
Chapter 8 - Training Part 3: The Power

DISCLAIMER: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Harry decided to devote a whole month understanding this mineral. He had a feeling that it would prove invaluable. So he made another study list.

July 7-8 Odin's Months

5:30-7:00 am Physical training running for 30 to 45 min, work on a set of muscle arm, then chest, arms, legs… 30 min of Tai Chi

7:00-7:15 showers

7:15-8:00 am Breakfast

8:00- 8:15 Meditation/Occlumency and Legilimency training Practice

8:15-11:30 Mineral Study, Mining and Smelting

11:30- 12:00 lunch

12:00- 1:30 pm Finish Theory of Magic/Start Review of Year 1-5 charms/transfiguration/DADA

1:30- 3:00 Prepare ritual study to Open Sarcophagus / Training with Anubis

3:00-6:00 Start Studying NEWT level Charms, Transfiguration, Conjuring, DADA

6:00-7:00 Supper

7:00-9:00 Muggle Science Physic, Chemistry, computer science, meditation

9:00-11:00 Study NEWT Potions and Herbology


8 weeks later Odin Time

Harry had made some very interesting discoveries where the mineral was concerned. He had found several spells that helped him categorize the mineral in question. His first spell was

" Acclaro- Metallum- Elementum" this revealed the physical and aura properties of the mineral. He now had a very good mental picture of its energy signature. He still needed more information and cast the following spell

"Acclaro-Corpusculum-Abalienatio" this spell allowed the atomic properties to be revealed such as the atomic number and orbital shell of the mineral in question. The reading he got utterly confused him. First the atomic number was 122 and a neutron count of 184. This number placed it well beyond Uranium and Plutonium. However his spells revealed that it was not radioactive but rather a super heavy element? This must be a new stable element. He cast another spell

"Cerpere-Elementum-Delibo- Corpusculum-Abalienatio"

Now Harry was very intrigued. It seemed that this particular mineral had impurities of another element with an atomic number of 126 and a neutron count of 224. This mineral seemed to have a similar magical signature as this one but with a higher electron doping. According to its peak signatures it would seem that it could amplify energy even more than the original mineral? Man where did his ancestor get this stuff?

Harry began to scour his Physics book and the science bulletins on the Internet for more information on these elements. He finally found the following articles.

Atoms consist of a central nucleus surrounded by a cloud of electrons. The nucleus consists of protons and neutrons. But not all combinations of neutrons and protons are stable. In nature, no element heavier than uranium, with 92 protons and 146 neutrons, has been found yet.

Scientists can make heavier ones by colliding two large nuclei together and hoping that they will form a new, heavier nucleus for a short time. One of the most significant aspects of the new elements is that their decay sequence is consistent with theories that predict an "island of stability" for atoms containing approximately 114-126 protons and 184-224 neutrons." We jumped over a sea of instability onto an island of stability that theories have been predicting since the 1970s," said nuclear physicist Victor Ninov. He is the first author of a paper on the discovery submitted to Physical Review Letters journal. These new stable elements should not be radioactive.

Another Article read the following

There has been, however, considerable speculation, based on a number of theoretical calculations that an island of stability might exist in the neighbourhood of Z 114 and N 184. Both of which are thought to be magic numbers. Isotopes in this region, which theoretically should have significantly longer half-lives than the neighbouring known heavy isotopes, are sometimes termed super heavy elements (SHE). There is also evidence for subshells (regions of increased stability) at Z 122 to 126 and N 184 to 224.

Well this clinched it for Harry. His ancestor had unknowingly found this super heavy stable element that had the ability to harness and amplify energy. His ancestor did not have right spells, knowledge or time to pursue its properties. He might not have known what it was, and merely kept it as some kind of curiosity. One thing was for certain; acquiring vast quantities of this mineral would now be his primary goal.

He started picturing all kinds of uses for this material. His first ideas involved a wand and a sword made of this material. Now if he could somehow induce this material in his blood stream he might be able to channel enough energy through his channels to allow for very complex wandless magic. Currently even the most powerful wizards could achieve only very basic charms and some spells equivalent to about a 1st year student.

He needed a plan to find, mine and smelt this new element. His last month had been solely devoted into finding the means to search for this element. He needed the magical equivalent of a muggle satellite. He decided to use magical brooms.

He searched for two whole weeks for the right tracking charm and revealing charms so that the brooms could search for the mineral and he could track the brooms location. To his great surprise most of his answers came from the Marauders trunk. Specifically how they had made the tracking map of Hogwarts.

He first had to encase the broom handle with gem quality crystals. He chose amethyst gems since he had a very large quantity of those. He would then need to charge the crystals with raw magical energy. The crystals would supply the magical energy to power the brooms. Brooms only worked by tapping into a wizard or witches magical energy.

He decided to connect the broom to a world globe that he got from Dudley's room. It was about 3 feet in diameter and had very detailed coordinate and geographical information. He decided to attach the small mineral cylinder to his wand tip, since he would need to add a lot of power the crystals and the charms.

Harry had gone under disguise and bought 30 comet brooms. They were fairly fast and were in abundance. 2000 galleons later he came back with his brooms and began configuring them as search machines. For the brooms to be able to find any mineral deposit they needed a sample of the mineral to compare with.

That's how the seeking charm worked. Sort of like a bloodhound in search of a person. It needed a piece of that person's clothing. He put a permanent sticking charm on the broom handle where the mineral would be attached. He then fused diamond crystals to the element and charged it with magical energy.

He then cast a seeking and recognition charms to it. He added another crystal to the tail of the brooms and cast a variation of the portkey charm. He gave the brooms a range of latitude and longitudinal coordinates which would set the brooms searching patterns. The last thing he did was cast a disillusionment charm to hide the brooms from muggles. If after 30 days the brooms had found nothing, they would portkey back to the Dursleys' living room.

He disengaged Odin's Eye and waited until nightfall. He then released his brooms. In doing this work he had proven to himself that using this element had enabled him to charge the crystals to their 100 percent maximum potential. Now he sure hoped that his plan would work.

He would know in about 30 days. He knew that he would not be able to track the progress of the brooms while in time flux. He would now devote his time to performing the rituals and get the blasted sarcophagus opened.

July 9 Odin's Months

4 weeks later Odin Time

Well Harry had been completely knocked off his feet with the new dark arts knowledge that he had just acquired. It would easily take a minimum of two years to study it all. It had taken 1 solid week of preparation for the ritual. He had to follow the written instruction as outlined from the tombs murals. He had confirmed every step with Anubis.

This had been a blood ritual at its core. Harry had created an Obsidian blade as black as night and had used it to spill his blood at the 4 cardinal runes on the sarcophagus. It had taken 5 drops of magical blood per runes. Every cardinal point glowed a different colour after each incantation. Each Sumerian incantation had to be made and intoned in high parseltongue.





This was repeated 5 times and when he had finished a high pitched ring followed by a purple light flowed along the seam of the sarcophagus. That lasted for about a minute. The light was then followed by a blinding pain on the right side of his back. It was just below the shoulder blade. The pain was so excruciating that it lasted for the better part of 10 minutes. This was followed by another blinding pain on the left side of his back witch lasted for another excruciating 15 minutes. The pain seemed to be localized.

The pain felt like a very concentrated Cruciatus. When it was done, Harry had collapsed on his bed and fell asleep. The ritual had taken place at night anyway. The next day Harry carried on with his exercises and had a nice hot shower. He felt perfectly fine. Just as he was leaving the bathroom he noticed two Tattoos on his back. It was a black Phoenix and a Black Scorpion facing each other.

He had not counted on getting those but he had to admit that they were pretty damn cool. They were about the size of two Hand widths and were absolutely exquisite in their details. Both of them had jade green eyes just like him. Harry figured that all of the ancient priests were marked as such. Harry did not know that this mark 3000 years ago brought instant fear to any person who recognized it. It was the mark of death to anyone who opposed the priest.

Harry ate his breakfast and opened the sarcophagus. He found a whole slew of jars that had been shrunken in size. There must have been at least 400 jars filled with scrolls. Each Jar was labeled with a number. He enlarged all of the jars and stowed them in his library in his trunk.

He had a cursory look at some of the spells. He never realized how powerful these dark arts spell would be. He found attack spells, dark wards, spells that could bring forth scorpion men from the netherworld. He found spells that would shoot an obsidian lance through the enemies' rectum and impale the person 30 feet in the air.

He found other spells that could create powerful sand storms and leach the moisture out of a person's body. He found other spells that caused a person to melt at your feet. Harry was absolutely flabbergasted at the power of these spells.

He sure was glad that he was 80 percent complete in creating and widening his magical channels. Some of these spells would take an awful lot of power. When he was through learning these, he would make his enemies shit themselves with fear. When they heard him coming, he wanted them so scared that they would just give up. Now speaking of power he almost forgot his mineral quest.

He went over to look at his globe and "Holy Crap!" he exclaimed out loud. He found that 8 of his brooms remained stationary and blinking red on the globe. Harry was beyond happy his creation had worked.

"Thank you Marauders!" he said.

He quickly read the coordinates on the globe and found the names of places. To see if they had any significance he typed those names into the Internet search engine, and what came back out nearly blew his socks off. Apparently each coordinate represented an ancient asteroid impact?

He now figured that the mineral had reached earth from these asteroids, and God only knew where they had come from when they hit Earth. Harry read the location of these Asteroid impacts

Crater NameCrater (km) Age of Impact (MM years) Location

Manicouagan 100214 Quebec, Canada

Chicxulub 17065 Yucatan, Mexico

Bedout 180 250 Western Australia

Woodleigh 120 300 Western Australia

Popigai 10035.7 Eastern Russia

Kara-Kul 52 5 Tajikistan

Kara 65 73 Russia

Takoonooka 55 128 Queensland Australia

Well first things first. Harry needed to pack, and also buy more of large compartment trunks. He needed them to store the minerals. He would purify it on site and extract its derivatives. He figured 5 trunks would do the job. He concealed him self and apparated to Diagon alley. He went directly to Chromatics Trunks and Satchel.

He went and bought himself 5-compartment storage trunk. They have three extremely large compartments, specifically designed to hold lots of stuff and nothing else. Each space was about 20 by 30 feet. All of the trunks could be reduced. 200 galleons later Harry walked out of the store and apparated back to his bedroom.

He took one of his pantries, and Odin's Eye with him. He apparated to all of the brooms' coordinates and scanned the areas. He made sure to record the exact broom coordinates. He collected all of the brooms and stowed them in one of the newly bought trunks.

He then decided to first mine the impact crater in Yucatan Mexico. When he got there, he first set up camp. He was in Mexico in a secluded alcove overlooking a hill that led down to a beach. 'Well,' he thought, 'if the vein reached underneath the water, this would get interesting.'

After he had set up his trunk and cast his wards, he decided to review his book on wizard mining. He followed the books instruction and decided to get a mental picture of the mineral vein. He had to concentrate on the energy signature of the mineral in question.

Thank god he was a wizard. For wizards, the technique involved letting his magic pour out of him and scan for the minerals energy signature. Based on the strength of the signature or aura if you will, you then created a three dimensional map of the vein. Thank god he had mastered Occlumency, and had the mental discipline to carry this out. It required keeping track of a lot of details. It's kind of funny, his magical miners' book had strongly hinted at the usefulness of being an Occlumens for doing mining work.

He let his magic scan the area and found that the biggest concentration of the mineral was at the beachfront. Harry estimated that the vein was buried at about a 10 km depth. The vein of this mineral had a core of about 300 meters by 400 meters in length based on the strength of the signature.

The core had more or less the shape of an American football. Harry figured that he could carry out his mining from his current location. He would have to mine the mineral bit by bit in order to allow the hollowed portion to slowly fill in with the surrounding dirt and water. The extraction process was a simple displacement charm with a shit load of power behind it. He would need maximum emotion and concentration. At that point he engaged Odin's Eye and began his quest.

July 10 Odin's Month

4 weeks later Odin Time

The morning after Harry had disengaged Odin's Eye, he remembered how draining his last 4 weeks had been. Mining required an enormous amount of magical energy. He had used the displacement charm "Exterebro-Murra" for removing the mineral from the vein. He then used the "Expurgo-Mura" charm for purifying the mineral. The spells were fairly simple, but you had to constantly concentrate on the aura of the mineral in order to extract and purify. It was this constant concentration that was draining. He had barely stayed awake at night to study his scrolls.

He had managed to extract 3200 lb of purified atomic number 122 and another 675 lb of atomic number126. He decided to give these elements some names. He couldn't keep referring to them by their atomic numbers. Remembering the Stargate show that he had watched earlier, he decided to call atomic number 122 "Naquadah" and atomic number 126 "Naquadria". No sense racking his brain to find suitable names when these would suffice and sounded pretty good at any rate.

The extraction process had been fairly quick, but the purifying process had been brutal. He had managed to achieve 99.87 percent purity for both minerals. He had been amazed at the texture and colour of Naquadria. It was pitch black, and felt wet and cold to the touch. The mineral seemed to possess translucence to it.

When it came to energy amplification Naquadria blew Naquadah right out of the water. Where Naquadah amplified his original magical energy above 10 times its original power, Naquadria amplified that same energy over 100 times the power.

It was simply right out of this world. The only problem he could see was that if too much magical energy were fed to it, the mineral matrix would break down, and cause the mineral to decay to Naquadah. Harry had wasted about 11 pounds of the stuff until he had found a doping agent that would stop the mineral from decaying yet keep its amplification capabilities intact.

He doped Naquadria with powdered sapphires. He ended up with a 1-part gem to 1000 parts mineral in the matrix. This created an extremely stable platform. The doping agent acted as a catalyst to prevent a runaway reaction. He made sure that all of the Naquadria extract was mixed in this fashion.

He wanted to mine another site before going back to Privet Drive. He didn't want to go from his self-imposed jail for too long and arouse suspicion. He had fooled the Order with disguising charms by making himself look like his aunt or uncle working in the backyard.

Every time he shut down Odin's Eye he made an outside appearance. He had to make the Order believed that the Dursleys were home. He managed to cast disillusionment charms to make the car look like it was gone. His little deceptions had been very successful so far.

The order had no idea how much he had changed and grown so far. If the old coot thought he could control him, he was sorely mistaken. When they finally found out how much he had changed, they would shit themselves. No doubt they would think that he had gone dark, but so fucking what? Like these weaklings matter anyway.

By the afternoon, he packed everything and reduced all of his trunks. He apparated to his next destination at Manicouagan, Quebec. When he got there he could not believe how god damn cold it was. Even in the middle of summer. There seemed to be swarms of mosquitoes and these black bugs. He looked around and he seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. It didn't matter though; he was not taking any chances. He cast a series of wards and concealment charms. He set up camp, and Activated Odin's Eye.

July 11 Odin's Month

4 weeks later Odin's Time

Harry reflected on his last four weeks and decided that he had enough minerals for now. He had managed to extract 4200 pounds of Naquadah and 852 pounds of Naquadria from this vein. He had also managed to study of lot of his ancient dark arts. With this new mineral, he had been thinking about making himself a new wand.

He had a pretty good idea of what he wanted to achieve but needed to do some more research. In reading his wand-making book, he had come across a very important paragraph concerning charging crystals with raw magic. For one thing, he had been wrong about the fact that crystals had never been fully charged in the past. Some crystals had been fully charged by combining the magical output of a half dozen wizards and witches.

Marcel Ollivander in 1264 had formulated a theory that once a crystal was fully charge, any more energy thrown at the crystal would simply turn it into a very powerful focusing lens. The crystal would concentrate and focus the energy thrown at it. He had tried making wands out of crystals but they had not worked properly and he could not find the reason for this failure.

Harry remembered reading about Lasers in his muggle Physics book, and concluded that this was in a way the same principle. In a laser the coherent photons had to build up to a strength level before they could be released from the reflecting lens!

The handle and core of his new wand would obviously be made of Naquadria. He would have to find a very high purity gem for the tip of his wand. He would also have to fuse high quality gems crystals to the Naquadria shaft in order to keep the energy focused in the shaft.

His only problem was to find a proper sheath for the wand core. The material needed to have outstanding heat resistance and dissipation properties. The current woods used in wands would be totally unworkable. They could not handle the power amplification of Naquadria. The wood would be unable to dissipate the generated heat quickly enough. The wood would burn to cinders. The crystals also need to be fully charged with his raw magical energy.

Harry decided to apparate back to his bedroom and get all of his stuff sorted out. Once in his bedroom, he got settled in. He decided to make an outside appearance as Vernon Dursley. Must keep the robots guessing he mused. After lunch he decided to apparate to the apparition point outside of Gringotts. He would go and deposit one of his mineral trunks into his family vault for safekeeping.

Harry had been thinking about his training, and decided that he would benefit from being tutored by renowned masters in their fields. He would try and buy the services of the best tutors that money could buy. He decided on Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, Spell Creation, Duelling, and Martial Arts training with sword fighting. On the last one he had a particular type of training in mind. He went to see Griphook.

When he got to Griphook's office, the first thing that he noticed was how much the Goblins office had changed, it looked much more opulent, and Harry quickly approved of these new changes. Let everybody know of the importance of handling the Potter account.

"Hello Griphook!"

"Ah, Mr Potter, how very nice to see you, how may I be of service?"

"Well, first let me tell you that the help you provided me earlier has been invaluable to me, it has allowed me to shall we say become a much more accomplished wizard!" Griphook smiled at this statement. Harry seeing the feral grin on Griphook continued.

"That being said, I believe that books and self training can only go so far!" Griphook nodded at his statement.

"I have decided to buy the services of the best tutors to further develop my training. For the subjects I have in mind, here is a list! With your extensive contacts I was wondering if you could help me find the following tutors" Griphook looked at the list and Harry swore he saw another smile on his face!

"Well Sir there is nothing I like better than a challenge! When would you like to have your tutors?"

"How about July 20?"

"That should be no problem sir, I can definitely get you started", they shook hands and Harry left Gringotts.

As he was walking down the street, he saw the sign Knights and Squires. He remembered his promise to get the basilisk skin. It was getting late in the afternoon, so he made a mental note to get the basilisk from the chamber of secrets, on his next time flux break.

Harry apparated back to his room and decided to do some research. He needed to find an appropriate material to complement his Naquadria wand core. Harry had done a lot of experimenting on his new core material and knew that the sheath covering the Naquadria core needed to be a material that had very high thermal dissipation and needed to have good wear resistance as well. It also had to withstand extreme physical stress.

After about 30 minutes of searching the Internet, he stumbled on a muggle material called Rhenium. The definition of the metal was as such:

Rhenium was a bright silvery material. It was a pure refractory metal and is extremely attractive for high temperature structural and energy system applications, such as space and missile propulsion systems. Used either as a pure structural material or as a liner in conjunction with graphite or carbon-carbon structural materials, rhenium can provide erosion resistance for components in high temperature rocket engines and hot gas valves.

Rhenium has many advantages over other candidate liner materials. Rhenium has a melting point of 3180°C (5756°F), exceeding all other metals except tungsten. Rhenium is the only refractory metal that does not form a carbide, yet it has a significant solubility for carbon which ensures an excellent bond strength between the two materials.

Rhenium has repeatedly outperformed all other coating candidates on hot section components. Of the refractory metals, rhenium has the greatest tensile and creep-rupture strength at elevated temperatures. Rhenium also possesses a wear resistance second only to osmium among the metallic elements, and the highest strain hardening coefficient of any metal.

Harry decided to coat the outside gem crystal surrounding the Naquadria shaft with Rhenium. The Rhenium will quickly dissipate any heat generated from the core. He also decided that his new wand not only be a masterpiece of functionality but also a work of art. He would engrave a scorpion and an Egyptian cobra along the sheath of his wand with black diamonds. The eyes of the scorpion would be Emeralds and the eyes of the cobra would be sapphires.

The Hand shaft was going to be engraved with many different Runes. Some of the runes would protect the wand from possession. Anyone but the owner of the wand would feel the equivalent of a Crucio spell if they were caught holding his wand. It would have a permanent summoning charm, where the owner could summon his wand from anywhere in the world.

There would also be runes to prevent any tracking of dark arts magic by the ministry. Many of the Runes he had gotten from his Sarcophagus made use of blood magic. In order to sculpt his new wand, the first thing that Harry did was to memorize Ollivander's wand making book. Harry found it to be fascinating reading. The runes and the Naquadria shaft would have to absorb his blood in order to properly align its properties to his magical signature only.

As Harry read Ollivander's book, he became very impressed with the knowledge accumulated over the centuries. For instance he never knew that when a wand chooses a wizard or a witch, it turned out that the best compatibility that a magical person could expect was around 80 percent. This meant that only 80 percent of a wizard or witch magical energy was used in the spell, the remaining magical energy was converted to heat.

That is why large quantities of spell work would leave a person feeling tired and drained. According to Ollivanders ancestors, the best wands should have a wand cores surrounded by gem quality crystals. The crystals should then be fully charged with that person's raw magical energy. That way the crystals would act as a focusing lens and concentrate all of that person's magical energy along the wand core.

However, this method of wand making has not been successful since no single wizard or witch has been able to fully charge said crystals. Some gem crystals had been fully charged using the combined magical energy of half a dozen wizard and witches, but the experimental results showed that these wands became even less efficient then current magical wand cores.

Ollivanders theorized that there were two reasons for this. The first one is that the combined magical signatures of all these wizards and witches had destabilized the crystal matrix and thus rendered the gem unusable as a focusing lens.

Another set of experiments had allowed only one wizard to charge the crystals. This turned out to also be a failure. The theory for this is because since the crystals was never fully charged; then the crystals would steal that person's magical energy while they casting a spell in an attempt to fully charge themselves.

Theoretically Ollivander feels that if a wand core is imbued with a magical person's blood, and if the crystals surrounding the wand core were to be fully charged, than that person should achieve 100 percent compatibility with their wands. The wand would focus all magical energy into spell work.

After sketching on paper what he thought he wanted his wand to look like. He started listing his supplies and completed his calculations. Based on a series of calculations his new wand was going to be 13" long. The hand shaft was going to be 6 inches long by 1 inch in diameter and made of Naquadria. The main core was also going to be Naquadria fused to the hand shaft and was going to be 7" long. The main core diameter would taper from 1 inch at the end of the hand shaft to 1/2 in at the tip of the wand.

He would engrave the scorpion and the cobra along the side of the Rhenium sheath. He would then fuse black diamonds into the engraving. The hand shaft would also be engraved with the runes and sapphires gems would be fused into the rune engravings. The demarcation point between the hand shaft and the main core would have a 1/8 inch wide sapphire ring fused to the Naquadria.

He looked at his calendar and noticed that tonight would be a full moon. According to his blood magic books, blood runes would have to be done at midnight tonight. So he would have to make his wand tonight if he was going to use it to build his trunk.

He searched the Internet for a Rhenium wholesaler and found HC Stack Gmb Ltd from Sheffield. Harry decided he would apparate there and buy a box of extruded Rhenium rods. Harry also remembered that he needed to buy his exotic woods for his custom built trunk. After another 35 minutes on the Internet, he found the Gallery of Woods in South Hampton.

He looked at his watch and it showed 4:00 pm. He had to get a move on and quick. He picked up one of his unused mineral trunks and reduced it. He picked up his cloak and apparated to the metals merchant first.

40 minutes later, Harry ended up buying 50 12-inch long rods at 1-inch diameter. The rods were exquisite, and had a semi glossy silver look to them. Then he apparated to the Gallery of Woods. After an hour, Harry had £60,000 pounds worth of wood. He walked out back of the store where the delivery station was. He told the man that he was waiting for his delivery truck. He waited to make sure no one was around and shrunk all of his materials and stowed it all in his trunk. With that complete he apparated back to Privet Drive.

Harry was really enjoying his new mode of transportation. Long distances left him a bit tired, but he recovered quickly enough. Harry looked at the time and decided to treat himself to a nice supper. When this was complete, he decided to get all of his materials together. He might as well make himself two wands. He took out two Naquadria rods, and some high quality gem crystals.

He took out amethysts, black diamonds, emeralds, and sapphires. He then took out his book on runes and blood rituals. Over the next two hours, Harry practiced reviewing and tracing ancient runes. An hour before midnight, Harry took his wand and pictured in his mind the size and taper he wanted. He then cast the shaping spell "Ductus- Flatum" he looked down and smiled. His two wand pieces were perfectly sculpted. He then carved the runes into the shaft handle.

With the following spells "Caelator -Vetus" he inscribed a summoning rune. This rune would cause his wand to return to him no matter where it was. He inscribed a pain rune that would cause the equivalent of the Crucio spell on anyone who picked up his wand. The runes would be attuned to his magical signature only.

He etched another rune that would keep the charged crystals from ever discharging their energy. No sense wasting a lot of energy recharging the crystals. He etched another rune that would keep his wand from being summoned by anyone else but him. This effectively rendered Expelliarmus useless on him.

When he was done etching both wand shafts, it was time to go outside into the full Moon and carry out the blood rituals. He picked up the Rhenium sleeves, the gems and the Naquadria rods. He took his watch and pressed the locator map. 'Good,' he thought, 'Mundungus was about 200 feet across the street facing the front of the house. There was no one in the vicinity of the backyard. He picked up his book, his dagger and wand supplies and made his way to the back yard.

Once he was in the backyard, he laid out a white sheet. He laid out the crystals and wand materials before him. He looked at his watch and it read 12:00 am. For his first wand he took the sapphire gems and fused the sapphire into each rune by casting "Fusum-Crystallus".

He then took the amethysts crystals and fused a 1/8-inch coating of it to the shaft of the Naquadria. An elliptical sapphire was fused halfway into the tip of the Naquadria shaft. He then lifted his right palm above his head, and facing the moon took his dagger and cut diagonally while he intoned the following spell.

"Ab- Invoco- Atis-Coniunctio-Ritus" Mother night I invoke the power of blood. He then allowed his blood to fully coat the crystals covering the wand tip gem, the wand shaft and the runes. He then cast a quick healing charm on his hand. At that point he noticed his blood being absorbed by the crystals and a deep blue light emitted from the wand.

The crystals had fully absorbed his blood and thus his magical signature. He took his holly wand and attached a small cone of Naquadria to the tip of his wand. He then made sure to touch each crystal with the Naquadria tip and proceeded to fully charge all of the crystals with his raw magical energy.

This was easily done with the energy amplification power of Naquadria. He knew when the crystals were fully charged, because they glowed a deep crimson red. He then cast the following spell "Impedio- Eluvies" this would permanently keep the crystals from ever discharging their energy. He then fused a Rhenium sleeve to the crystals shaft for protection.

His finished his first wand by etching a Scorpion and an Egyptian Cobra on the Rhenium sleeve. He then fused black diamonds into the engravings. He fused two sapphire studs for the eyes of the Cobra and two emerald studs for the eyes of the scorpion. The runes and the tip of his first wand were fused with a sapphires gem.

On his second wand he etched a Phoenix and a Scorpion. The same black diamonds were fused to the etchings on the Rhenium shaft. The Scorpion got emerald studs again, and the Phoenix received the ruby studs. The runes and wand tip were fitted with emeralds.

Harry had managed to do all of this delicate work with his holly wand. He did not want to touch his new wands until he was in the basement of the house. He was too scared of the effects the wands would produce if Ollivander's theories were correct. The wands were magically lifted and put in a box. He took some time to regain some energy, he felt utterly drained. When he felt sufficiently recovered, he cleaned up the bloodstains on the sheet, and picked up the remaining materials.

He went back inside the house and made sure to lock all of the doors. He went downstairs and opened the box. He finally took the time to look at his creations and he marvelled at the beauty of these wands. They were by far the most beautiful wands he had ever seen. The best part was that no one could use his babies against him. According to Ollivander's theory, they were completely attuned to him. His magical signature was permanently attuned to the crystals forever.

When he finally picked up his first wand, he felt a rush of power the likes of which he had never felt. The air surrounding him began to crackle heat up and swirl. The light that came out of his wand was the equivalent of a solar flare. The basement was bathed with purple and blue lights. The light was utterly blinding. Harry could not believe the feeling he was getting.

The feeling of his original wand had been a travesty compared to this. This wand felt like an extension of his body. Harry looked at the floor, and found a penny. He decided to try his new wand by casting a "Wingardium-Leviosa" spell on the penny. The penny not only lifted but went right through the basement ceiling and lodged somewhere above that.

"HOLY SHIT!" Said Harry out loud, he was flabbergasted! He needed to learn much finer power control when using these new wands. Thank god he didn't try a Reducto spell; he would have blown up the house to bits! He repeated the same experience with his second wand and got the same result. Harry could not be happier. He had taken a theoretical concept on wand making and had made it work 100 percent.

Well, he thought, Ollivanders ancestor would be vindicated on his theories. Harry now remembered that his spells would be amplified over 100 times in power, he again made a mental note to remember to retrain himself to adjust to the new power levels.

Harry thought of his new wands, and mused that it took his discovery of Naquadah and Naquadria properties to make his theories come true he mused. Harry understood a very important concept that night. All science builds on the shoulders of its ancestors. He remembered a famous quote from the muggle scientist Einstein, "It is better to be creative than to have knowledge".

'Fuck! When I get around to showing these to Ollivander, he is going to shit himself!' Harry looked at his watch and found that it was 2:15 am. He needed to get some sleep. Harry picked up his wands and material and went up to his bedroom. He took 15 minutes to clear his mind and didn't bother getting undressed. He fell asleep the moment his head hit his pillow.

Harry woke up the next morning at around 9:00 am. He completed his morning ritual albeit a bit late and decided that his next flux time would be spent creating his manor and studying the scrolls exclusively.

July 12-15 Odin's Months

5:30-7:00 am Physical training running for 30 to 45 min, work on a set of muscle arm, then chest, arms, legs… 30 min of Tai Chi

7:00-7:15 showers

7:15-8:00 am Breakfast

8:00- 8:15 Meditation/Occlumency and Legilimency training Practice

8:15-11:30 Work on Trunk

11:30- 12:00 lunch

12:00- 1:30 pm NEWT level 6-7 years charms/transfiguration/DADA

1:30- 5:30 Sarcophagus Dar Arts theory and Training

6:00-7:00 Supper

7:00-8:00 Physical Magic and Theory, work with magical channels.

9:00-11:00 Study NEWT Transfiguration, Runes, Arithmancy

11:00 – 11: 30 pm Meditation/Occlumency and Legilimency review.

16 weeks later Odin Time

Harry reflected on his last 12 weeks' achievements. His biggest of course was the completion of his new home. It was to say the least a work of art. He had singularly managed to create the size, prestige and comfort of a Manor within the confined of a trunk. The space and comfort were befitting that of a king he thought. The entrance to his manner consisted of a double door system made of Rhenium. Harry had then created hand portals.

The entrance portal into the trunk and the inner doors to the Manor inside the trunk worked on blood magic. A person had to be keyed in by blood. Their magical auras needed to be recorded to allow them entrance into the Manor. Harry had made it so that he could add or remove anyone he liked from entering his trunk.

They could only be keyed in with Harry present. Once they were keyed in, they could enter the trunk and manner at will. Every room inside the trunk manor also had access portals, but they were only keyed to a person's magical signature. This way he could keep track some of his rooms a secret like the dungeons. Also the crystals inside the recognition portals could only be activated with his magical energy during the key in process. Harry figured he had achieved a very sophisticated security system. This way he had control over which room's people could access inside the trunk.

He had managed to create an ultra comfortable reception area, a fully decked out kitchen, duelling chamber, prison chamber, a smiting and potions lab, a green house, a muggle size semi Olympic pool area, a fully decked out gym, and a formal dining area.

The upstairs area contained 20 fully decorated bedrooms not including his master suite, which was a thing of beauty. All of the floors were marble. The floors had been charmed to feel warm. The main reception area was cantered around a fireplace. Obsidian pillars flanked all entrance to the major areas of his trunk manner. The main fireplace mantle was decorated in green and black marble. The ceiling was charmed as per Hogwarts main Hall, so that the sky was made visible.

Harry had been able to imbed and fuse fist size diamond cones that he had managed to enlarge into the trunks outer Ironwood panels. The diamond apex reached to the other side of the wood panel where they could be tapped. The diamonds were able to channel sunlight and distribute it inside the trunk rooms.

He had hanged the whole Potter family tree above the main fireplace. He managed to also incorporate a full Library. He had moved all of his Potter and Black Vault books into his new living arrangement. He had used nothing but the best materials. He had heavily relied on muggle comfort creations in his new abode.

He had whirlpools in the bathrooms and special magically enchanted chairs in the main living areas and bedroom. All bedrooms were completed with heavy Oak or maple furniture. All of the floors were covered in tiles or marbles. The beds were all King or Queen sized poster beds. The mattresses were made to adjust and meld the person's body for perfect support.

The walls were covered in different exotic woods that he had bought. The hallways were filled with paintings, Statues, and gargoyles. He made a special effort to include a lot of Egyptian statues and arts in honour of the sarcophagus. He had many dragon statues. His own bedroom had a full king size poster bed, with a matching burrow and nightstands.

His room was decorated in emerald green and pastel colours. He had a plush emerald area carpet in his room. His bedroom also included a separated room that contained a massive work desk with lamps and all sorts of decorations. He also had a mini library where he kept some of his favourite books. He had his own ceiling charmed to be able to see the night sky.

His bathroom was twice the size of the Prefects bathroom at Hogwarts. He had a full whirlpool baths and a triple marble sink. He had full mirror cabinets. The loo was also made of white marble. All of the room were tied to the fresh air system and muggle style lighting. He had crystal chandeliers installed in all of the rooms. Each room had a unique crystal chandelier design.

During his last 12 weeks, Harry had also invented a Naquadria Reactor. He had studied muggle reactors and generators. He figured he could build a reactor that could convert magical energy to muggle electricity. He had invented the reactors by creating a crystal bank that was charged with raw magical energy.

The crystals slowly discharged through a Naquadria cylinder bank that fed a converter crystal that was charmed to replicate the energy signature of 220-volt electricity. Another generator of the same make was used to power the new wards that he had installed. According to his calculations, the power crystals would need recharging in about 50 years.

These muggle electricity generators powered the lights, the kitchen appliances, the green house, the air circulation system and the water heaters. A generator was installed for the upstairs area, and another one for the downstairs area. Harry had installed an utterly draconian system of security.

Wards were installed in every room. As mentioned before, all rooms had to be keyed in to a person's magical signature to allow entrance. There was a special portkey area that was set up so that only his portkeys could be used. The wards were based on ancient dark magic and would cause any uninvited guest some serious health complications.

He had put every useful charm that he knew on the trunk. He had charms to withstand any magical or physical damage, weather protection charms, water purification charms, air purity control charms, temperature control charms, and floo recognition charms. Floo travel was available if it was from trunk to trunk. He cast Concealment Charms to confuse muggle and wizard kind alike if they were near his trunk. In his studies of the sarcophagus scrolls, he had come up with the dark equivalent of the Fidelius charm except that the caster could act as his own keeper.

He had cast the dark Fidelius charm. Nobody would be able to see his trunk unless he keyed them to it. He had spent a great deal of time learning the runes and incantations to cast the modified Fidelius. Harry had never cast such a complicated charm before. It involved calculating the appropriate charmed volume and casting the appropriate runes to activate the charms. With his new wand he had poured so much power into his charms that he did not think anybody could break them.

All of this space in his trunk had been possible due to the Naquadah and the crystals that Harry had been able to fuse with the Ironwood. The resulting magical energy that the trunk panels had been able to absorb had been beyond anything invented yet.

The crystals and the Naquadah fused to the trunk panels had been the repository of stored magical energy that had allowed such immensely stable expansion charms. Harry made sure to keep a very detailed journal of the construction process. He had essentially a written step-by-step manual on the creation of his trunk. He had a very specific reason from the very beginning for doing this. He had every intension of hiring Dobby in the future; his main job in the short term would be to build identical trunks to the one he had currently created.

After his trunk had been built, he had moved all of his possession inside the newly built Potter Manor. In his mind he now needed to have 5 more copies of his trunk. With his step-by-step instructions, anybody could duplicate his creation.

If he could duplicate his original trunk, he had the appropriate locations figured out. Also during the last twelve weeks he had reviewed some of his Vault papers and had discovered a Potter castle on the western coast of Scotland on the Island of Tyree.

Apparently the Castle had been abandoned so 100 years ago as the main seat of Potter clan in favour of a Manor in England. With so many worldwide properties to live at, a castle off the coast of Scotland had perhaps not been appealing enough to his ancestors. Not to mention that this property had been buried fairly deep in the vault papers, it is very probable that it had been forgotten.

According to the magical property deeds, the castle had strong wards, disillusionment charms, concealing charms and anti tracking charms. Apparently a particularly powerful stasis charm had been cast on the castle to preserve it. He decided that he was going to check it out. If he liked it then he would improve the wards significantly and would get some help and remodel the castle interior to match the opulence of his trunk.

Harry also noticed that during the last twelve weeks, he had done a lot of soul searching and came to the conclusion that his self-imposed loneliness was starting to get to him. He needed to get out and meet some people. He needed to make new friends and wanted to travel.

His new mode Apparating certainly allowed him to go anywhere he wanted. He would have to make it a habit and get out on the town more often. He would not go into London if he could help it, but there was still the rest of Europe, the Pacific and many other interesting places.

He made sure that he had his dark notes with him and apparated to the castle coordinates. When he got there he was pleasantly surprised by the look of the castle. For one thing it was made of jet-black granite stone blocks. It had several turrets and a grand entrance archway.

The grounds were in a bit of disrepair but nothing that could not be greatly improved with some care. He noticed a moat and a drawbridge. The castle was nowhere the size of Hogwarts, but it was certainly bigger than a manor. He also noticed that the there was a slanted surrounding the castle that was nearly ¾ the height of the wall.

The ledge seemed to have a gargoyle set every 20 feet apart and every one of them seemed to be an original design. Harry thought that this was rather impressive in itself. Harry took his time exploring the grounds and found a forest on the back of the castle that had some magical creatures there; he also felt that the wards covered a very large area up to and including the beach.

Harry was a little worried thought because he felt that the wards had weakened considerably over time. They were not too spectacular either. He would have to change that if he decided to make this castle his official home base. After some more scouting, he noticed a stone walkway leading down to the beach. He followed it down until he reached the beachfront. The beach it self was in the shape of a horseshoe, with cliffs and caves sculpted by the sea leading into the walls.

He decided to come back later and practice his magic on the cliffs. He went back up to the castle and decided to go in. He realized that he had to take down the stasis field first. When that was complete he entered the reception hall, and what he found there was utterly breath taking. It was richly decorated and had a significant amount of rooms.

He inspected the kitchens, the library, the bedrooms, restrooms, shower rooms, gymnasium, duelling area, game rooms, relaxation rooms, botanical rooms, a full smith's room for weapons making, a potions lab that needed to be fully restocked. The dungeons that needed some securing work. There was also what Harry called a war room or situation room. There were in all 50 bedrooms. The dining room seemed to be charmed just like Hogwarts main hall. He also found the wards room, which had some poor looking crystals and Harry, could tell that they were nearly depleted.

Harry felt that the castle needed a bit of work but it was also a perfect place to make his seat of power. He loved the antiquity and the feeling that he got from the castle. This is where centuries of Potters had lived and died. He felt such a warm feeling here that he immediately felt like he had come home. Harry decided that he would move here as soon as possible. First thing he needed to do was to get the wards fully updated and improved. He would completely rebuild the crystal room. He was going to employ as many dark wards as possible.

He was also going to cast the most powerful anti tracking charm that he had, and finally he was going to cast a blood ward and the dark Fidelius. When he was finished, no one would be able to come in without his consent. When he completed the wards he had to seek certain house elves that he had in mind. They would be in charge of replicating the many decorating ideas from his trunk. He would draw up a full set of plans of what he wanted.

He would upgrade all the floors to marble to match his trunk manor. The walls would all be decked out as per his trunk with exotic wood finish. He would also upgrade all of the baths to marble floors, washbasins, and loos and would incorporate muggle whirlpools and full spray showers.

He wanted heat lamps and all manners of comforts. All of the bedrooms would be redecorated as per his trunk. He figured that he could power this whole castle with just one big reactor, but decided that putting all his eggs in one basket was stupid. He would build a reactor solely dedicated to the wards, another one to power all of the dungeons, base floor rooms, and 2nd floor rooms. Its own separate generator would power the remaining upper floors.

He decided to clear Privet Drive right away. He first needed to get a good supply of high quality quarts crystals. He first went to Diagon Alley. Whit his cloak on he made his way to Dauphines, which was a supplier of high quality crystals of all sorts. He ended up buying 50,000 galleons worth of high purity crystals. When he was done with his purchases, he apparated back to Privet drive.

He would have to come back at the end of his time flux and make an appearance for the idiots. He got all of his trunks together and packed all of his possessions. He apparated back to the castle and decided to set his trunk by the fireplace. He took his trunk with the quartz crystals and made his way to the wardroom. It was more or less located at the centre of the castle and below the upper floor.

He decided to change the doors to Rhenium and install access portals keyed to blood magic. He went inside and transfigured his quarts crystals into 3 ft high by 1 ft diameter Hexagonal modules. Harry Created 10 of these modules. He then fixed a Naquadria amplifying cone rod over each module. Over a 12-hour period, he charged all of the crystals with raw magical energy to their full capacity. He had to take many energy supplement potions.

This was extremely draining work. When the modules were all charged he charm signature on each crystals. He had a concealing, anti animagus, anti regular Apparating, anti regular portkey, anti magic detection ward, a dark ward that absorbs spell energy, a repelling ward, …etc. and finally the dark Fidelius. It was now July 17 and he needed to get back into his training. He had to contact Dobby this early this afternoon.

He could not afford the time to go back and send a mail message by post. He decided that Anubis would probably like a change of scenery.

sss Anubis I need to get to Hogwarts, would you like to come for a trip? sss

sss Yes, Master I would very much like to get out for a while! sss

Harry chuckled, He loved Anubis - he was so straight forward. If only people could be more like him. Harry took him and wrapped him around his body. And figured if he was going to Hogwarts, he might as well take care of one of his commitments. He would first apparate to the Chamber of Secrets to skin the basilisk. He would need battle robes soon.

With that thought in mind, he pictured the chamber of secrets and brought out as much detail and he could remember from his second year. He suddenly winked out and in less than a second he was standing in the chamber of secrets. It was completely dark. He cast a Lumos Solarum and to his surprise there was no noticeable smell of decay.

The basilisk corpse looked as if it had been killed yesterday! Harry remembered the events of that year with a shudder. He looked at the torches on the wall and cast an incendiary spell to get them lit.

He decided to not waist any time and proceeded to cut up the Basilisk. He made sure to keep all of the fangs, spleen, liver, and skinned the animal completely. The rest of the carcass he preserved in one of the trunks he bought. Thank God he had reviewed his magical creatures' books. You needed a very special spell to cut into Basilisk skin. When this was done, he put the whole skin into one of his mineral trunk. Now he thought he needed to get in touch with a very hyper elf!