
Ascension Past Mediocrity

(Meta Essence Fan Fic.) Having nothing but a mediocre life on earth his eventual stumbling upon a survey while surfing the internet. Thrown into a world filled with dragons and mythical beings with powers known as [Skills] that are able to defy all known logic and which would be able to kill him easily but he has be given a gift. The intelligence of a God. We watch this young man climb his way up to become a sovereign with nothing but the intelligence of a deity. Current World: Tensura(Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime)

Lieu · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


Within a forest of large trees with the smallest one being at least 15 feet tall, There currently laid a boy with black hair and pale white skin that seemed to be knocked out and sleeping blissfully before he was abruptly jolted awake by a piercing pain that seemed to stem from his head as the youth had the urge to scream from the pain, But he held it in due to being in an unfamiliar environment as he quickly tried to jog his memory and then he remembered the survey.

Wh-What was it called again [Infinite Survey] if i'm not mistaken. That was the last thing I recall doing before I was dropped in this large forest filled with unnaturally large trees.

Could the survey have been the reason for my current predicament? The youth pondered for a while before getting up after realizing all this thinking would not do any good nor would it get him home so he first decided to examine the environment as he was examining the space around him that's when he saw a mystical bottle that lay on the floor with a resplendent glow that seemed to attach itself to the bottles, That's when he recalled its the same light I last saw from my computer before I got transported here.

The youth quickly put two in two together and realized the glowing light from his laptop and whatever these bottles were are probably from the same source and the bottle and they were possibly his key to get home the youth soon say a not attached to the mystical bottle as he picked it up and begun to examine it the note read "Drink It" .

The youth wondered what the note was talking about as he didn't even consider drinking the liquid within the bottle as he was not about to consume an unknown liquid in the middle of the forest.

The youth continued to examine the bottle and wondered about the origin of its mystical-esque design as the craftsmanship seemed so unnatural to precise and perfect to be used to design an ordinary bottle containing this mysterious liquid.

The youth then began to contemplate actually drinking the mysterious fluid as it was his only clue of getting out of here and he had been walking for a while without seeing any form of civilization and he had heard the howling of wolves previously so he had to get out of this endless forest as soon as possible.

"Dusk is quickly approaching, I haven't found anything to help me and have been walking for hours now the only things in my possession being my pair of black T-shirt and Pants and this mysterious bottle."

The youth quickly contemplated the pros and cons of drinking this mysterious fluid, On the plus side it could be his one shot at getting out of this endless forest on the other hand it might just be the cause of his death.

"Fu*k It, If I die I die. I'm already doomed anyway, night has fallen and predators are lurking about for their next meal."

The youth who had fallen into despair in his situation quickly sighed and turned the cap of the bottle with the mysterious liquid coming into full view as within it was a swirling greenish liquid that seemed to not obey the set rules of physics imposed onto the universe.

The youth struggled to remember where this fluid came from, He remembered it from something he just couldn't place a finger on it. Whatever or however he got here must have shook up his mind badly as he couldn't manage to place a finger on the source or the origin of the swirling green liquid.

"Well whatever you are, either teleport me away from me or give me superpowers. Bottoms up"

The youth quickly dumped the contents of the liquid down his throat as the liquid felt sticky yet it flowed smoothly down his throat as in that moment an indescribable feeling began to overwhelm the youths sense and he felt everything he heard everything but most importantly he knew everything.

"I see, Truly ironic as I was hesitating and about to reject the best gift in the entirety of the universe.

This has to be the funniest and most twisted joke ever made."

The youth who had seemingly gone mad from the ingestion of the swirly green liquid suddenly looked around and begun to laugh out madly, seemingly not caring for the predators that he was previously scared of attracting, but that wasn't all that had changed about the youth as the expression he held would scare any predator away as on his face held the widest smile as his cheekbones curled up in unnatural ways.

"HAHAHAH, No fucking way, No bloody way. This has to be a simulation or something cause this is impossible. I fucking got the intelligence of one of the smartest character in all fiction. RICK MOTHERFUCKING SANCHEZ!!"

The youth who seemed to be in disbelief of the situation began to talk to himself as multiple trains of thoughts currently ran across his mind.

"This isn't the intelligence of a regular Rick which on its own would be a wonderful boon. No. He possessed the intelligence of Rick C-137 the so-called Rickest Rick. A being of unfathomable intelligence. Intelligence that currently belonged to him."

The youth chuckled to himself once more in a mocking manner.

"This is so unreal, [Essence of the Rickest Rick] that's the name of the potion I drank. I wonder what the chemical composition of such a substance is. If you could call it that, it acted more like an [Oobleck Liquid]."

The youth seemingly shocked by his quick but short analysis of the recently injected liquid.

"It seems Rick's intelligence is already at work. Although it's a hard feeling to describe, I can see and feel myself getting significantly smarter each second.

Although a great boon it seems I did not inherit any of Rick's memories as all the blueprints and information on the numerous topics of the universe. But that's ok though I'm basically a blank canvas with top quality paint to do whatever the hell I want, Hell I can direct his intelligence to go any other way rather than engineering and science."

The youth had an incredulous look on his face as he was still in sheer disbelief and the only thing that kept his rationality was his new found intelligence.

"Ok first things first I have to get out of this forest, Night is fast approaching and I currently don't have anything to defend myself. I'm surrounded by trees and a whole lot of wood."

The youth lamented towards his situation as he looked around and then like a bolt of lightning struck him his mind jolted as he looked around and he was met with a mystical sight. The wood seemingly disassembled themselves and rearranged themselves into weapons and contraptions that would make his life in the forest much safer for now.

"Wow, That's freaking insane, It seems I might be getting out of this forest after all."

The youth said with a salacious grin gracing his face.

"I should find shelter for the night before I begin to make plans." The youth said as he walked towards the nearest tree and began to expertly climb it as he got to a branch that was strong enough to support his full weight.

"I guess this is my home for now." The youth said tiredly as he shut his eyes but he had not slept yet he had gone over the wonderful experiences he had gone through today and as he reviewed his experiences he slipped into the land of dreams.