

"Echelons of Ascension: Chronicles of a Warrior's Promise" is an epic tale of determination, resilience, and the unyielding pursuit of one's destiny in a world where combat defines life itself.

J14S07 · Fantasy
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62 Chs


The once-silent streets lay shattered, splintered by the desperate cries of a woman that clawed at the night air. The haunting atmosphere hung heavy and oppressive, as if the very shadows trembled with fear. A dense fog slithered through the alleyways, swallowing the moonlight and smothering all warmth.

Blake's heart hammered in his chest as he instinctively ran towards the source of the anguished screams. His eyes blazed with determination, his breaths steady and measured despite the urgency driving him forward. He knew better than to trust blindly, but something within him—perhaps his calculating nature or a flicker of humanity—compelled him to press on.

"Help me!" The woman's voice pierced through the gloom, each syllable laced with terror and desperation.

"Keep it together," Blake muttered to himself, his thoughts racing as he sprinted down the narrow passage. Cold sweat trickled down his spine, chilling him to the bone. This simple plea for help rattled his nerves like nothing else.

"Where are you?" Blake called out, his voice echoing through the murky darkness. "Show yourself!"

"Over here!" The cry was faint but unmistakable, drawing him deeper into the labyrinthine alley.

As he rounded a corner, Blake discovered the woman huddled against a crumbling brick wall. Her clothes were torn, her body battered and bloodied, the anguish in her eyes contrasting sharply with the eerie silence that now enveloped them.

The cacophony of Blake's footsteps against the broken pavement filled the dark alley, each step a staccato rhythm in the night. His breaths were short and labored as he pushed himself onward, every muscle tensed and ready for the unknown.

"Please, somebody help me!" The woman's frantic pleas echoed through the desolate streets, her desperate voice laden with terror.

"Keep it together, Blake," he muttered under his breath, his thoughts racing like wildfire. He knew trust was a luxury he couldn't afford, but something about her cry had struck a chord within him.

"Where are you?" he demanded, his voice a blend of authority and impatience. "Show yourself!"

"Over here! Please hurry!" Her voice quivered, heightening Blake's sense of urgency.

As he rounded a corner, the woman came into view, her disheveled form pressed against a crumbling brick wall. Sweat glistened on her brow, her eyes wide with genuine fear.

"Who did this to you?"