

"Echelons of Ascension: Chronicles of a Warrior's Promise" is an epic tale of determination, resilience, and the unyielding pursuit of one's destiny in a world where combat defines life itself.

J14S07 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Ascendant's Resolve

And just like that, he was thrown back into the Netherworld. Blake muttered to himself, "I need to get stronger, strong enough so that they'll have to take my consent before tossing me into any place they damn well please." He let out a deep sigh, his breath forming a faint mist in the cold, dimly lit environment.

As he stood there, his surroundings a stark contrast to the world he had left behind, Blake couldn't help but reflect on the absence of Jay. The pang of missing his friend was still there, but the events were unfolding at a lightning-fast pace, leaving him with little time to dwell on matters that no longer held significance.

He knew that the situation back on his home planet was bound to change rapidly. Not everyone among the survivors would be virtuous, and with many strong individuals remaining, conflicts were inevitable. The thought gnawed at him as he muttered to himself, "I don't know when they'll force me back to my home planet against my will. So, I have to be prepared for any contingencies. Mother, if you're out there somewhere, please be alive. Please."

With determination burning in his eyes, Blake focused on the one thing in his head—the thought of displaying his statistics. He had grown significantly since his last check, and he needed to understand the extent of his newfound power.

With a mental command, the numbers and figures appeared before his eyes, vastly different from what he remembered.

Character Name: Blake

Strength: 17

Endurance: 14

Agility: 15

Intelligence: 17

Vitality: 13

Stamina: 12

Additional Info:

Affinity: Shadow and Thunder

Companions: None

Slaves: None

Pets: None

Mounts: None

Special Ability: King's Guidance (Passive): When on the verge of death, you will hear the voice of the king whispering, "Onwards." This will give you a temporary boost to your abilities.

Core Capacity: 100 (Description: This is your core capacity, and your abilities draw upon this essence to wield.)

His stats had seen substantial improvements, and he realized that his battle against the two elemental adversaries had allowed him to incorporate their powers.

His gaze settled on a particular stat: Core Capacity. It puzzled him. What did it signify? Blake decided he would experiment with it later. The thought of wielding the power of shadows and thunder intrigued him. He couldn't help but think, It does sound cool, doesn't it? Will I ever have a crown like the king did?

His thoughts swirled like a maelstrom in his mind as he contemplated the implications of his newfound strength and the challenges that lay ahead. The Netherworld, with its endless mysteries, was his proving ground, and he was determined to emerge from it as a force to be reckoned with.

Blake focused on his goals—survival, growth, and the hope of returning home. But he also knew that the path would be fraught with trials and adversaries he couldn't even fathom. It was a path he had chosen, driven by his unwavering resolve to protect his planet and, if fate allowed, reunite with his lost loved ones.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Blake ventured further into the enigmatic realm of the Netherworld. His steps echoed in the eerie silence, each one a testament to his indomitable will. He might not have chosen this path, but he was determined to walk it with courage and determination. The challenges awaiting him were unknown, but he would face them head-on, armed with newfound strength and resolve.

As he moved deeper into the Netherworld, Blake couldn't shake the feeling that the universe held countless secrets, and he was just beginning to scratch the surface. His journey was far from over, and with each step, he would uncover more about himself and the world he had been thrust into.

The Netherworld beckoned, and Blake answered its call with determination burning in his heart. There was no turning back now, for he had become an Ascendant, a warrior forged in the crucible of trials and challenges, and he was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

With each passing moment, his connection to the elements of shadow and thunder grew stronger. He could feel their power coursing through him, waiting to be harnessed and wielded in ways he had yet to discover. The mysteries of the Netherworld were vast and unfathomable, but Blake was determined to unlock their secrets.

In the darkness of the Netherworld, he felt a glimmer of hope. It was a small spark, but it burned brightly in his heart. No matter how dire the circumstances, he would press onward. After all, the voice in his head had said it best—onwards was the way.