

"Echelons of Ascension: Chronicles of a Warrior's Promise" is an epic tale of determination, resilience, and the unyielding pursuit of one's destiny in a world where combat defines life itself.

J14S07 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

A Century of Monsters Slain... Is the Game Over

"100 kills give me a daymn reward. please, I said please. someone? anyone?" *

"Fuck you", whoever you are,

Then he laughed, loudly at himself and his pathetic state. "So much for resolve, am I all talk?. No one owes you a goddamn thing. So quit your whining and get back to slaughtering those monsters, loser." he reminded himself and then suddenly ...

Blake's senses heightened as he felt the imminent confrontation drawing near. He could practically hear the hushed footsteps closing in on his position—one from the south and another from the northwest. Instinct told him this was a deliberate attempt to corner him, and he couldn't afford to be caught off guard.

His fingers tightened around his sword's hilt, and he took a steadying breath. "Another life-or-death situation?" he muttered, his voice a growl. 

From the southern direction emerged the first figure, and Blake's eyes widened as he took in the unexpected sight. It was a person of similar build to him, wielding a sword that crackled with sparks and echoed with the rumble of thunder. The surreal display momentarily left Blake in awe, but he couldn't afford to be distracted. In a flash, the stranger lunged, and their blades clashed, sending sparks cascading into the air.

The battle ignited with an intensity that was almost blinding. The stranger's sword crackled with electrical energy, creating a dazzling and erratic dance of light. Blake met each strike with precision, his body moving with newfound agility as if it had been molded by the very essence of combat itself.

The stranger was a skilled adversary, using their thunderous blade to create shockwaves and disorient Blake. They danced around each other in a violent choreography, the clashing of their weapons resonating like a symphony of war.

As if the situation weren't already dire, another figure appeared on the scene, wielding a sword that seemed to be crafted from pure shadows. It moved with an eerie fluidity, striking at Blake's defenses from unpredictable angles. The shadows engulfed their surroundings, creating a haunting and surreal battleground.

Blake's heart raced as he fought against both adversaries, his every movement fueled by a desperate determination. He executed intricate parries and swift strikes, countering their relentless assault with grit and skill. The world around him blurred as he focused solely on surviving this surreal encounter.

The two enigmatic figures proved to be formidable opponents, pushing Blake to the brink of exhaustion. His vision began to blur, and his muscles screamed in protest, but he refused to relent. With a final, superhuman effort, he executed a decisive strike, sending both adversaries staggering backward.

As they reeled from the blow, Blake's body finally succumbed to the relentless battle. He collapsed to his knees, gasping for breath, his vision fading to an inky black. In those last moments of consciousness, the echoes of the intense struggle continued to resonate in his ears, a testament to the fierce determination that had carried him through.


Just as Blake teetered on the precipice of unconsciousness, a familiar voice pierced through the haze of battle and exhaustion. "Onwards," it whispered, echoing like a distant memory, a presence he had thought lost.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through Blake's veins, and his body responded with newfound vigor. Ignoring the protests of his aching muscles, he pushed himself back to his feet, determined to see this battle through.

The two adversaries closed in on Blake, their intent clear in their thunderous and shadowy forms. His heart raced, but he knew there was no turning back now. He had to face them head-on.

As the first foe lunged towards him, sword crackling with thunder, Blake's instincts took over. His body moved with a newfound grace, every motion calculated and precise. With a swift twist of his own blade, he parried the thunderous strike, sending sparks flying into the darkened sky. His eyes locked onto his opponent's, a glint of determination cutting through the chaos.

In a blur of motion, Blake countered. His sword danced through the air, a deadly extension of himself. He feinted left and then struck with lightning speed, catching his thunderous foe off guard. The blade whistled through the air, finding its mark with a resounding clash.

The adversary staggered backward, momentarily stunned by the ferocity of Blake's attack. It was as if he had absorbed their fighting prowess, their moves now familiar and predictable. The tide of the battle had shifted in his favor.

But there was no time to revel in his advantage. The second adversary, shrouded in shadow, pressed on relentlessly. Its sword, as dark as night, moved with a sinister grace. Blake could feel the malevolent energy emanating from it, a stark contrast to the thunder's raw power.

He sidestepped the shadowy strike, narrowly avoiding the blade's deadly edge. The ground seemed to shiver beneath him as he regained his footing, his muscles burning with exertion. The relentless dance continued, a deadly symphony of clashing blades and crackling energy.

With each passing moment, Blake's confidence grew. He could sense their weaknesses, exploit their patterns, and counter their every move. It was a battle of attrition, and he was determined not to yield.

The thunderous foe unleashed another powerful strike, but this time, Blake was ready. He deflected the attack with precision and struck back, sending a surge of thunderous energy rippling through his adversary's form. It let out a deafening roar of pain and frustration, stumbling backward.

With both adversaries momentarily incapacitated, Blake seized the opportunity. He moved with calculated swiftness, striking each of them with precision blows. Thunder and shadow clashed, creating a dazzling display of light and darkness.

"How many hours has it been?" he thought, however that thought quickly took the backseat.

With each clash of their blades, a strange energy coursed through Blake's body. He could feel the thunderous power of the first foe merging with his own essence, causing a faint but unmistakable thunder to rage within him. Simultaneously, the shadows cast by the second adversary seemed to respond to his will, dancing and contorting as if they were extensions of himself.

As the battle raged on, Blake felt himself becoming more attuned to the elements of thunder and shadow. It was as if he had absorbed not only their combat abilities but also their very essence. With each passing moment, he grew stronger, his powers manifesting in ways he had never imagined.

Thunder crackled around him, and shadows swirled in a dark maelstrom. He struck with a force that seemed otherworldly, shattering the weapons of his adversaries and sending them sprawling to the ground.

Silence settled over the battlefield as Blake stood victorious, his chest heaving with exertion. The thunder and shadows that had enveloped him slowly subsided.

As the remnants of the fierce battle settled, Blake found himself standing amid the wreckage of his adversaries. He had emerged victorious, wielding newfound powers of thunder and shadow, but the cost had been steep. The intense exertion had drained him to the brink of collapse.

Gasping for breath, Blake staggered backward, his legs threatening to give way beneath him. His vision swayed and blurred as he struggled to remain upright, his body trembling with fatigue. He had pushed himself beyond his limits, and the toll was evident.

With every labored breath, he fought to stay conscious. The world around him seemed to spin and distort, and he could feel the coolness of the ground beneath him as he sank to his knees.

Lying on the ground, his body battered and bruised, Blake's consciousness teetered on the edge of oblivion. He was alive, but barely. The aftermath of the battle had left him in a precarious state, and he knew that rest and recovery were now his only allies.

With a final, weary sigh, he allowed his eyes to flutter closed, surrendering to the darkness that beckoned him. 

"Receive my felicitations, wielder of the elements of shadow and light, for triumphing in your inaugural ascent," and at that moment, the world around the unconscious Blake started to warp...


The end of the first arc! Your feedback and criticisms are genuinely welcome . It's been an incredible journey so far, and I'm excited to hear your thoughts. Your support means a lot!

-JS (Feeling super tired)

J14S07creators' thoughts