
Ascension Road ( Rewrite )

Nakamura Yuji, the MC dies in the earth due to a strange illness, or they thought it was an illness. Upon death, he reunites with someone long forgotten who had a...powerful background. With her help, along with her and everyone else he goes on a journey through multiple worlds. This is a revised synopsis. The book is being changed from Journey to become a true God main to a world travelling one. JTBATG will still be the main world ill just be sending him to other worlds eventually.

Norf · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Long Awaited Reunion.

UwU [ 2234 WORDS ]

Those who actually read the first version of this book, thank y'all for being patient with my writing, I feel like I've improved with it a lot more compared to back then.

You'll understand why I say this by the end.


My name is Nakamura Yuji, 17 years old.

Short black hair, dark blue eyes and about 187cm tall, thanks to such an appearance I would have been surrounded by women but I never left the hospital bed.

A lady killer such as myself was bedridden for most of my life; constantly being assaulted by pains throughout my body which would go on for hours on end was the basic summary of it.

The doctors had no idea what the hell was causing it but they knew what was going on since it was pretty obvious.

My body had been destroying itself from the inside out and they couldn't stop it so other than stuff to help with the pain, they did nothing helpful then eventually I couldn't walk anymore and I could barely move any part of my body.

Not long after, I died.

I didn't just suffer from physical pain though.

The heartache you feel when you watch your parents take care of you every day and smile at you through it all even though deep down, they're just as or even more depressed than you because they have to watch their only son show no signs of getting better.

That crap should have an age restriction on it off at least U, Unacceptable for all age groups.

The worst part of all of this is that it was out of nowhere as I showed no signs of being sick in the past, heck I was even an active kid.....or so I was told.

You see, I was never able to remember a single detail before my 8th birthday.

[A/N: We're using anime logic where characters can remember their childhoods so don't ask how he's supposed to remember.]

As far as I know, my whole life was miserable but my parents say there was a time when I was happy. There was a childhood friend I had apparently, I think her name was Yuna....not that it matters anymore after all I already died...or I was supposed to be.

I am currently standing in a girl's room. How do I know it's a girl? well, let me enlighten you young one.

The walls are pink, the sheets of the bed are pink, there are frilly designs everywhere and the room smells amazing.

Yup, definitely a girls room.

Anyway, that's beside the point I originally intended to make.

I wasn't feeling sick here, at all. My whole body feels better than ever and I felt happier than ever, I felt alive for once.....I wonder if this is what post-nut clarity feels like.

I never jerked off so I can only wonder if the feeling is similar. Ascension past the mortal realms of emotional and physical feeling that is.


As Yuji was busy having his internal monologues, the door unexpectedly opened and a familiar woman walked in.

Surprised by the sound of the door, he jerked his head to its direct to see what it was or rather, who.

The two gazed at each other for a moment with the woman showing off a lovely smile with eyes that had tears welling up in them to Yuji whose eyes had widened in surprise seeing how instakill gorgeous she was.

She was wearing a purple shirt, a black skirt and wasn't wearing any shoes allowing a decent amount of her flawless white skin to show.

Her black knee-length hair flowed down her back and her black eyes looked as if they would swallow you into an infinite void.

She was about 177cm in height and her curves were the physical embodiment of perfection.

Her breasts, although were not large were the perfect size to complement her beautiful figure at about mid D cup, her thighs were the perfect amount of thick while also being slender and though he couldn't see it, from the way her hips curved he knew she had one juicy ass.

"Yuu-Kun..." The woman said in a beautiful voice.

Seeing the man she has longed for and watched over for so long, she couldn't help but call him using the old name she gave him.

As for Yuji who had originally been confused and shocked to silence, that was all it took. A single call of his old nickname and he remembered everything.

The 4 years they spent together, every laugh, every tear shed, every single moment came back to him.

'How could I have forgotten someone so important to me?' He questioned himself as he remembered how all of a sudden she had just vanished from his memory in the past.

By the time he had pulled himself out from the depths of his farthest memories, without him realising, Yuna had walked over to him and had been hugging him while tears silently fell from his eyes.

Yuji immediately hugged her back as tight as he could, scared that she may leave him again.

In a quavering voice, interrupted by a few sniffles Yuji said. "....Yuna where have you been all these years I couldn't even remember you until now? What happened? My life was so miserable after you left...."

Yuna too had also been shedding tears of happiness onto his shirt and she repeatedly whispered his name, overjoyed at his arrival.

Hearing him ask a question she stopped her murmuring of his name and noticing how tight he was hugging her, to try to calm him down she rubbed his back and softly said. "Don't worry Yuu- Kun, now that you're here I won't go anywhere. You'll be able to see me whenever you want."

It took a good 10 minutes of soothing him before he took in a deep breath of her scent then lifted his head back up from her neck and his hug loosened.

By now, the both of them had stopped crying so feeling him relax and lift his head, with her arms still wrapped around him she lifted her head to look up at him and began her explanation.

"Yuu-Kun, I had to leave you because my time was up in the human world, you see, I'm a Goddess. As a Goddess, I am not allowed to interfere in the mortal world but because I was still young and hadn't unlocked my powers I was technically not a Goddess yet.

Since I didn't like playing with the children in the God Realm because they all just wanted to get close to my father who was the strongest of all Gods, father took me to the mortal world to make friends, that's where I met you. We spent the best years of my life with each other but, I couldn't stay forever.

My powers were slowly awakening themselves so after those 4 years, I had to leave the mortal world and had to seal any memories you and anyone else had of me except part of them which were left for your parents so they could at least talk to you about me sometimes. Father placed a mark on your soul so that when you died your soul would come to me,  that's why you are here. Sadly, Father passed away so you can't meet him again. Any questions?"

Instead of explaining piece by piece to let him digest it slowly, she laid everything out at once.

Yuji's eyes widen in shock from her explanation. He didn't think for a second that she was lying to him because of everything that's already happened.

Him dying and being alive here? Perfectly healthy? If she wasn't at least Deus Ex Machina power levels then how else could she explain it?

It took him a bit to collect himself before he said. "Are you really...the same Yuna I knew?"

He questioned her with worry and caution apparent in his eyes and even his grip on her lessened further.

As much as such an idea made him feel like he was struggling to swallow down a still-beating heart, he needed to know.

Yuna was taken aback by his question and the wary look he gave her which made her heart sink making her feel as if each pulse of her heart came from down in her belly and pulsated throughout her body.

She didn't want him to look at her like that, it scared her to death.

After looking forward to meeting him again for the past 9 years it hurt to see that look when she told him what she was.

The thought of him not liking her crossed her mind for a moment only serving to make her eyes burn up and her anxiety worse making her thoughts dart around as she wondered why he was being like this.

Once she thought about it for a bit longer, although it still hurt, she understood why he asked.

Hearing all of this information coupled with the fact that they hadn't seen each other for 9 years, it's no wonder he would question if she was still his Yuna, if not for the fact that she had been watching him through the years using her powers she would have wondered the same.

So in a nervous attempt to reassure him that she was the same Yuna he's always known and loved she hugged him tighter as she said. "I'm your Yuna Yuu-Kun, I might be a Goddess but I'll always be the same Yuna I was and nothing will ever change it."

An awkward moment of silence lingered between them as Yuji just stared into her eyes, searching for anything that that would hint at her not telling the truth.

It didn't take much longer for him, with a small smile to say. "Alright, I believe you."

Deep down, however, he didn't believe her, but, he wanted to put his trust in her and that was enough reason to just go with it and see where it takes him.

Relieved that he believed her, Yuna rested her head on his chest as she let out a breath of relief then said. "Thank goodness, I was worried you wouldn't like me anymore because I'm not a normal girl."

"I can't ever dislike you Yuna after all, I love you," Yuji said as he hugged her tighter and rubbed her back

Although he was worried she wasn't the same girl he knew, his feelings weren't a lie. He truly loved her.

Hearing the specific combination of 8 letters that she had been waiting for all these years Yuna blushed, as she lifted her head look back up at him she said. "I love you too Yuu-Kun."

Looking at him, her eyes couldn't help but glance at his lips for a moment as she noticed how close their bodies were.

Just as she noticed, he did too. His mind went into overdrive seeing her lips. He wanted to kiss her, badly.

He swallowed hard as a hunger within him arose from the depths of his belly. Her scent, addictive as it was, filled his nostrils and sent him into a high as if intoxicated.

The mere idea of kissing Yuna's rosy lips pumped adrenaline through his body and before he realised it, he had been lowering his head to them.

Her heart pounded against her chest realising what he wanted, she couldn't deny that she wanted it too, but nerves were getting to her.

Would he think her breath stunk? Would she kiss him back properly? Her abysmal lack of practical experience made her worry to no end, forcing an adrenaline rush.

So much of it that she forgot to breathe, with her eyes darting from his lips to his eyes as he drew closer.

For the love of her Almighty Father...she couldn't take it, her lips part only to feel his press against hers, soft, luscious; and clumsy, revealing both their inexperience yet it was nevertheless passionate.

Only until his hands, with a mind of their own lifted her upwards allowing her to cross her legs around his waist, and everything intensified.

Fireworks set off in their abdomens and a foreign tingle shot through their entire bodies as his tongue explored and conquered the depths of her mouth, gentle but demanding; in a desperate attempt to satiate his hunger.

'More.' She couldn't get enough of him was her thought, he was too compelling. Her hands dug into his hair, combing through the soft, silky strands as she possessively hugged his body closer to deepen the kiss.

From the back of his throat, he let out a half groan, half moan as he shuddered and a rush of sensations crawled across his body. It was amazing, he struggled to form a proper train of thought as her lips danced over his.

The intense rush he received from her awakened something within him, something feral. He walked to the right, remembering there was a bed and as his legs hit the edge, they went down, and the bed rocked.

Still clinging to each other for dear life, one on top of the other, as they continued their battle of tongues till they ran out of breath.

"Clothes. Off." Taking a short break, Yuji said, panting as he gazed greedily at her flushed face, as her chest heaved from high to low, washing her hot breaths across his face.