
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · Fantasy
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107 Chs

Lord Jirax

Normally he didn't allow himself to indulge as much as he had but he deserved a little fun after all he just struck the deal of his life. With the death of his business partner, Dunlan, he was all set to absorb his mine. He would now control the two largest mines in Voria along with their already combined venture. The cable car shuttered as the machinery brought it to life. It was late and only he and one other were on the cable car leaving the Polished Inn.

Lord Jirax looked out over the edge of the metal container as the car passed through the waterfall. This was the highest cable car in the city. He hated heights, the alcohol consumed tonight helped with that. He turned to the other person in the car. The stranger wore all black and kept their head down. Being a little drunk he decided he wanted to talk to someone, tell anyone about his good news; to brag.

"Hey, you, in the corner." The stranger lifted their head, their face hidden in the shadows of a dark hood. "I just became...richer than the King today." He smiled, it felt good to say that. It might not be entirely true, not knowing the exact amount of wealth the King had. Either way, he was now twice as rich as he had been and he had been very wealthy already.

"You know, you should be careful who you announce that too," The stranger said.

Lord Jirax was taken aback by that comment. "You know who... I am, don't you? Are you threatening me?"

"Everyone knows who you are, Lord Jirax." The stranger stood and slowly approached the Lord.

"Wait, what are you doing? Who are you?" He tried to peer into the hood.

The hood came off and underneath was a dark-skinned, white-haired dark elf, "I'm one of two things. One, I'm the person you tell everything you know about Dunlan's death; Two, let's not get to option two.

In his intoxicated state, he found himself braver than normal. "I am Lord Jirax, how dare you threaten me!" He went to shove the dark elf back. He pushed the air as the dark elf moved, sweeping his legs out from under him. He fell to the floor of the cable car. His head dangling out the open door. Thousands of feet of air licked his face. The cable cars were notoriously slow and at this point in their ascent, they were only a third of the way across the few thousand feet of the space between the two canyon walls.

"What do you want," he began to whimper, no amount of alcohol could prevent his fear of heights coming out now.

"I want to know what part you played in Vester Dunlan's death." The dark elf pressed his knee into his chest keeping him pinned to the floor.

"I don't know what you mean," he lied. He knew the dark elf wouldn't do anything drastic. He was too important.

"Wrong answer." The dark elf grabbed a long rope hidden in his cloak. Tied one end to Lord Jirax's leg.

"Wait, what are you doing--" Before he could finish he was shoved out of the cable car. The elf waited for a second debating if he should just let him fall. The rope was rapidly disappearing as the screams of the Lord definitely drew attention. It didn't matter he'd be long gone before anyone could catch him. At the last second, he placed the hook on a handle, the cable car swung as it caught the weight of Jirax. The elf waited to the count of ten before pulling the Lord back up. A third left before they made it to the surface.

Lord Jirax had passed out and had pissed himself. It had run down his shirt as he had hung upside when he did it. He slapped him awake.

"Hi." The dark elf said as Jirax opened his eyes. He screamed and the dark elf calmly placed a sharp edge against his neck and covered his mouth. Lord Jirax calmed, slightly, and the attacker lifted his hand.

Lord Jirax was shaking with fear, "Alright….I never met the man….but he wanted to know what... Dunlan had found in the mine, what he was going to send to Zarcum….He never said anything about killing him….He just wanted the shipment." He was a blithering mess.

"What was in the shipment he wanted so badly?"

"An old chest plate…. It was found deep in our joint mine. Dunlan had a buyer for it already, he didn't consult me on it…. I was angry so I told the stranger."

"What did this stranger want with it?"

"He...he didn't say." Jirax stammered.

"Did he get the item?" He asked. 'Who was this third party, that had gotten involved,' he thought.

"No, it never left the mine. Dunlan lied to his buyer realizing what the item was and chose to keep it for himself. I only found out after I told the other man."

"What did he look like?"

"I never saw his face. He sent someone else to meet with me the first time. After that, it was just letters and magical messages. Told me he could make me rich beyond my dreams, if I helped, so I did. I never thought he'd kill him."

"Well he did and it looks like you got your wish" The dark elf slammed his fist into Lord Jirax's temple, knocking him out.

The cable car screeched to a halt inside the receiving building on the surface. The guard patrolling noticed no one got off. He had heard a scream early and was on alert. Unfortunately, the cable car has been used as a place for desperate people to jump to their deaths. He figured that was the scream he heard tonight before he noticed a man laying on the floor of the car. He rushed over. calling to his partner. He instantly smelt alcohol as he entered the car.

"Nevermind, It's some drunk idiot, Must've passed out." He smelt the air again. "Oh and pissed himself." He pinched his nose.

The other guard came around the corner, "That's Lord Jirax!"


His partner was shocked, "So…. He's one of the wealthiest Lords in the city. Let's pull him out at least. His horse is still tied up."

Not only did horses not like the enclosed feeling of the cavern part of the city but they were also not allowed on in the gondolas. There had been an incident in the past. Those that could afford them needed a place to keep them. A stable was built beside the cable car station for such occasions.

The two began to drag the Lord out of the gondola. They didn't notice the dark figure slip off the roof and disappear into the city.

It was hard to tell when morning came, down in the canyon, however, the Polished Inn had a solution for that. In the more executive suites, a system of well-placed mirrors reflected the sunlight into the room. When the sun rose the light would fall on the head of the bed. If a guest didn't want this feature they could simply cover the hole.

Rothox was unaware of this as the sun hit his face waking him up. He had to position his arm in front of his eyes as he rolled out of bed. The suite was quite large, offering three separate beds. Harim called it an estate room. He and Harim were supposed to have shared a bed giving Alissa and Erigos their own but Harim had not come to the room. He was an interesting man, Rothox sensed he was hiding something, they all were. He threw on his clothes, flipped the important hood over his head, and left the room.

The Polished Inn was similar to the place they had stayed in Xesa, in that it had a separation between the tavern and the inn aspects, although on a much grander scale. Harim was at the bar, eating when he arrived.

"Ah Rothox, glad you are awake, here." he slid an extra plate of food over to him. Rothox took a seat. "I know you are eager to leave this city so you'll be happy to know my business has concluded."

'Already,' Rothox thought.

"Also as it turns out I will be going with you to Culku City."

"More business, I assume."

"You assume correctly."

Rothox only knew a handful of people that conducted their business overnight and none of them were respectable members of society, at least not the proper society.

Erigos and Alissa joined them shortly after.

"Harim is already done his business and is coming with us to Culku City." Rothox spoiled the news right away. Harim sensed an annoyed tone.

"Oh really?" Erigos said.

"Ah, I wanted to see more of the pretty city," Alissa added.

"We can on the way home, Alissa. We are being paid to get to Culku City so we shouldn't daddle," Erigos said.

Harim could tell Alissa was slightly upset. "I'm sure one day in Meirgrand can't hurt. We can leave first thing tomorrow morning."