
11 Dungeon Boss

Jerouch stepped inside the new floor and just from the interiors, he could tell that this place was far different from the previous floors. 

The wall here was smoother, and the flame torches were bigger too. 

The ground was covered in cobwebs and so was the roof. 

There were also rusty weapons scattered all around the place, and Jerouch could smell something familiar in the air. 

He focused his eyes on the distance, and he couldn't help but frown. 

He saw fresh corpses at the centre of the room and, counting them, they were four that lay on the floor. 


Jerouch subconsciously turned his head backwards, and he found the door to have locked by itself. 

He could feel that something ominous was brewing, which made him clench his fists and blood rushed to his face. 

'' Ggrrhh! ''

At the end of the room, what seemed like an elevated platform suddenly shook. 

'' Fuck. '' Jerouch swallowed hard as he saw the three-meter-tall spider. 

Just looking from the distance, one could tell that its exoskeleton was way stronger than the other spiders.

The end of each appendage formed a short curved blade and its mouth was like an arrow. 

Its red eyes set on its new prey, and he shot a thick web at Jerouch. 

On impulse, Jerouch dodged to the side and when he looked back at his previous position, he could see a small hole in the ground. 

'' E rank monster! '' His heartbeat rose, and perspiration covered his forehead. 

Even though he had hunted many spiders from the previous floors, his stats still looked like this. 


Host- Jerouch

Health: 70 Mana: 30

Race- ???

Level- 3 (385/400)


Rank- F

Strength - 3

Agility- 3

Mind- 15


On the second floor, he had advanced to the next level after killing so many spiders, and he was even a few exp shorts of level four. 

The fact though remained that he had yet to advance to the next rank.

Levels and ranks were two different things, although they both depicted a warlock's strength. 

So far, he had never heard a warlock talk about level. That seemed to be peculiar to him only.

Warlocks, with the little knowledge he had, used ranks instead of levels. 


Jerouch dodged another web and used dash. 

He closed in on the spider and then punched it with all his might. 

The spider slid backwards, but that was it. 

'' Tremor! '' he yelled inwardly, and the ground vibrated, catching the spider off guard. 

Before it could regain its balance, Jerouch used freeze on the area beneath the spider boss to slow his movement. 

Thin ice covered the ground, followed by spikes made of earth and then fire arrows. 

There was a big collision as different attacks met the spider. 

'' Gggrrhh! ''

The spider yelled in agony as one of its appendages was destroyed. 

As if answering his calls, the webs on the ground and the roof started intertwining as they took different forms. 

'' An E rank monster is this powerful? '' Jerouch was appalled as he began to have a second thought. 

The spider webs eventually finished, transforming into mini grey spiders. 

'' My mana is down, '' he muttered inwardly as he saw his mana drop to sixteen. 

Luckily, he had yet to receive any injury so far. 

Jerouch jumped mid-air dodging one grey spider that launched itself at him and landed on top of another, squashing it. 

He started getting physical to contain his mana consumption, but he was still wary of the spider boss who lurked in the back tending to its injuries. 

'' Dash. '' Jerouch gritted his teeth and propelled forward, arriving in front of the spider boss in a few seconds. 



He landed a couple of punches on its belly from the side and the spider was flung backwards, crashing on some of its minions. 


Jerouch jumped backwards as he saw an arrow of web leave the spider's mouth. 

They both looked at each other and one could see the fury that was burning vehemently in the eyes of the spider. 

The minions were frail; however, they still gave, Jerouch exp but at a very slow pace. 

They were barely in the F rank after all since they were summoned by an E rank monster. 

His punches too had stopped increasing in levels despite punching the spiders a couple of times, and all he was left with was ten mana. 

The last few minutes would be the decisive moments for him, his death or his prey's death. 

' It's also weak, and the mini spiders are returning to being spider webs. ' Jerouch made a quick glance around him. 

' Perhaps it's also conserving mana. '

he ran towards the spider, this time not using dash.

He was pretty slow, and the spider boss could've dodged him, but it had lost one of its appendages, hence lowering his speed. 

He got to the front of the spider boss, who made a diagonal slash with one of his sharp appendages, aiming to keep Jerouch away. 


Jerouch expected this, and he slid downward. 

 His knees glided forward, and his body was bent backwards in such a way that his back was almost touching the ground. 

He slid under the spider's belly, who didn't expect such a sharp turn and punched with all he got. 

Not only that, he even used earth spikes and fire arrows to add more damage to his attack. 

'' Gggrggh! ''

The spider screeched in pain as its belly was torn apart and the visceral were charred. 

The spider made one last attempt by waving its appendage, but Jerouch was quick enough to dodge the attack. 


It finally collapsed on the ground, and Jerouch also dropped to the ground as tiredness washed over him. 

He might've won, but that last attack still made a deep wound on his left thigh. 

[Quest complete.] 

Kill the dungeon boss. 

[Completion rating…]



+200 EXP

[Level up]

Jerouch saw the notifications and a smile appeared on his face. 

'' It was worth it. '' He wanted to close his eyes and enjoy the happy moment, but he soon froze as every part of him screamed paramount danger. 

'' So it's you… '' 


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