
Ascension of the Worthless (OLD)

Adonis Lock is an untalented boy. Given to the Green Valley sect by his family, he is faced with constant bullying and harassment by other disciples. One day, while contemplating taking his life he falls asleep, only to be met with his ancestor that gives him a chance to change his life around. *Author note: This is my first story, so if there is any mistake or something is not good, please tell me in the comments or reviews. **Also I am doing this as a hobby, so the schedule of uploads may be all over the place plus the chance that I may drop the story. ***Art is made by Yodayo AI art

CrimsonHelix · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Juniper's New Power

The group was currently in Area 10 (The Druid's Forest) the forest was very beautiful as if it was Eden in real life.

The Griffin landed there for the night and the group set up camp for the night. Adonis couldn't sleep in his tent, so he slipped out of Lena's embrace and went outside.

'I want to fight...'

Adonis wanted to fight someone, the reason is that he likes fighting and wants to test his current strength against someone. Everyone was asleep, so he thought that he could find some random monster to battle.

However, when he was walking in the forest he heard humming. Confused, he went to go check, and sitting next to a river, playing with the water in there was Juniper.


"AH! Adonis, you scared me..."

"Sorry, but, what are doing here?"

"Oh, well, I couldn't sleep so I decided to come here for a bit. Why are you here?"

"I was feeling restless, so I was looking for a monster to fight."

"...You were looking to fight something because you're restless?"

"Yeah, why are you looking at me as if I'm strange?"

Juniper couldn't help but sigh as it seems like Adonis was slowly becoming a battle maniac.

"Nothing, everything's fine."

"Alright..." Adonis sat on the ground next to Juniper.

"...You're staying here?"

"Yeah, I figure it would be more enjoyable to talk to you than looking for a monster in the dead of night."

"Oh, glad you chose me then." Juniper giggled.

"...Are you nervous about the Tournament?"

"Huh? Oh! Yeah, I am..."

"Really? You don't look like it?"

"I'm good at hiding my emotions."

"That's cool."

"Yeah, but I am nervous. The only reason I was able to become a Core disciple was because I relied on that power." Juniper muttered to herself.

However, Adonis heard this.

"Power? What Power?"

"Oh, um, nothing you should worry about."

"I kinda still feel worried, is there a reason you can't tell me your power?"

"...It's not something I'm proud of."

"Well, even if it isn't you shouldn't make your friend worry about you. It isn't only me that's worried, there's also Lena and Mila."

"There also worried?!"

"Yeah, they just don't want to seem like they prying into your business."

Juniper then stayed silent for a minute, looking at the slow-moving river water while Adonis stared at the night sky.

"...I have a contract with a Succubus..."

Adonis was shocked to hear this.

In this world, summoning demons isn't against any law, but there are restrictions to it to make sure people are safe. When a person summons a demon they should have Heaven Stage Cultivator nearby to make sure the ritual doesn't go awry and the demon starts attacking. In a small Sect such as the Green Valley Sect, there is no Heaven Stage Cultivators there.

Juniper looked at Adonis's expression and saw the shock.

"It was when I was with my family, not in the Sect."

"Oh! That makes more sense then..."



"...I didn't want this; I was only a child when the demon was summoned."

Adonis was shocked again but shook it off quickly and listened to Juniper.

"I was born to commoner parents, but when I was 3 I was given to a Major Family. There, I was given pills and potions to make my body the perfect fit for a Demon. Eventually, when I was 10, the ritual happened and my body became the vessel for not just any succubus, but the queen of Succubus, Mazarine. The power laid dormant for a long time, but now that I hit adulthood, it is starting to become active."

Adonis listened to Juniper attentively, not missing a single piece of info that she gave.

"I'm doing my best to control it, but it is getting more difficult to do so..."

Juniper put her face on her knees, feeling sorry for herself.

"...Sorry for telling you all this, you must not care, right?"

"No, I care a lot."

Juniper was surprised by Adonis's response.

"W-why? I mean, we had a mission together but that's the only time we interacted until now."

"If you can't control your powers it will end up hurting not only innocents but also others that care for you. I'd be an asshole to try to pretend this didn't happen"

Juniper was once again surprised.

"S-so, what do you plan to do...?"

"Help you control it."


"I get why you're surprised, but don't worry, I can definitely help."

'Especially since I am in a similar situation."

Adonis got up along with Juniper and went somewhere else into the forest. They made it to an open field in the forest. Adonis turned around and faced Juniper.

"Has Mazarine taken over your body recently?"

"Umm...there was this one time..."


"...Our first night during the trip, I sensed a lot of lust in your and Lena's room...and with my new vision I saw you two..." Juniper kept getting more embarrassed as she kept going.

Adonis was feeling embarrassed also, but didn't focus on it and asked another question.

"Was that the only time?"


"Ok, seems like you're not too far gone. Juniper I need you to close your eyes for now."


"Trust me." Adonis had a sincere expression.

Juniper trusted Adonis and closed her eyes. Adonis then used his Existence Vision to see Juniper's current status. He saw Juniper's cultivation and the techniques she uses. He then saw the pink aura naturally given off by herself and it comes from the eerie pink sphere that's in the middle of her chest.

Adonis turned off his vision and wiped some blood that came from using his vision to its max limit.

"Alright, you can open your eyes now."

Juniper opened her eyes and was confused about why she was supposed to do that.

"There's no way to stop Mazarine and her power from fully awakening."

However, after the statement Adonis said, that confusion was immediately replaced with anxiety and despair.

"But I do know how you can control her and her power from completely taking over you."

Juniper's anxiety and despair then turned to shock and hope, then it turned to frustration as Adonis made her emotions go through a roller coaster.

"Just say that instead of leaving me in suspense!!"

"Ok, ok, but I do know how and it is gonna take some time."

"I'll do anything to stop this," Juniper said unhesitantly.

"Ok, then today will be your first day of training, get prepared Juniper."

Adonis said with a excited smile on his face.