

"Echelons of Ascension: Chronicles of a Warrior's Promise" is an epic tale of determination, resilience, and the unyielding pursuit of one's destiny in a world where combat defines life itself.

J14S07 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Title: Balls Grabber

In the aftermath of his relentless assault on the defeated monster, Blake's triumphant cries continued to echo in the desolate landscape. "Boom, boom. Take that, you wretched monster. Yeah, you like it? You like it?" It was as if something had possessed him, and he seemed to have lost his senses. Perhaps this was his way of coping with the reality of his first kill. Disgusted with himself, he muttered, "I did it," as the adrenaline coursed through his veins.

The feeling of victory was a stark contrast to the monotony that had defined his life until now. For the first time in a long while, he felt excitement, alive with adrenaline. His hunger had been temporarily forgotten, replaced by a single overwhelming emotion: rage. Blake couldn't stop himself; he kept punching and punching the lifeless monster, his relentless fury knowing no bounds.

Amidst the madness, Jay looked on with a confused expression, struggling to catch his breath. The sounds of Blake's punches and the grotesque scene before them filled the air.

"What have I done? Did I win? Are there any others coming?" Blake questioned Jay, desperately seeking answers. Jay responded, "No, there is none. For now, the area is clear. Also, something new is happening to me. Take a look yourself."

Blake's hands were still shaking as he stared down at the mangled corpse beneath him. The adrenaline coursing through his veins made his heart pound wildly in his chest. He had beaten the lifeless monster into a pulp, but he couldn't seem to stop.

With a guttural roar, he brought his fist down again and again, smashing what was left of the creature's face. His knuckles split open, smearing blood across its shattered features. But he was beyond reason now, consumed by a blind fury that knew no bounds. 

All of the fear and panic he had felt during the fight now manifested as rage. He hated this thing for making him kill. For turning him into something he wasn't. The violence flowed through him like a drug, heightening his senses. He felt powerful. Alive.

"Whoa, dude, take it easy!" Jay said, eyes wide with alarm. "It's dead already."

Blake nodded, urging Jay to show him the interface. His vision blurred momentarily, and then he saw it. While most of his stats remained the same, two new entries had appeared. The first read: "Title: Balls Grabber." Blake couldn't help but roll his eyes at the absurdity of it.

Then, he read further and a smile crept onto his face as he saw, "Points to be allocated. Available points: 0.2."

"Hmm, interesting. So that's how it works. I can earn points by defeating these monsters," Blake mused. "Not bad at all if I use my brain. But what if I encounter something smarter, something that doesn't give me the chance to use my brain? I don't have plot armor; I'm just a part of this world."

Blake pondered his options, realizing that the choices were now his to make. Turning to Jay, he asked, "What should I do next?" Jay, equally clueless, remained silent.

"Guess the decisions are up to me," Blake muttered to himself. "Maybe I should wait; some of these fields might come to me on their own. And I definitely need to do something about this hunger situation."