

"Echelons of Ascension: Chronicles of a Warrior's Promise" is an epic tale of determination, resilience, and the unyielding pursuit of one's destiny in a world where combat defines life itself.

J14S07 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Dance of Thunder and Steel

Blake and the bull locked eyes, each assessing the other with a mixture of caution and curiosity. The eerie tension in the atmosphere crackled like an impending storm, neither party willing to make the first move. It was a silent standoff, a battle of wills that would soon escalate into something far more dangerous.

In the moments that passed, Blake couldn't help but admire the formidable opponent before him. The bull's sheer presence exuded power, its massive form a testament to its strength. Its eyes bore a wisdom that transcended the animalistic, and for a fleeting second, Blake wondered if this creature possessed an intelligence that matched his own.

As the standoff continued, Blake couldn't help but indulge in internal monologues. The battles he had faced, the victories he had achieved—all of them had culminated in a growing sense of pride. With each vanquished foe and every hard-fought triumph, he had become stronger. It was this newfound strength that buoyed him now, even as the tension in the air threatened to suffocate him.

Then, in the blink of an eye, the bull made its move. It charged forward with an explosive burst of speed, hooves thundering against the Netherworld's desolate terrain. Blake had faced such recklessness before, but he was no longer the pathetic weakling he once was. He had affinities at his disposal, even if he hadn't fully grasped their potential. Thunder crackled around his form, a volatile force that waited for his command.

Blake swiftly sidestepped the bull's charge, avoiding the creature's massive horn by a hairsbreadth. The ground beneath his feet sizzled with sparks of Thunder, evidence of his power's uncontrollable nature. Yet, this was not the time for self-doubt or hesitation. He couldn't afford to be anything less than decisive in this perilous dance.

With his nimble sword in hand, Blake closed the gap between himself and the charging bull. The creature, recognizing its opponent's newfound strength, skidded to a halt and attempted to retreat. But Blake pressed on, refusing to relent.

He leaped into the air with the nimble sword poised for a devastating strike. As he descended, the blade plunged into the ground with a resounding impact that caused the earth to crack and tremble. The bull had narrowly escaped a potentially fatal blow, but it was now forced into a defensive stance.

The rapid succession of events unfolded within seconds, a testament to Blake's heightened abilities. His newfound strength allowed him to cover a distance of one hundred meters in a mere five seconds. Every muscle in his body was finely tuned, every sense honed to perfection. He was a predator in pursuit of his prey, a stark contrast to the prey he had once been.

The bull, undeterred by its narrow escape, regained its footing and launched a counterattack. It charged with its massive horn aimed at Blake's right thigh, a lethal trajectory that would have incapacitated most opponents. But Blake was no ordinary adversary.

Anticipating the bull's movement, Blake executed a swift sidestep to the left. The creature's horn missed its mark by mere inches, grazing the fabric of Blake's clothing. Thunder surged through Blake's body, coursing like a tempest within him, but he had yet to master its use. His inability to channel it with precision left him vulnerable.

The bull, however, was far from finished. It reacted with a speed that defied its massive frame, using its powerful hind legs to launch a ferocious kick aimed squarely at Blake's gut. The impact was bone-rattling, and Blake was sent hurtling backward, crashing against the unforgiving ground.

Pain flared through his body as he struggled to regain his footing. The bull, sensing an opportunity, closed the distance between them with a determined charge. Blake knew that he needed to adapt and react quickly if he wanted to survive this encounter.

With renewed determination, Blake pushed himself to his feet, gritting his teeth against the pain. The battle was far from over, and he refused to be defeated so easily. He couldn't rely solely on raw strength; he needed to outsmart his opponent.

As the bull charged once more, Blake's mind raced. He had to find a way to harness Thunder's power, to control it rather than be at its mercy. And the elusive Shadow Affinity—where had it disappeared to? He needed answers, but there was no time for introspection.

With the bull closing in, Blake steadied himself, nimble sword at the ready. The dance between Thunder and steel was about to resume, and Blake was determined to prove that he had become a force to be reckoned with in the Netherworld.