

"Echelons of Ascension: Chronicles of a Warrior's Promise" is an epic tale of determination, resilience, and the unyielding pursuit of one's destiny in a world where combat defines life itself.

J14S07 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

nut-shattering force ( 2 )

The stillness of the wasteland was suddenly shattered by the sound of rustling bushes nearby, sending a chill down Blake's spine. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, each beat echoing through his weakened body. The anticipation of the monster's arrival gripped him like a vice, and he found it harder to breathe with every passing moment.

"Jay," Blake whispered, his voice trembling with fear. "It's close."

"Stay focused," Jay urged, his voice steady despite the impending danger. 

Blake clenched his fists, feeling the grit of the dry earth between his fingers. He knew that the creature was out there, lurking just beyond his line of sight, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Every fiber of his being screamed at him to run, but he stayed rooted to the spot, determined to face whatever horrors were about to emerge from the shadows.

As the rustling grew louder and more frantic, Blake's mind raced with a torrent of thoughts. What would this creature look like? How fast would it be? Would he be able to react in time? And most importantly, would he find the strength within himself to stand his ground and fight?

"Here it comes," Jay warned, his voice barely audible over the deafening sound of Blake's own racing heartbeat.

And then, as if on cue, the creature burst forth from the tangle of withered branches. Its grotesque form took shape before Blake's horrified eyes, its goblin-like features twisted into an expression of pure malice. Its skin was a sickly shade of green, mottled with patches of diseased-looking black. Sharp, jagged teeth jutted out from its gnarled lips, and its beady red eyes seemed to bore straight into Blake's soul.

"God," Blake gasped, his breath coming in short, panicked bursts. "What is that thing?"

"Doesn't matter," Jay replied, "Just focus on taking it down."

As the monster snarled and bared its teeth, Blake felt a surge of adrenaline course through his veins. He knew that this was it – his moment of truth. With every ounce of strength he could muster, he pushed aside his terror and prepared himself for the battle ahead.

"Alright," he whispered

The air hung heavy with tension as Blake locked eyes with the goblin-like monster, their gazes unwavering and unrelenting. For a moment, it was as if time itself had slowed to a crawl, leaving nothing but the eerie silence of the wasteland and the slow, shallow breaths of both man and beast.

Blake swallowed hard, feeling the dryness of his throat and the weight of J's expectation on his shoulders. He knew he had to act, but the creature's unnerving appearance left him hesitant, unsure of what to expect.

"Charge or retreat?" he muttered under his breath, his mind racing with potential scenarios. "Or maybe...I should try to outmaneuver it?"

"Blake! Now!" Jay shouted, jolting him from his thoughts.