

"Echelons of Ascension: Chronicles of a Warrior's Promise" is an epic tale of determination, resilience, and the unyielding pursuit of one's destiny in a world where combat defines life itself.

J14S07 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Last Stand in Shadow's Grasp

"Enough games," the second ascendant spat, his voice dripping with venom. He stepped forward, his movements calculated and deliberate. Blake's eyes narrowed as he assessed his new opponent.

The two engaged in a vicious dance, their swords clashing with deafening force. Blake's muscles screamed in protest as he deftly countered the ascendant's attacks, each one more intricate than the last. As they traded blows, it became clear that this enemy was leagues above the others, his skill honed to a razor's edge. This was no mere pawn; he was a master of the blade, and he pushed Blake to his very limits.

He lunged forward, feinting left before delivering a punishing blow t Blake's ribs. The pain was blinding, but Blake refused to let it show. Instead, he focused on the woman who had orchestrated this trap, her maniacal smile still plastered across her face.

"Enjoying the show, are we?" he spat, struggling to maintain his composure. "You won't be smiling when I'm through with you."

"Bold words for someone who can barely stand," she taunted, her laughter grating on his nerves.

"Standing or not, I'll still wipe that grin off your face," he promised darkly, his mind racing with strategies.

Blake knew he couldn't keep this up much longer; exhaustion gnawed at the edges of his consciousness, threatening to drag him under. Yet, he couldn't allow the woman to remain unscathed, not after what she'd done. He needed to act, and he needed to act fast.

"Let's see how you handle this," he hissed, summoning the last of his strength. With a roar, he unleashed a torrent of Thunder energy towards the ascendant, catching him off guard and sending him stumbling back. Seizing the opportunity, Blake lunged at the woman, his sword poised for a lethal strike.

Her eyes widened in surprise, but her smile never wavered. "You're too slow," she mocked, and just as his blade was about to connect, two more figures materialized out of thin air, intercepting his attack.

"Damn it!" Blake cursed, his frustration mounting. How could he have been so careless? Was this their plan all along? To wear him down and strike when he was most vulnerable?

"Pathetic," the woman sneered, her voice dripping with disdain. "You never stood a chance."

"Perhaps," Blake admitted, his mind racing through his dwindling options. 

In the midst of the blood-soaked battlefield, Blake's breaths came in ragged gasps as the relentless onslaught from his enemies threatened to overwhelm him. His vision blurred and darkened at the edges, heralding his impending defeat.

"Still think you can beat us?" jeered one of the ascendants, as they circled him like a pack of ravenous wolves. "You're nothing but a fool."

"Bold words," Blake managed to spit out between gritted teeth. Despite the exhaustion clawing at every fiber of his being, he refused to let them see his weakness. "Let's see if you can back them up."

As the battle continued, his movements grew sluggish, his once-precise strikes now sloppy and ill-timed. Sweat mixed with blood, stinging his eyes and further obscuring his view of the enemy. The woman orchestrating the trap stood apart, watching with sadistic glee as he struggled to hold his ground.

"Give it up!" she cackled, her eyes alight with cruel amusement. "You're only delaying the inevitable."

"Shut your trap!" Blake snarled, narrowly evading a blade aimed for his throat. He knew she was right—his energy reserves were nearly depleted, and soon he'd be unable to keep up with their attacks. But he couldn't surrender, not without exacting some measure of retribution.

"Running on fumes, are we?" taunted another opponent, lunging forward with lethal intent. Blake parried the blow, the force of the impact sending tremors through his weary arms.

"Better than running on empty," he retorted, trying to maintain his bravado even as his legs threatened to buckle beneath him. He couldn't afford to give in to despair, not when the stakes were so high.

With each passing moment, his resolve waned, worn down by the onslaught of vicious attacks and the sheer determination of his enemies. As the darkness encroached upon his vision, he cursed his own hubris for leading him into this deadly trap.

"Was it worth it?" the woman whispered maliciously in his ear, her breath hot against his skin. "All that power, all that sacrifice...and for what?"

"Your end," he breathed, his voice barely audible over the pounding of his heart. It was a desperate gambit, but one last shred of hope remained within him.

"Too late for that," she sneered, her maniacal laughter echoing through his skull as the darkness closed in around him.

His consciousness slipped away, and with one final gasp of defiance, Blake crumpled to the ground, drained of strength and beaten down by the treachery that had sealed his fate.