper Beam!" you shouted.

"Kookee!" Kingler rumbled, orange light shining from the claw that held Scyther's arms tight. Scyther's dark blue eyes went wide and it began to frantically struggled harder, white light infusing its legs as it lashed out with kick after kick into Kingler's face like a machine gun turret.

But it couldn't escape.

Kingler unleashed the massive orange beam of power from his claw and Scyther screamed as it was consumed bodilly by the massive energy ray. Easily five metres in width, the beam shot up into the air for a few moments before dissipating.

Kingler released his hold on Scyther, letting the bug type drop to the floor with a loud thud. There a a thin orange glow crackling over the its green body, and it weakly glared, limbs twitching, but it didn't seem to have the strength left to stand up.

"Good fight Scyther, but now, just as we agreed, you're mine!" you said, hand going to your pocket and pulling out an empty pokeball.

You showed it to Scyther a you enlarged it from its shrunken form. The bug pokemon sighed, eyes closing and nodded just once in defeat.

You threw the pokeball, and Scyther was captured!