
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · Fantasy
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107 Chs

The Forest of Silvatu

The forest of Silvatu is a vast living organism brimming with magical creatures and mystical plants. As Kargavir carried them over the thick canopy they could see nothing but the lush green tops. He stayed high just on the edge of the clouds staying out of sight, not that there was anyone to spot them from the forest below. The majority of the population in Viviar live in the capital city, with a few outliers living in towns around the outskirts of the forest, which besides the Redstone Peaks make up most of the kingdom.

Kragavir dove down towards the forest when a break in the trees finally appeared. The monstrous force of his wings blew back the trees, swirling up any loose leaves and branches. However, he couldn't get right to the ground with his wings extended, so he tucked them in and fell the last twenty feet to the forest floor, landing with a loud thud. Subtly wasn't needed this deep in the wilderness especially for a dragon. Erigos figured they were still a week away, which meant the Crystal River was just north and beyond that Quila's Quag. It would not be an easy journey.

"Well, this is where I leave you," Kragavir lowered his body to let them off. The forest floor was soft and welcoming. Harim was last off his back.

Harim bowed to the dragon. "We appreciate everything."

"And I you. Feel free to visit me anytime, so long as you bring some talent." Kragavir winked and bowed to each of them. They backed up from the clearing to give him space. He unfurled his copper wings, which caught the moonlight. With one giant leap, he shoved off the ground using his wings, to propel himself up. He reached the narrow part of the canopy flapped once, brought his wings in to fit through the gap, and flew up out of the forest. He quickly disappeared into the night sky.

"What just happened…?" Rothox shook his head in disbelief.

"What do you mean exactly?" Harim asked him.

"I mean, in the past day and a half, we stumbled upon a dragon. Who ends up being a friendly dragon and gives us what happens to be an Artifact of Awakening. Then he flys us across a forest to our destination. I don't understand it. It makes no sense."

"Sometimes, Rothox, the world works in your favor." Harim clapped Rothox on the shoulder. "Just enjoy it."

Rothox wasn't used to things working out for him. "What now?"

"Well, we are still a week away from Avent, so I suggest we get some rest. This forest is dangerous no matter what time of day but it can be much worse at night," Erigos said.

"This seems like a good enough place to rest," Harim began to unfold his bedroll.

I'll take the first watch," Erigos said. While his friend's slept the sounds of the forest kept him company. In some way the hoots of the owls, the moaning of the trees, and the song of the nighthawks were comforting. He took the time to think about the journey he and Alissa had set out on six months ago. It had been a whirlwind and now it had come full circle. They were returning to Avent.

The sunrise pierced the leaves waking the Sect. Dew dripped from the foliage, one drop landed on the forehead of Rothox. He wiped it away, rubbed the sleep from his eyes, and as his vision cleared he stared directly into the eyes of a jaguar ten feet above him perched on a branch. Its black tail swaying back and forth. Rothox slowly moved a hand up, a dagger flashed into it. Harim's hand shot out and grabbed his arm. He shook his head and turned back to the jaguar. It watched them for a few more minutes before bounding off into the forest as the others stirred awake.

"No sense in killing if it's just curious," Harim released Rothox's arm. The others began to stir and before long they set off north towards the Crystal River. Erigos led the way, having been the only one with experience in the forest.

As the sun reached its zenith the rainforest grew humid. Erigos forged a path using his sword to hack away any obstructions. Before long they reached the rushing waters of the Crystal River. The light blue river flowed from east to west. It looked inviting. Rothox reached down to feel the water.

"Don't touch it," Erigos warned. Rothox pulled his hand back.

"There are spirits that guard the water. You are a foreign object and the spirits will purify anything that does not belong in the water." Erigos grabbed a twig and tossed it into the river. It floated in the current, heading downstream, for a moment before the magical aura and the water itself coated the twig with a pinkish mineral, crystalizing it. The twig disappeared into a small rapid.

"Where did it go?" Alissa searched the water, she couldn't see the crystal twig anymore.

"It would have shattered on the rocks. That's what this river does. Anything that falls in the water is crystallized and shatters to be dissolved into the pure water. I would advise we should find a safe place to cross." Erigos started to walk upstream. Harim was intrigued and as they walked along the river bank he picked up a few twigs, tossing them into the water. Each one turned to crystal and eventually disappeared.

"What did you say this river was called?"

"The Crystal River," Erigos answered.

'Aptly named,' he thought before he said, "Not a very creative name."

"It has a name in elven but it's long and complicated to say," Erigos laughed, "Would you like me to tell you?"

"No, the Crystal River will suffice," Harim said.

Erigos spotted a narrow part of the river that offered the best place to cross. "Any ideas?"

"Rothox, do you still have your grappling hook?" Alissa looked to the demonblood who had started to climb a tree.

"Not my original one, we left that at the estate, but I did take one from the 'Fog Seeker'. It should work the same." Rothox was already halfway up the tree.

"Think you can throw it across?" Harim asked him, trying to judge the distance.

"Maybe, but Alissa could get it across with her magic." Rothox looked at the girl.

"I'd rather her keep her magic for anything we might find on the other side of this river," Erigos said.

"Why, what's on the other side?" Rothox from his extra ten feet of view peered across the river seeing only more forest.

"Quila's Quag." He shuddered when he said the name. It was a dangerous place. Everyone in Avent told horror stories of the swamp. Hunter's would actively avoid it taking a long way around, adding days to their hunting trips. His father on that same journey to the Redstone Peaks had taken him to the edge. He had wanted him to experience it for himself. His dad believed that stories and tales could be filled with lies and the only way to know for sure was to see it yourself. The day he had seen it they had heard horrifying screams coming from inside. He had wanted to help but his father insured him that was how the quag lured people in. He had still tried and that was the day he nearly died; the day his fear of swamps started.

Rothox climbed higher up the tree. He found a sturdy branch, and crawled out onto it, escaping the tree's leaves to get a better look across the water. He figured it was thirty feet across. "Quila never heard of her. Who is she?" Rothox said while readying the rope and grapple.

"She was a beautiful princess of Avent. One day she got the news her betrothed had perished in a battle. In her bereaved state, she ran into the forest. She came across a small swamp and was never seen again. Since then the quag started to grow, slowly taking over the forest. Those that venture close to the wounded area still hear her screams of grief, her never-ending pain for her lost love."

Rothox found his target. The grapple sailed across the river towards the nearest tree. It disappeared into the branches. The rope went slack and dipped towards the water. He quickly pulled it back to prevent it from touching. As the rope grew tighter he slowed his pace. He could feel the grapple hadn't latched. After a few more feet he felt the grapple stick. He leaned into it and pulled it tight.

"Got it!" He tried the end tight around the tree. "Who's first?" Looking down at his friends, who stared back at him. "Fine, I'll go first." Rothox grabbed the rope and held on with his full weight. The grapple held firm. Swinging his feet up over the rope, linking them together, he began to pull himself across the water.