
Ascension Of The Villain

In a world where villains are crafted, not born, Vyan's life takes a detour from dull to downright dramatic faster than he can say "abracadabra." Meet Vyan, the most ordinary knight in the realm, with all the magical prowess of a damp sock. Loyalty? He's got it in spades. Betrayal? Well, that's the surprise twist in his not-so-fairy-tale life. Framed and forsaken, Vyan is left with nothing but a grudge and some pretty gnarly scars, courtesy of his once-master, Iyana. Oh, did he mention she is the daughter of a marquess and the object of his unrequited affection? Talk about adding insult to injury. Just when he is ready to unleash his inner berserker, a butler comes along with news that makes his hair stand on end: Vyan is the last heir of the Grand Duke's mage dynasty! With power crackling at his fingertips and more mana than he can shake a wand at, Vyan is ready to show the world what happens when you underestimate the underdog. Will Vyan rise from the ashes like a phoenix, or will he crash and burn like a fire-breathing chicken? There's only one way to find out.

_Snow_flake_ · Fantasy
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91 Chs

Cross The Bridge Or Not?

Iyana accepted the bouquet from Easton with an awkward half-smile, her fingers brushing against his cool, gloved hand. 

She was unsure of how to respond. The flowers were rather vibrant against the backdrop of her uncertainty.

"Your Imperial Highness, this is quite generous of you," she began cautiously, trying to keep her voice steady, "but was there something specific you needed from me?"

Easton's gaze was fixed on her, his demeanor cool and collected as always. "No, I simply wished to see you," he confessed, his voice a contrast to the warmth of the flowers in her hands.

Iyana's expression betrayed a hint of curiosity mingled with a touch of cool reserve. "And what prompted this sudden visit?"

Stepping closer, Easton tilted his head slightly, a faint smile playing on his lips. "I am only following your advice, Iyana," he murmured softly, almost too low for anyone else to hear. "Public displays of affection."