
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · Fantasy
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107 Chs


Drealyan drew closer as they made their way through the small forest to the east of the city, the grand walls came into view and beyond them a few towers sporadically located throughout the sprawling landscape. Due to the nature of the city and the surrounding farmland there were dozens of small settlements blotting the area. The Emperor's road entered the city through the north and to the west of the city was more farmland alongside the famous Colossal River. An interesting feature to Drealyan was its large harbor even though it is days of travel inland. All the capital cities are built away from the ocean. There are many myths as to why there are no coastal capitals, the most popular being The Curse of the Sea. Long before the cities formed, even before The Rebirth a dense fog circled the continent of Yulandi, forever shrouding passage to and from by sea. People feared this fog saying creatures dwelled within, so they moved inland, only traveling along the coast line to and from places on Yulandi hardly venturing out into the ocean. Ships sail into and beyond the fog, many sailors, if they return, rave about sea creatures and devastating visions. Some come through unharmed, although many choose to not risk the journey. Travel to other continents is rare and expensive because of this fog and airships are the desired way to cross.

Upon choosing the location to settle and build the city of Drealyan this area offered a way around having a coastal harbor. At first the founders of the city thought the river a long inlet of the ocean, until they tried the water. Tasting no salt they knew it to be a river. It stems from the large freshwater lake north of Drealyan near the center of Yulandi, the Hurier Lake. The river is miles wide and hundreds of feet deep at certain points along its body. Here in Drealyan it is still a mile wide, offering a natural separation between the two halves of the city. There is no bridge across the river because of the ships masts, but rather a system of ferries traveling back and forth.

When the Sect had arrived in Orlan they did not come by this route but from the small coastal town of Emont, a couple days' travel from the capital of the Kingdom. Upon entering the city they made straight for the harbor. They knew Lord Cragxan and his men would most likely follow them here and they had no plans to see the sights. It was still early morning having spent the night in the forest on the edge of the city in the event that Lord Cragxan had men watching the inns for a group of four strangers they didn't take the risk.

The tall masts of large ocean vessels came into view. Harim and Erigos walked straight to the dockmaster's station while Rothox and Alissa marveled at the size of these ships. It was hard to comprehend when they were so far inland. It didn't take long for them to charter a ship, one that was already heading to the city of Port Devia.Their next target was the Ethereal Cloak in Avent. Port Devia was the closest coastal city to Avent. Erigos and Alissa were familiar with the port city having traveled to Realt from there. Erigos also had been there a couple times before in his previous life.

The dockmaster, after having been paid by the Sect, led them along the docks to the large ship that they were to board. The ship they had sailed on to get here had been a smaller ship with only one large mast and a small one at the front. This ship had two large masts as well as two smaller ones. The 'Fog Seeker' was an elegant red wood merchant ship led by Captain Jesiah Felder. He conversed with the dockmaster briefly and accepted the payment before addressing his new passengers. Tossing the coin purse once in the air before catching it and stashing it on his belt

"Alright," His voice didn't have that raspy tone one would think a sailor would have. He also didn't look like a sailor, he was muscular as can be expected, but he was tall with short blonde hair and beard, and he was clean. He gave them all a once over, "You pay well, I'll give you that. One rule on board the 'Fog Seeker', Let my men and me work, you are passengers nothing more. Besides, you don't look, the sailing type." He stopped on Erigos.

"Fair enough," Harim said.

"Why is it you all want to sail to Port Devia? That's quite the journey."

"We have business in Avent."

"Fair enough," the Captain said. "People geo their reasons." He went to yell something to the crew carrying crates of supplies onboard.

"Why is it called the 'Fog Seeker'?" Alissa asked.

The Captain cocked his head, "Well that's because we are one of the few ships that brave the journey through the fog and cross the ocean."

"Really?" Alissa was intrigued by this. It was her first time meeting someone who had traveled through. "And you've gone through it?"

The Captain nodded, "I have."

"What was it like?"

"How about I answer any questions you have once we have set sail?" He said as nicely as he could. Alissa nodded eagerly. "You may board the ship, just watch for my crew." He gave a polite nod then walked off, barking more orders to his crew.

They boarded the ship, dodging around crew members as they did. They received a few inquisitive looks and a few under the breath murmurs about passengers getting in the way. A different crew member saw them looking around on the deck.

"Oi there!" He called to them, waving them over. "Welcome aboard the 'Fog Seeker' I am Quartermaster Yelar Gasber. You must be our passengers." He noticed them looking around at the other crew members. "Don't mind them, they are good men, just don't like their routine getting messed up. You'll all grow to like each other on this long trip we have ahead of us."

"When do you think we will set sail?" Harim asked.

"I'd say within the hour," he smiled, his whole face lighting up. Yelar was a shorter stocky man, he had a medium length beard and dark skin, a mix of his natural color and a sailing tan. "Here, follow me." He led them towards a set of stairs down into the berth and through a doorway. "This will be where you will all stay while with us." He saw Rothox check the door. "The door does lock for your privacy," he smiled again. "Make yourselves comfortable and I will return when we embark." He closed the door behind him.

"I like him," Alissa said.

"You like everyone, Lis," Erigos laughed.

Harim and Erigos inspected the room. It was simple, there was one bed and a desk, both nailed to the wood. A few hooks in the walls so they could mount a hammock or two. It would be snug but it would work and it wasn't like they had a choice. They removed their packs, and unneeded gear while at sea. After a few minutes a knock came at their door.

"It's Yelar."

Erigos opened the door. Yelar was there holding a bundle of beige cloth. "Some hammocks for you." He shoved them into Erigos' arms. He nodded and turned to leave. "Oh, and whenever you want you can return to the main deck, you might enjoy the experience." The Sect chose to follow him.

Dozens of crew members were maining their posts as the ship was relieved of her moorings and began to float out from the dock. The sails remained furled as the boat entered the stream of the river, currently flowing at a slow steady pace, controlled by a mechanism at the north end of the harbor for this exact purpose. The sails unfurled when they entered the main part of the river, the current picking up pace. Harim felt a presence on the wharf, he glanced over. Standing, watching the ship float away was a powerful looking man and behind him a towering metal figure.