
Ascension Of The Villain

In a world where villains are crafted, not born, Vyan's life takes a detour from dull to downright dramatic faster than he can say "abracadabra." Meet Vyan, the most ordinary knight in the realm, with all the magical prowess of a damp sock. Loyalty? He's got it in spades. Betrayal? Well, that's the surprise twist in his not-so-fairy-tale life. Framed and forsaken, Vyan is left with nothing but a grudge and some pretty gnarly scars, courtesy of his once-master, Iyana. Oh, did he mention she is the daughter of a marquess and the object of his unrequited affection? Talk about adding insult to injury. Just when he is ready to unleash his inner berserker, a butler comes along with news that makes his hair stand on end: Vyan is the last heir of the Grand Duke's mage dynasty! With power crackling at his fingertips and more mana than he can shake a wand at, Vyan is ready to show the world what happens when you underestimate the underdog. Will Vyan rise from the ashes like a phoenix, or will he crash and burn like a fire-breathing chicken? There's only one way to find out.

_Snow_flake_ · Fantasy
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91 Chs

Guessing Game

Once the spoon hit the floor, Iyana's heart went into overdrive, hammering against her ribcage like a war drum calling soldiers to battle.

She didn't dare look up at Vyan, her thoughts spiraling into a chaotic mess. Stupid, stupid, stupid! You weren't supposed to reveal it! Now he will think you are a total idiot—

Her mental self-flagellation came to an abrupt halt when she heard the screech of a chair. She glanced up just enough to see Vyan standing and moving toward her.

Is he coming for a fight? Does he want me dead now?

Her hand instinctively reached for her bracelet on her other wrist—the one that doubled as a magical storage unit for her sword and shield.

If he tries anything, I will not back down—

She was fully braced for a showdown, expecting him to conjure spells or some fiery incantation. Instead, his hands reached down.


Vyan crouched and picked up the spoon she had dropped.