

"Stand down!" boomed the authoritative voice of one of the new guards, cutting through the tension-laden air with unwavering command.

He was a towering figure, his imposing presence commanding attention as he stood at a staggering height of two and a half meters. 

Every inch of him exuded an air of authority and power, amplified by his muscular frame and imposing stature. His broad shoulders and imposing build seemed to fill the space, casting a shadow over the room.

But it was his long, thick beards that truly caught the eye. Flowing like a cascade of dark silk, they stretched down from his chin, extending all the way to his belly. 

The beards appeared to have a life of their own, swaying gently with each movement, emphasizing the man's brute personality.

The guard donned a set of sturdy brown gauntlets, their leather material showcasing signs of wear and use.