

"Conan!" Zephyr's desperate voice muffled through trembling lips, his heartache and anguish evident in every strained word. His eyes, once lively and joyful, now bore the torment of disbelief and misery.

His gaze traveled from the grotesque sight of his beloved black wolf, Conan, now reduced to a mere meat paste, to the ominous figures lurking in the sky above. Each breath felt like a stab to his chest, and his stomach twisted in agony, making it hard to keep his dry, shaky tongue from his widened mouth.

Another torrent wave of mana erupted with unfathomable power, forcing Jerouch and Zephyr to their knees in agony. The impact threatened to crush their spirits, but just in time, a white formation shimmered beneath their bodies, cocooning them in a protective shield of warm light.

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