
Ascension Road

I lived the most painful life as far as I could remember. Waking up everyday staring at the same white hospital ceiling got old after the first 2 years. From the time I was 9 until now I was frequently in and out of the hospital for strange pain throughput my body that was insistent on breaking down my body from the inside out. Eventually I became a cripple and I had to live in a hospital bed. Literally. Well that's in the past now.

Norf · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
50 Chs


[ A/N: This was a chapter that I worked on some time ago.]

~~ Outside The Fairy Gate ~~

Yuji reappeared where he first disappeared in the sky with a grin on his face. It was currently early evening so it was a bit dark out especially considering he was still in the mountain area.

Just before he started flying away he needed to call Yanyan and Rouxi to make sure they were ready and were actually home.




"Yanyan I'm on my way...I should be there in a few minutes." Yuji said as soon as she picked up.

"We are ready but please knock before you come inside." Yanyan replied.

"Sure, I'll see you in a bit." Yuji replied as he dropped the call.


Yuji licked his lips a bit and said "Let's go pop a few cherries." He began flying to his destination anticipating the presents he would be receiving.

Most importantly though, he flew was fast as he could out of pure excitement at the thought of seeing the two of them.

Sure he was looking forward to whatever they had prepared for him but above all that, he missed them.

As a side effect of the light element within him he's quite drawn to people that he would naturally like and the two girls who had just become his lovers were right in his sweet spot.

Thanks to that and the way he personally already views them, as his wives, he missed them.

The main reason why Yuna and Cliona were so serious about making sure they were strict with the women they allowed to get close to Yuji was because his light element makes it easy for him to get attached to people that are in his sweet spot.

Although his darkness does help balance the whole thing out allowing him to brush off those he didn't particularly want to be involved with even if they were in his sweet spot but because of said darkness there is still a huge risk involved.

If he ends up being hurt by someone whose already favoured by his light and he's decided to get close with them they knew for sure that his darkness would engrave whoever the reason for that hurt was into his heart and he wouldn't be able to forgive the person or forget about them till he's personally gotten rid of the person.


Unlike when he first flew to the Frozen Ice Sect Yuji, within 5 minutes he had already arrived at his destination.

Visiting hours for the dorms were still a few hours away from becoming an issue for tenants as a result, Yuji could hear the murmuring of people in distant rooms and gossiping of those closer.

The rather lively atmosphere around him because of his own mood and generated from the rooms he was listening in on added to the bubbly feeling in his chest.

Itching to finally see his two girls he raised his hand to the wooden door and knocked on it.




"It's me." He said and ith each knock on the door Yuji felt his heart race even faster in anticipation of seeing them again.



He soon heard the sounds of two pairs of feet rushing to the door along with normally inaudible whispers however, not for him.

*WHISPER* "Yanyan are you sure he'll like this?"

*WHISPER* "Don't worry Sister Rouxi, I'm sure he will."

Yuji chuckled inwardly at their conversation because since this was his present they were talking about he was sure to like it no matter what they did or got for him so Yanyan was right.

"Come in." Yanyan soon said from the other side.

Yuji quickly opened the door and his eyes widen at the sight in front of him.

The two beauties stood bowing next to each other dressed in black and white colour schemed maid uniforms just like the ones from anime but much shorter dresses with a majority of their legs exposed leaving a frustrating amount of skirt covering their panty region.

Frustrating in the sense that the glorious sight of the heaven sent undergarments was so close yet so far from his view, only a few inches shorter and the forbidden fruit would be seen which was quite the tease.

The uniform was the kind that didn't have sleeves or anything that held it on by the arms instead it was all held by their breasts boldly showing off their cleavage giving an enticing amount away as eye candy while still leaving a decent amount to the imagination.

The magnificent sight in front of him called for one thing and one thing only, his eyes swirled forming his EMS as he thought. 'I MUST IMMORTALIZE THIS MOMENT!!'

Thankfully the two of them didn't see his eyes change or the mood could have been ruined from their shock at them.

Yanyan and Rouxi, the two of them had decided to be his maids for tonight as his present for doing well today so after school they went to buy two of the most enticing maid uniforms they could find that still left some work to the imagination.

After, they spent hours practicing their lines and learning what they could about pleasing a man so they would get everything right when he finally came.

They always worked really well together normally so it wasn't difficult to do any of this...well except for the part where they had to actually do it when he came since they would be embarrassed but otherwise there were no problems.

While Yuji was busy scanning over their bodies inwardly thanking the heavens for such a presentation they surprisingly, in unison, considering they both had flushed cheeks showing their embarrassment said.

"Welcome home master, would you like a bath first, food or would you like to have....us?" The two wives now turned maids spoke in dignified tones at first but as they said the last part they openly spoke in a more sultry tone as they stood up straight and looked at him with eyes full of anticipation.

By how he had already deactivated his sharingan so they could already tell he liked it from the look and grin that had formed as he appreciated their appearances while taking a step in and closing the door behind him with his mental energy.

Their worries on whether he would like it were quickly were dissolved and replaced with anticipation for his answer.

Meanwhile the inner troll within Yuji compelled him to choose anything else other than having them but he knew it wasn't the time for that so answered honestly as he arrived in front of them.

"I want the both of you~" He replied in a charming tone.

He stood nearer to Yanyan so compelled by the longing for them within him he pulled her close by the waist with a hand and sealed her lips for a passionate kiss while pulling Rouxi closer to his side with the other hand.

"Mmnn" She whimpered slightly under his kiss

Having been taken by such a pleasant surprise Yanyan's eyes widen but within a moment because it was him, her eyes shut and she melted in his embrace from the flood of pleasure she felt kissing him.

'Ahh..it's so much better than before....we're supposed to be serving him but just a kiss makes me feel so weak...' She thought to herself under the kiss meanwhile Yuji was having thoughts quite similar.

'This softness and taste. It hasn't been that long but I feel like I've just tasted something I've been craving.' As he thought so to himself he slipped his tongue into her mouth earning another whimper.

Rouxi on the other hand though wasn't experiencing a kiss yet hand been having her ass fondled by Yuji's other hand, coupled with his Emperor Heart Technique that was already active she was feeling her own surges of pleasure.

Both their bodies reacted immediately and their bodies began to heat up rapidly in preparation for the upcoming events.

Under the kiss with Yanyan, before they separated Yuji transferred the Empress Body Technique to her.

Another function he added to the technique is that as long as he is the one transferring it then there's no need for comprehension so the receiver instantly understands everything.

[A/N: Definitely ass pull because I can't just make them hold off boning so they can comprehend the technique. Just take it.]

Yanyan's eyes jolt open in surprise from the flood of information she recieved.

They separated and Yuji winked at her before he turned to Rouxi.

Her face was flushed and her breathes had become noticeably deeper and hotter.

Looking up to him, his shining silver eyes and his perfect lips she only had a single thought on her mind.

'I want kiss him.'

She soon took the initiative by tip toeing to seal his lips and just like Yanyan, her senses flooded with an unbelievable pleasure from just the simple kiss.

As for Yanyan who had been dazed slightly by the information she soon smiled a bit as she realised what it was that he sent to her.

While he was kissing Rouxi, Yanyan took the initiative to pull them into the Fairy Gates Dual Cultivation room and appeared right next to the bed which was already emptied and prepaired by Yuechan since Yanyan already told her about them wanting to use it.

As for Rouxi she was in heaven. The improved feeling of kissing him was much better than before, from every movement of their lips a pleasant tingle spread throughout her body that made it go crazy.

Her legs unconciously began rubbing together in an attempt to soothe the restless feeling that had been building up in her crotch so quickly and her hands hand moved themselves under his shirt to his perfect body.

They went on for a bit longer before separating and as they did he transferred the technique to Rouxi too earning a similar reaction to Yanyan's.

Yuji didn't say anything about what he just gave them instead, he went on with what they had planned to do.

"Now, why don't you two remove my clothes for me?" He proposed.

"Yes master." Yanyan who already understood everything that was going on replied as she kneeled down and began removing his pants.

"Y-yes master." Rouxi who was still taken aback by what she just recieved soon replied.

Her hands had already snaked themselves under his shirt so she was easily able to begin removing it and although it took her a few moments, as she did it she realised what the technique was and that he didn't talk about it so they don't get sidetracked.


The two of them gulped at the majestic sight in front of them, they had just finished removing his clothes and they could only come up with a single word.

'Perfect' The simple description of his body carved itself into their minds.