
Ascension Road

I lived the most painful life as far as I could remember. Waking up everyday staring at the same white hospital ceiling got old after the first 2 years. From the time I was 9 until now I was frequently in and out of the hospital for strange pain throughput my body that was insistent on breaking down my body from the inside out. Eventually I became a cripple and I had to live in a hospital bed. Literally. Well that's in the past now.

Norf · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs


[2699 WORDS - I think Author-san deserves a few power stones for this many words don't you?]


'My presence in this world must be changing certain events...not that I care I'll just deal with it when the time comes plus this is quite the good situation for me.... I already hoped to get both sisters....being such a greedy bastard will kill me one day.' Yuji thought to himself.

It took a few moments but Qingyu finally regained her bearings.

"Grandfather how could this have happened, why did I never know about this?, You even engaged Ningzi to him!" Xia Qingyu just found out that she and her sister have a fiance how could she not be surprised.

"It's my fault for not telling you earlier, but no matter what happens from now on you three are engaged, Yuji how do you like my granddaughter she is quite pretty right? Even her sister is quite beautiful." Xia Tian asked Yuji with a smile on his face.

"Grandfather I don't agree! I don't want to be this person's fiancee I'm sure even Ningzi wouldn't want that too!" Xia Qingyu pointed at Yuji with a piercing look, why would she want to marry a man that she has just met and why would she allow her sister to marry him too?

"Qingyu grandfather's decision is unanimous, nothing can change it!" Xia Tian said on a serious tone.

He was angry at Qingyu for trying to refuse the engagement.

"Grandfather...but why?" Qingyu was surprised at how angry he became because she was very rarely scolded by her grandfather.

Xia Tian sighed at her question. "Qingyu, you know if it wasn't for Ye Yuji's grandfather you, your sister and your mother would not have lived to this day. Our family owe your lives to Ye Yuji's grandfather and engaging both you sister's is but a small request from the man who saved your lives, if I can't grant this small request how can I meet with Ye Hun when I pass away? "Xia Tian said to her with a stern unyielding tone to show that he wouldn't change his mind.

Qingyu could not say anything in response, seeing how her grandfather felt she decided not to continue this matter. Her grandfather's heart disease might act up again because of stress.

"You two wait here I'll go get your engagement letter. You should also show it to Ningzi when you see her." Xia Tian didn't idle around for any longer as he rolled his wheelchair back and left the two alone.

Qingyu immediately began thinking of ways to cancel the agreement but was brought out of her thoughts by Yuji.

"Xia Qingyu have you two eaten lunch yet?"Yuji asked with a smile on his face. He maintained his KH technique on full power and once again focused it on her.

Qingyu blushed as she looked up to see his smile because of the technique.

It took her a few moments but she finally shook her head.

"No we haven't."She said in a cold tone but Yuji could tell that in between her voice was breaking slightly because of his technique.

"Could you show me where the kitchen is? Hearing all of this made me hungry..." Yuji said to her as he thought.

'I'll start defrosting you with the best food you've ever eaten.'

Because of his KH technique Qingyu was having a hard time maintaining her gaze on him because she wanted to hide her blush.

'Why do I get flustered every time I look at him?!' She thought to herelf.

Instead of answering she just pointed in the direction of the Kitchen and turned her face away from him.

She couldn't care less about that right now. She was more focused on trying to calm herself down because she could tell that her heart was racing around him.

Yuji got up from his chair and went to the kitchen with a grin plastered on his face.

Qingyu was too focused on hiding her blush so she didn't notice it.

A few minutes later Xia Tian came back and was confused seeing Yuji gone.

"Qingyu where is Yuji?" He asked as he looked around.

"He went to the kitchen to make Lunch" She said as she pointed to the kitchen.

She managed to calm herself down in these few minutes so she wasn't trying to hide her face anymore.

"I see, then let's wait for him." Xia Tian said as he rolled up and sat back next to Qingyu.

"Qingyu I want you to give Ye Yuji a chance okay. I understand why you are against marrying a man you just met however he is the grandson of the man that saved the life of you sister's and your mother. Unless you absolutely cannot like him at all then we can talk about this,he is also a very handsome man so just give him a chance." Xia Tian said as he looked at the old engagement letter on the table.

Qingyu stayed quiet as she thought about her impression on Yuji so far.

Unlike other men he remained indifferent when he saw her and didn't lust over her body.

She had seen many men who try to hide it so she could easily tell if he was just acting but he wasn't.

The comfortable scent around him that made her blush and her heart race.

She thought about everything for a minute which resulted in her cheeks developing a light tint of red and let out a sigh.

"I'll give him one chance and you must also tell Ningzi and mother about this." She said to him.

"I will." He replied with a smile.

Qingyu was currently the only one here with him so he could only tell them later.

Just as they finished their conversation their noses were assaulted with the most delicious scent of food they had ever smelled.

"Hahaha he's only been there for a few minutes and yet it smells so good." Xia Tian said laughing.

Meanwhile Qingyu's eyes were wide in shock. She came from a rich family so she always had the chance to eat the most delicious food however she had never smelled such a good scent from anyone else's cooking.

1 hour later Yuji walked out of the kitchen with a large tray with 4 plates inside.

3 of them were bowls of Ratatouille while the last one had three slices of Quiche Lorraine.

There were only 3 bowls of it because he sent the rest of it into the Fairy Gate for the girls and he also prepaired some meat for Kohaku.

-- Inside The Fairy Gate--

Cliona, Yuechan and Kohaku were sitting together with their food In front of them.

"Cliona why did husband bring us food?" Yuechan asked in confusion. She didn't need to eat at all and he knew that so was quite confused.

Meanwhile Cliona's and Kohaku's eyes had stars in them seeing the food.

"Yuechan I promise you. Yuu-kun's food is the best thing you will ever eat...apart from his cum so don't give up this chance." Cliona said as she immediately started eating her own bowl.

Kohaku followed suit as she started munching on her meat happily.

Cliona almost immidiately had an orgasm from the food.

Yuechan did as Cliona said and took a bite from the food.

She was immediately assaulted by the best flavours she had ever tasted as she experienced her first Foodgasm which also turned her on quite a bit almost taking her all the way to an orgasm.

The three girls munched on their food happily until there was nothing left.

--Back To Reality--

Yuji walked out with a grin plastered on his face as he anticipated Qingyu's first foodgasm.

The two who were sitting at the table visibly gulped at the food that he brought out.

"Please make sure you eat everything I don't like people wasting my food." Yuji said as he laid Xia Tian's food in front of him along with necessary utensils.

"Don't worry Ye Yuji how could we waste something that smells so delicious." He said in anticipation of the taste of his food.

When he got to Qingyu he once again made her swim in his KH aura.

Qingyu once again blushed and started feeling comfortable and relaxed when he approached her. 'Why does he make me feel this way?' she asked herself.

Noticing her blush Yuji decided to tease her a bit.

He went down next to her as he put the plates down.

"Xia Qingyu, your face is a bit red are you okay? I studied medicine before so let me check on you." Yuji said as he brought his hand to her forehead.

Qingyu blushed harder hearing that he noticed her blush and then seeing his hand approach her head she put her own in front of him to stop him while waving them.

"D-dont worry I'm not sick, let's eat the food will get cold." She tried to change the subject so he would leave her.

Since she was facing him he went in for the last hit of the combo.

"Then I'm glad that you're okay, I was worried about you for a second." Yuji smiled as brightly as he could at her.

Qingyu was immediately mesmerized.

How could a normal woman survive a smile from Yuji while he's using the KH technique on her.

Xia Tian who was just watching was quite happy with the way things were happening.

Yuji got up and went back to his seat since he knew that rushing her wouldn't help him.

"Enjoy the food." He said to the blushing woman that was looking at him.

Qingyu regained her senses and blushed even more as she remembered what she was just doing.

Xia Tian nodded his head in approval at Yuji which earned a smile from him.

She turned her attention to the food and immediately began eating.

As she took her first bite of the Ratatouille her eyes went wide and she fully experienced her first foodgasm.

Xia Tian followed soon after and they both ate the food without holding back.

Yuji was quite satisfied with the result as he began eating too.

A few minutes later they all finished eating.

"Ye Yuji that was the best food I've ever had in my long life...Hahaha living long is quite good." Xia Tian was quite happy that he got the chance to eat such amazing food.

Meanwhile Qingyu's eyes were still wide as she looked at the empty plate in front of her.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it" As he said that to Xia Tian Yuji looked over to Qingyu.

"Xia Qingyu how did you like my food?" Yuji asked as he once again bombarded her with his KH aura.

Qingyu looked up at him and she didn't realise it since she was still drunk on his food but she was blushing quite hard.

"It was extraordinary..."She unconsciously smiled beautifully as she complimented his food.

Yuji stood up from his seat and walked over to Xia Tian to take their plates.

When he arrived at Qingyu he did the usual bombardment of KH aura and went down to whisper into her ear.

"You look beautiful when you smile, I would love to see it more in future." Yuji didn't wait for a response as he walked back to the kitchen leaving behind a blushing Qingyu and a grinning Xia Tian who was internally praising Yuji.

-- Inside The Fairy Gate --

"Husband is quite merciless when he is chasing after a woman....this woman was such a cold woman just a while ago and now she's barely able to maintain a serious expression. Plus she'll never be satisfied with anyone other than Husbands food." Yuechan had been watching Yuji defrost Qingyu the whole time and she was enjoying the show.

"Hahaha, there's no good woman that can resist Yuu-kun when he's trying. He conquered my heart in just a few hours afterall." Cliona said as she remembered their first meeting.

-- Back To Reality --

'He make me feel so comfortable, his food is so amazing...plus he doesn't look at me with the disgusting lecherous eyes every other man does. Ever since he heard I was his fiance all I see is appreciation for my beauty...maybe he's worth a chance afterall.' Qingyu thought to herself as she tried to control her embarrasment.

Xia Tian came up with quite the nice idea as he saw Yuji walk away. "Qingyu I'll go rest in my room why don't you keep Ye Yuji company and get to know him a bit?"

"Mmm" Qingyu simply nodded her head and gave a simple reply while she still had her face turned away from him so he couldn't see her blush.

Xia Tian smiled as her rolled away to his room in his wheel chair.

Yuji walked back in a few minutes later and only found Qingyu in the room.

He internally praised the old man for being such a great wing man

Yuji walked back to his seat and faced Qingyu with a smile.

"How about we get to know each other a bit Xia Qingyu?" Yuji proposed.

Over the few minutes he was gone Qingyu was able to somewhat regain her cool so she nodded in response.

Yuji dialed down the KH aura but still made it so she would feel quite attracted to him as they continued to talk for the next 2 hours about themselves.

Though at first Qingyu was quite reserved with him after a few minutes of talking she started warming up to him and started enjoying the conversation.

Yuji made sure she understood the fact that he knew medicine since he was hoping she would call him if Xia Tian has health problems when she asked why he just bullshit his was through it talking about some Chinese medicine teacher he met. Yes...he's a bastard.

Yuji checked the time on his phone in between their conversation and frowned.

Qingyu noticed how his mood changed and became curious.

"Ye Yuji what's wrong?" she asked in a curious tone.

Yuji shook his head and smiled "There's nothing wrong it's just that i'm afraid I have to go since I have many things to do. I completely forgot about the time since I was enjoying talking to you so much."

It was about time for Lin Rouxi to start having her sickness act up so he needed to pass by the Groceries store to get food to cook at Yanyan's place.

Qingyu became visibly dispirited. She had also enjoyed her time with him very much.

She had the most fun with him today than she had ever had with anyone other than her own family.

"Oh...I understand." She said

Yuji reached into his pocket so it's not suspicious and took out a piece of paper and pen from his storage.

He wrote down his number for her and put it in front of her as he stood up.

"Call me if you need anything at all. I'll leave you with the decision on whether you want to marry me or not. Personally I like you very much but I want to respect your feelings." Yuji smiled to her since she was looking up at him from her seat.

It was time for the finishing blow. Yuji used just enough of his KH aura to keep her from getting horny and coated his hand in it as he did Itachi's goodbye.

"I really hope that you call me soon." Yuji said as he began to walk out of the house leaving a red faced Qingyu behind that was looking at his back as he walked away.

'Watching him walk away makes my heart hurt....I see...so this is what it feels like to fall for someone.' As she came to the realisation of her feelings all the readers heard the sound of her shattering frozen heart.

The once frozen heart has been shattered and reformed into one that only melts for a single man.

She smiled to herself as she looked at his number and typed it into her own phone.