
Chapter 14 - Hogwarts and the Scorpion Army Part 2

DISCLAIMER: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

28 weeks later Odin Time

Harry woke up and everyone had already left the trunk manor. Bill, Charlie, and Fleur had gone back to work, and Remus was going back to the castle to relax. Neville and Luna went back to Longbottom Manor. These last seven months had been truly spectacular. His inner circle was now very proficient Occlumens. Harry was very proud of them, they were now truly lethal. They had mastered the books of Necron. Harry had taught them some very simple parseltongue magic.

Now that Neville's block was removed, he had made astounding progress. He was now easily the best dueller of his inner circle. He had even beaten Remus. Luna and Neville had spent most of their free time at night studying their sixth and 7th year NEWT level courses. They had made extensive use of his potions lab. Since there was no slimy greasy git bothering Neville, he had spent a considerable amount of time learning potions the proper way. Harry had stepped in when Luna could not. They were nearly finished with their seventh NEWT material.

Harry had made plans for when they returned to Hogwarts. During the weekends they would all portkey to his trunk manor by the lake and they would flux time the weekends. By the end of September, Neville and Luna will have finished their 7th year NEWT material. The idea was for all of them to write their NEWT next spring. Harry knew that he would be bored out of his skull going back to Hogwarts, but he needed to be there to recruit and train his future army.

Going to Hogwarts would also provide a front for his excursions. No one knew that he could apparate out of Hogwarts. He planned to be very active in disrupting moldy warts' plans this coming year. He needed to keep the snake disorganized and prevent him from gaining in strength while he trained his army. In any case, Harry was sure that the final battle would occur at Hogwarts. He planned to devote most of his class time into figuring out how to dispose of Voldemort for the last time.

He planned to use Neville and Luna a lot to train the others. He needed them to become teachers to the new recruits. In fact, most of their coming year would be devoted to bringing the next batch of scorpion soldiers up to speed. Harry had read extensively on muggle warfare. If one thing was drilled into his brain, it was the need for an expertly trained army. An all-volunteer army sharing your ideals and not coerced or forced to agree with you was going to be their strength. Moldy shorts' army was mostly made up of scared conscript. This is why Harry needed his officers free of schoolwork and devote as much of their time to teaching and training as possible.

By next spring, Neville and Luna would be more than ready to write their NEWT. Harry planned to write his before Halloween. He was going to keep this little bit of information from the old bastard and the ministry for as long as he could. Harry knew that eventually everyone would find out who the scorpion sorcerer was. When the war was over, he needed his NEWT to function in the magical world. Therefore, that little bit of administration had to be finished.

Another good thing to come out of these last seven months Harry thought was the fact that he had discovered a way to make electronic work with magic. His discovery came from his muggle warfare and physics books. Large magical concentrations such as Hogwarts create a continuous broadband, of high-intensity, short-duration burst of electromagnetic energy. The electromagnetic pulses consist of a continuous frequency spectrum. Most of the energy is distributed throughout the lower frequencies between 3 Hz and 30 kHz. These stray frequencies are enough to induce harmful voltage and current spikes in muggle electronics.

Muggle army buy specialized communication that have advanced metallic and filters shielding to protect against harmful EMP. Harry only needed to find a company that tailored to muggle armies and buy communications from them. Harry figured his best bet was to target low-key American company. They were a lot easier to access then European ones. He would make his search before he went back to Hogwarts. Harry finished packing his clothes and made his way back to the castle.

Meanwhile Remus was busy putting some books back into the library and was thinking back on his last month in flux time. Remus never realized how much magic he was oblivious to until he started studying the dark arts. Along with his study, he had become a much better duellists and fighter. Remus was confident that he could now take on three fully trained Aurors and not even break a sweat. Remus knew that he had always been very talented at defence. He always took pride in his duelling abilities, until he started practicing against his cub. If Remus were honest with himself, he would admit to being very awed at Harry's powers. No matter how hard he tried, Harry could whip his butt, in no time flat. Lily and James would be so proud of their son, he sure was.

Remus recalled one defining moment of Harry's powers. Just two weeks ago, Harry wanted to know where everyone was in his or her duelling capacity. He had everyone gather in a circle and proposed that they all duel against him. Remus thought that he had a death wish. Looking at everyone, he saw a look of anguish on their faces.

Remus knew that Harry was an exceptional dueller but what he saw that evening would stay marked in his head forever. All six of them formed a circle around Harry. Remus could tell that even Neville seemed to believe that Harry had bit off more than he could chew. Harry began by telling everybody to throw everything they had at him. He told them to show no mercy. Harry counted down and when he reached zero, everyone shouted all forms of curses at him. Some were extremely dangerous, but Harry didn't seem to have a care in the world.

What came next was a ballet of the assassins. Harry moved with such speed and grace that it seemed that he was possessed. Using the weirding way, Harry moved with the speed of a vampire and the strength of a werewolf. He was jumping, kicking, and uttering curses that were toying with them. Remus himself managed to cast six curses at Harry before he went down. He was the fourth opponent to go down that night. The last person to go down was Neville. After fifteen minutes of hardcore duelling, Neville ended up stunned. Last man standing was Harry. After many counter curses and healing potions, everyone was back on their feet and shaking their heads.

Harry had several cuts and bruises and his left forearm and right leg. They both looked black and blue, but he was still last person standing. Remus never realized how powerful Harry was until that duel. Looking around all of the other faces that night, he knew he was not alone thinking that. With all of their training, they knew that they could match a pack of death eaters any day, however fighting Harry was a very different scenario. Remus now realized why that battle in France was no mere fluke. For the first time in a very long time, Remus now held hope that there was someone one who could finally match Voldemort and potentially beat him. With these thoughts in his head and a big smile on his face, Remus went back to the library and picked out ancient tomes on arcane magic.

August 29, Longbottom Manor

Meanwhile back at Longbottom manor, Neville and Luna were sitting at a nice table in his grandmothers' greenhouse. They were of course discussing all that they had learned from Harry these last seven months. Neville couldn't believe all of the changes he experienced. Neville now felt that he had come into his own. Harry made him see that he was not weak and timid. Harry believed in him, and that had been all that he needed to find his path. He owed Harry so much. They had become very close friends these past seven months.

Neville knew that this year was going to be special. A reckoning was coming and a lot of old scores would be settled one way or another. Harry had shared his vision for a new wizarding world, and both Luna and he believed in his vision of a new wizarding world. He wanted to bring true equality and freedom. Harry wanted to establish a new system of governance, based on true democratic ideals, both the Wizengamot and the ministry needed to be burned down for the new system to take effect.

He looked at Luna, his girlfriend for over five months now. Neville had already admitted to himself that he loved her. Yes, Luna was eccentric, however that just made her interesting, not loony. Truth be told, she was one of the most intelligent, and caring persons he knew. He was afraid for her, but he couldn't help it, loving someone made you feel that way. The best way for them to come out of this war alive and well was to keep doing what they had started. Learn how to fight, and fight to win.

One thing that Harry had drilled into their heads was to show no mercy in battle. Neville knew that he would never reach Harry's level of duelling, but then again he was in a class by himself. Their last duel against him had certainly proven that. The speed, power, and duelling finesse that he had shown them were inspiring. Neville couldn't help admiring Harry. Harry was the bravest, most loyal person you could have at you side. He was also extremely intelligent, cunning, and ruthless.

Neville considered Harry like the brother he never had. Their circumstances were so similar. Their parents had been best friends. Voldemort had taken their parents away from them. They had both been ridiculed by the wizarding world. Most people thought that he was a weak wizard with no discernible talent. These same people thought that Harry was a deluded, attention-seeking brat. Oh yes, he thought, the wizarding public. These bastards are worse than death eaters. They are spineless cowards who can't fight for themselves, thus putting people in position to fight for them, and then at the end of the day, getting rid of these people once they outlived their usefulness, or when they feel threatened. It was time to get rid of all these spineless shits he thought. Neville made a solemn promise to be with Harry at the final battle, his own honor demanded no less. Neville was brought out of his musing by Luna when she uttered.

"Neville? Are you O.K? You seemed angry for some reason?" Neville looked up into Luna's silver blue eyes and smiled. Neville replied

"Sorry love, I was just thinking about all the hardship Harry and I have had to deal with." The last was said in a sad tone.

Luna looked at her boyfriend, stood up, and went to sit on his lap. She looked up at his cinnamon eyes and said "I know what pain is love. I saw my mother die with my own eyes. Remember that there is a balance in the universe. Eventually fate will smile on us also, if not then Harry will kick fate's ass for us."

Neville laughed at that and replied "You are right love. Harry is stubborn enough to bend fate I think." They then kissed passionately before they broke apart. They spent another hour holding each other talking about Harry's plan for recruiting and how to best avoid any suspicion from the headmaster. They both agreed that using the Chamber of Secrets was a brilliant idea for training. They kept talking until Luna had to go back home. They would see each other on the Hogwarts Express. They didn't need to take the train now that they could apparate by map. One of their missions was to gauge the waters with the other students. Try to find out what their opinion were regarding the ministry and Voldemort. One person they needed to talk to was Ginny Weasley.

August 29, 4:00 pm Headmaster Office Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

An outsider looking into the headmasters' office would have noticed an elderly man with a very long and white beard pacing around his office. In fact, this man had been doing that a lot this past week. People who knew him would say that he had aged a lot this past seven days. The man doing all the pacing and muttering to himself was none other than the proclaimed light wizard Albus Dumbledore.

Albus was looking at Fawkes deep in thought. He was trying to find a way out of his current mess. He had lost his pawn. It would take a miracle to get it back. One of his main problems was that he didn't know whether the boy was dark or not. Truth be told, Albus was still trying to figure out how Harry had managed to apparate out of his anti apparition wards. He had put an awful lot of his power in the anti apparition field, yet the boy had simply slipped through them like a hot knife in butter.

Albus was a very frustrated man lately. The only weapon capable of defeating Voldemort had managed to wiggle out of his grasp, and managed to develop a major independent streak to boot. Albus had been shocked at the boy's ruthlessness. He knew that there was a risk that he would be caught at some point. However he never planned on strategy being found out this soon. The boy held some very nasty cards over his head.

This could not continue. He had to find a way to discredit the boy someway, without driving him even further from his sphere of influence. The problems with the boy were not his only pressing problem. There was this Scorpion Sorcerer running around killing people as if it was the most natural thing in the world. This wizard could pose a very real threat to his influence and power. He had to find out who it was and put a stop to him somehow. The Order of the Phoenix had to be seen as the guardians of the light.

Well one problem at a time Albus thought. He needed to get Harry back under his influence. He now knew that the link between Harry and Voldemort was completely severed. His headaches were certainly a testament to the boy's mind magic. He needed to make the boy believe that only he could give him the training he needed to defeat Voldemort. There was no doubt in his mind that the boy was powerful. He was powerful enough to challenge him eventually. The best way to contain Harry was to eventually play Fudge against Harry. In time, Fudge could be fed some false information about Harry planning an eventual takeover of the ministry. The man was so paranoid concerning the boy-who-lived that he would do anything to contain him. Perhaps a trial for murdering Voldemort would be enough to put the boy in Azkaban.

The first step was to find a way to make the boy drop his lawsuit on him. Maybe he could make the boy attack one of his teachers. Severus would certainly go along with his plan, if it meant tormenting the boy. Perhaps a set up was needed. Attacking a teacher was punishable by expulsion. Surely, the boy would do anything not to be thrown out of Hogwarts. After all, in the wizarding world, one needed their NEWT to hold any kind of position. Albus kept thinking and plotting long into the night.

August 30, Potter Manor

The Zabinis were gathered in their living room holding on to the portkey that their daughter had given them. They were going to visit their daughter at Potter residence. Michael let everyone know that this was a formal affair, and that nothing but their best turn out would be tolerated. The Zabini family was a very prim and proper family. Ancient customs and protocols had to be followed according to the occasion at hand. Michael looked down at his watch and counted down. He finally said.

"Hang on everyone, portkey is activating."

The portkey activated and they all managed to land on their feet. The first thing that Blaise noticed was that they were somewhere on the coast of England. The second thing he noticed was how big Potter's residence was. Currently his family was standing on a beautiful terrace, and as he looked up he noticed Potter castle. It took an awful lot to impress the Zabini's but as of now Blaise could tell from the looks on his family's faces that they were truly impressed with the Potter estate.

Michael looked at the path and noticed both his daughter and Harry walking together holding hands. Walking behind them must have been Remus Lupin. Xiana was wearing a beautiful black robe with sapphire trims decorated with silver runes. Harry was also wearing a beautiful black robe with emerald trims also decorated with silver runes. Harry's uncle, Remus Lupin was wearing a sky blue robe with an emerald trim and silver rune inscribed on the trim.

Michael had to admit that a picture of Harry in a pensieve did not do his son in law justice. Michael could tell that the lad was over six feet tall; he was very well built and carried an air of charisma about him. Michael knew that this was not a man to be intimidated.

Blaise for his part noticed his sister and his brother in law coming along the path. God, Potter looked different he thought. The closer they got to him, the more he could feel the man's aura. There was definitely an aura of power about the man. He was a lot taller and better built than he remembered in their last school year. His hair was jet black and was tied in a wavy ponytail that stopped between his shoulder blades.

The most striking feature about the man was his eyes. They were emerald green and seemed to be shining like a neon sign. He went to his mother and in the pureblood etiquette he kissed her hand and welcomed her as Lady Zabini. He then went to his twin sister and kissed her hand. Next came a formal handshake with his father using the formal greeting. Finally, Harry faced him and extended his hand while uttering the traditional greetings. Blaise was impressed by his knowledge of wizarding etiquette and his formality.

Michael was the first to speak, "Harry, it is an honor to meet you. I and my family would like to extend our thanks for your hospitality."

Harry smiled and answered, "My home is your home. It pleases me greatly to finally meet you all. Xiana has told me so much about you. It is an honor to welcome the most noble and ancient house of Zabini."

Michael replied, "It is an honor to accept the warmth and hospitality of the most noble and ancient house of Potter." Both men came face to face and formally greeted each other by clasping each other's forearms. Harry introduced Remus to all of Xiana family members and they slowly made their way to the castle.

Harry explained the history of Potter castle. He told them about the renovations and the landscaping of the grounds. He explained the different protection mechanism safeguarding the castle. They entered the castle, and Xiana gave her family a tour of her home while Harry and Remus followed close by. It was obvious that her family loved his home. Her mother who was very gifted in the arts, knew style when she saw it. Xiana's mother absolutely loved the obsidian columns throughout the castle.

Xenna loved how the marble tiles, wood finish, and the colors of the castle were perfectly blended together. After spending an hour touring the castle, they made their way to the living room for some refreshment. Blaise looked at Harry in a completely different light. His sister had done very well for herself, he thought. Looking into her eyes, it was evident that she loved Harry with deep passion. He looked over at his twin and then his parents and he could tell that they were as impressed as he was. They were called to supper by Dobby and Winky.

Everyone enjoyed the supper. Xiana's father broached the subject of the Wizengamot with Harry. Michel said.

"Harry, Xiana told me that you wanted to find out about the inner workings of the Wizengamot, and who the key players are, is that so?"

Harry replied, "Yes sir, I need a better education on the inner workings of the Wizengamot in order to properly carry my plans."

Michael raised an eye brow and with an inkling of what was coming replied, "What plans would that be Harry."

Harry knew that he had to pick his words carefully. Harry wanted to see what their true feelings were regarding the policies of the Wizengamot and the ministry. Harry looked straight into Michael eyes and said.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches…and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not…etc." When Harry was finished, Xiana's family was rendered speechless. Seeing that no one spoke, Harry continued.

"You see sir, I know that when the time comes, I will defeat the Dark Lord. The problem is what we do after he is defeated. I have no doubt that Dumbledore in conjunction with the ministry will find some way to incarcerate me, because they will fear me. They will object to my methods of fighting the Dark Lord and label me an evil wizard." Harry could see that they were absorbing his words, but no one dared speak while he was talking, so he continued.

"Sir, you should consider the fact that peace could not be achieved even by helping the Ministry. What happens after that? Should we find it in ourselves once again to help the Ministry rise up again over Voldemort? Deep down, I know that our efforts would be useless Sir, because these people are already too corrupt to build anew. The system is already rotten. The system has become a huge maw that feeds on corruption, prejudice, and fear. Under the current system, even If we ever achieved peace, that peace would be short-lived as the Ministry whose duty is to uphold it doesn't even care for it, thus it would only spark new troubles, new factions of discontented and unsettled people. Even if you put new leaders, it would be futile, as the system would eat these leaders. There are too many temptations in the Ministry, Sir. They would give in, one way or another."

Harry took a sip of wine and continued with his speech, "Is that the government we want to uphold Sir? Do we fight to the death, and leave the fruits of our success to weak and incompetent fools?" Harry looked to his audience and decided to leave them with his last thoughts, before the debate started. He looked at Xiana who gave him a slight nod to continue. Harry finally finished by saying.

"If we truly desire things to change, it must be a total change. We must abolish the old system and build anew, a much better one. A truly democratic system. We'll clear away the apathetic, the ungrateful ones, the people who would condemn you when all you did was fighting the dark and obtain revenge. The Ministry and the people have proven their ineptitude for good governance hundreds of times Sir. They betray people just to save their own skin. They must learn from this mistake. Moreover, I'm afraid by fighting for them the way Dumbledore is doing, they won't learn anything. It must be learned with pain to ensure that the message if fully understood by the masses. Otherwise, history will only repeat itself."

It was Brianna, who spoke first, "Harry, how do you plan to fight Voldemort and the ministry at the same time. Surely your resources would be spread far too thin."

Harry smiled at her and replied, "My plan it to steal Voldemort's resources, and use the proceeds to usurp the Wizengamot. I will use their own sins against them. You see, like any other army, Voldemort needs some sort of financial support to raise and maintain his army. They do not all fight for him out of the goodness of their heart. Part of the plan I have is to seek and take his financial centre. I know that some of the purebloods that are following his banner are rich. However even they do not have enough resources to bribe all of the spies that work at the ministry. No, he must be getting his financial acumens from somewhere else. This is what I am going to find out this fall. This will be part one of the plan."

Blaise had a very cunning smile on his face and said, "It's a pity, you were not a Slytherin Harry. You would have made my house proud." Harry looked at Blaise and with a wicked grin replied.

"It is better this way Blaise. The old fool will never suspect that a Gryffindor has that level of cunning. Just so you know the sorting hat wanted to put me in Slytherin." They both laughed, along with the rest of the family.

At that point, three things happened, both Blaise and Brianna told Harry that they had taken a wizards oath to follow him and watch his back. They also wanted to be trained in the dark arts. Harry welcomed them as family and allies. He told them that he planned on setting up the weekend during school days in flux time for training. The second thing that happened was that Michael agreed with most of what Harry said, and agreed to help him with the Wizengamot. He would provide a detailed portfolio of all the Wizengamot members. Xiana delivered the last and most important news of the night. She told the family that she was with child. The whole table erupted in cheers. Harry had tears in his eyes. He ran around the table and gave her a big hug and a kiss. He finally said.

"That's why you didn't want to come into flex time? You suspected that you were pregnant?" By this time, her whole family along with Remus came over to offer their support. Xiana's parents were very happy. It was Blaise who uttered the first words.

"Damn Potter, you don't waste any time do you?"

Harry replied, "Well you know what they say, no time like the present." Harry had a thousand questions for Xiana, but they could wait until tomorrow. He wanted to savor this gift tonight.

Michael spoke up and said, "Well it's getting late, and we should be getting back to the manor. Harry I'll be keeping in touch through Xiana. Don't be afraid to get a hold of me if you need anything."

Harry replied, "I won't Sir. Blaise, Brianna, I'll be seeing you at school."

With that, the Zabini clan took the floo back to their home. Xiana came over and grabbed Harry in a big hug and said.

"Thank you, love, for making this a very successful family gathering." With that, Harry gave her another passionate kiss and said.

"Anytime love. Well I think it's time to get some rest, because I don't mind telling you that I am knackered. Good night Remus."

Remus smiled and said "Good night you two. See you tomorrow."

Although quite fatigued, Harry still had a hard time falling asleep. He was going to be a father. This summer would go down as the biggest change of his life. He was much more secure in who he was and what he wanted. The news about his wife's pregnancy was even more impetus for him to make sure that he lived to see his children grow up. He felt his wife snuggle up to him, and the warmth of her body finally allowed him to fall asleep.

September 1

Harry was looking at his watch, and noticed that it was nearly 5:30 pm. He decided to apparate into Gryffindor tower, and make his way to the great hall just before the first years arrived. There was no way he was going to stay in at Hogwarts for this school year. Late last night Harry apparated to his favourite spot by the lake at Hogwarts and secured one of his trunk manors there. He then set up the complex parseltongue wards that would hide and protect the trunk manor. These included blood wards, elusion charms, perimeter alerts, and other nasty surprises for the uninvited.

To only way to reach, the trunk was by trunk-to-trunk floo or using his specialized way of apparating. Harry made sure to include normal anti apparition and portkey wards as part of the trunk defences. His elves had just finished his seventh trunk, and he place that one in the Potter castle library so that Xiana could travel from the castle to the lake undetected. Now that she was pregnant, the only safe way to travel for her was by floo.

The other bit of administration that Harry completed yesterday was to put an order with a company called Spy Links Ltd. They specialized in military communication and surveillance equipment. He placed a special order for cell phones, tracking bugs, and infrared detectors. Part of his plan involved gathering intelligence inside the castle.

Everyone knew how to install listening charms and how to counter them. Harry figured that no one would think to look for disguised muggle electronic equipment. For one thing, they could not be tracked using magic, because using magic did not create these items. Therefore, they had no magical signature to track them by. The other reason for using this equipment was that everyone believed that muggle electronics did not work at Hogwarts due to the ambient magic, therefore no one would think to look for it.

Harry just hoped that his theory was sound; otherwise he would be taking much greater risk getting his information. The stuff would take four weeks to be delivered. He gave the company his storage address. He would ask Dobby to go pick up his order when it got to England.

Meanwhile, on the Hogwarts express, Neville and Luna were doing everything in their power from losing their temper and hexing Hermione and Ron into oblivion. Hermione and Ron were trying to turn people against Harry by character assassination. They both believed that Harry was turning dark for killing Kreacher and attacking the headmaster. Finally, Neville's patience broke, and bellowed.

"Harry is not the traitor, you are the fucking traitors. You are the ones who deceived him. You are the ones who went behind his back. Fuck me, the headmaster tells him that he was going to sacrifice him for the good of the wizarding world, and you expect him to just nod and agree to it. Oh, sorry you didn't expect Luna and me to know this little bit of knowledge did you? Yes you see we were fortunate enough to see that particular confrontation though his memories in a pensieve."

By then both Hermione and Ron had turned white as sheets, but recovered quickly enough. Hermione replied, "The point is, he killed for no reason. No one is denying that what Kreacher did was wrong, but that is still no excuse for killing the elf. We are better than that. Death eaters kill for no reason. When we stoop to their level, we become just like them. If Harry can kill so easily, then he is no different than a death eater." She said the last bit in her know it all tone as usual.

Neville sneered at the both of them and shot back, "Gee, it must be nice sitting in your white ivory tower, waxing philosophy while REAL soldiers are preparing to fight this war. I wonder if you would still feel the same way, if you saw death eaters' rape, torture and kill your mother. I wonder if you would still stand on your light pedestal if those same death eaters raped and sodomized you. In case you haven't read your history, check back on the last war with Voldemort. The light side was losing badly until a one-year-old baby put an end to it. Dumbledore is not the right leader for this war."

Ron finally spoke up and said, "Oh, and I suppose we should all follow the recommendation of the squib here since he has fought so many wars, and defeated so many dark wizards. Gee Longbottom go back to your house plants, and let real wizards and witches deal with the tough issues."

Neville pulled out his wand so fast that Ron didn't even have time to react, and yelled flipendo. The spell was cast with such fury that Ron was lifted off his feet and smashed his head against the back wall of the cabin. He fell down in a heap dazed and confused. Neville hissed.

"How is that for a house plant loving squib, you dick head? Name your time and place prat, and I'll show you this squib's power." Luna put a calming hand on Neville, because the air around him was starting to crackle. Luna managed to say

"Let's get out of here of here Neville. The air is really starting to get foul." They both left the compartment to go talk with some Ravenclaws.

Ginny who had been in the compartment with them was just stunned. Her world was crashing like a house of cards. Harry was estranged from the Order, and he hated Ron and Hermione. Even Neville and Luna were fighting with her brother and Hermione. She was so confused. She didn't know whom to turn to anymore. She clearly understood why Harry was breaking away from Dumbledore and the Order. If she were in Harry's shoes, she would have reacted the same way. One thing for sure, although she did not voice her opinion, she did not agree with her prat of a brother. She needed to talk to Bill. He always gave her good, sound advice. First thing she would do this week is owl Bill to meet her. She was brought back from her musing when Draco Malfoy and the goon squad showed up.

Draco entered the compartment and found the weasel in a heap, the mudblood fawning over him and the weaslet lost in space. Draco smirked and said

"Well, well, well! Look boys, the mudblood has finally understood her position in the wizarding world. She is on her knees, before a pureblood. Good to see you are learning your place bitch. The weasel here probably knew we were coming and fainted. So where is Potty, I haven't seen him anywhere. Oh, let me guess, he is probably hiding from the Dark Lord."

Finally, Ron managed to get to his feet and said, "Malfoy, I really don't have the patience for your crap today, so why don't you just take your little ferret face out of here and blow like the wind, before we are forced to really hurt you."

Draco sneered and said, "The day you can take me on, will be the day your pathetic family becomes rich and powerful and your fat sow of a mother looks like a female again."

Ginny had a look of pure fury and before Ron could retaliate, she bellowed Tangere-Secum at Malfoy. Malfoy never saw it coming and due to the short distance, he was hit with the spell and fell to the floor in excruciating pain. Ginny sent a bludgeoning spell to his testicles. She then said

"Malfoy if I were you, I wouldn't go bragging about the worth of your family. The whole wizarding world now knows that your daddy is nothing but a slimy, filthy death eater who cowers before the Dark Lord."

Draco was unable to utter one single sentence. He was too busy trying to breathe. When he managed to stand up, he succeeded in saying, "This isn't over. You will all get yours this year, mark my words." With that, he left with his two goons. Everyone took a seat and said nothing. The atmosphere in their compartment was fairly strained. Ginny couldn't help thinking that this year was going to be very interesting.

Finally, the Hogwarts express reached Hogsmead's station, where carriages pulled everyone towards the castle, except for the first years, which were going by boat across the lake. They all reached the castle and made their way to their respective table. Hermione looked at her watch and noticed that it was now 6:15 pm. Harry was still nowhere to be seen. Maybe if they were lucky, he decided not to come. His presence could only split the light side. This year was going to be very difficult she thought. Gryffindor house was going to be tested in their loyalties she was sure about that.

Meanwhile at Potter castle, Harry was checking himself one more time. He was wearing charcoal black pants with an emerald silk shirt. In his right ear, he was wearing a black scorpion diamond earring. His hair was hung loose, and cascaded in a wavy pattern to the back of his shoulder blade. His bangs were cut short, and his trademark lightning scar was visible for everyone to see. He was no longer shy about showing his scar. It was a reminder of who he was. Remus came in, gave him a hug, and told him to be careful.

Harry made sure that his katana was properly secured to his back. He decided to wear his basilisk robe and made sure to cast a parsel magic elusion charm on his robe to hide the scorpion emblem and his sword. He did not want Dumbledore to find out who the scorpion sorcerer was just yet. Another reason for wearing the basilisk robe was that everyone knew they were expensive, and if one thing he knew about the jealous prat was that he hated being reminded that he was poor. He was acting a bit childish he knew, but sometimes it felt good to pull on a scab and watch it bleed. Xiana came down and kissed him soundly. She then said

"Don't let Dumbledore get to you love. Control that temper of yours. I'll see you later tonight at the trunk manor. If you have a chance, say hello to my siblings for me."

Harry smirk and said, "Don't worry, I'll be on my best behavior most of the time. Not having to deal with Snape anymore, should greatly improve my temper. If I get a chance, I'll say hi to Blaise and Brianna" With that he stepped back and apparated to Gryffindor tower. He walked out of the portrait and made his way down to the great hall.

Dumbledore was sitting at the head table watching, the student settling themselves at their tables. One particular student he wanted to see had not arrived yet. Everyone was seated at their tables when a tall dark haired person walked in past the great doors and began to slowly make his way to his house table.

Every one turned to see whom that last person was coming into the great hall. The majority of the students had not seen Harry since June, so the person whom they knew as Harry Potter left most of them speechless. Many of the girls had lust in their eyes, and many of the males looked envious. However, everyone who was trying to describe the boy-who-lived that night could agree on one thing. They could all feel the powerful magical aura that was emanating from him. His eyes were glowing a deep emerald color. It seemed as if a lightning storm was going off in his eyes. The boy-who-lived looked very powerful indeed. Every girl in the hall was giving him an appraising look.

Blaise, who was sitting at the Slytherin table, was talking with Theo Nott when his brother in law walked into the great hall. Blaise had to stifle a laugh at the women's reaction to Harry. If they only knew his true status, they would be devastated, he thought. Blaise had to admit that Harry could put on a good show. Blaise knew that the show of power was aimed far more at the professor's than the students. Harry wanted them to see that he was easily their equal. Blaise carefully turned his head to get a better look at Malfoy and had to fight very hard to keep his composure. Malfoy's eyes were as big as dinner plates. He could tell that he was not expecting Harry to look so imposing. If Malfoy only knew what was coming down the pike.

Harry made his way to where Neville was sitting and sat himself down. He looked at the professors, one by one until he met Dumbledore and gave him a slight sneer. His gaze finally locked onto Snape, and Harry gave him a very evil looking smirk. Snape just sneered back at him. Harry could tell that Hermione and Ron were looking at him, but he couldn't care less. Hermione was obviously obliviated again. She seemed to pay no attention to his earlier comment about the compulsions and actually seemed even less friendly now. Well, he wouldn't waste any more effort on her.

The door swung open once more and a tall, black-haired witch in blood-red robes stood there. McGonagall had a very stern looking face. Hagrid showed up and announced "The first years professor."

"Thank you Hagrid." She replied. She took over and led the first years to front of the great hall where a lone stool stood with a hat sitting on top. One thing that was immediately apparent was the fact that one of the students was considerably taller than the rest. Dumbledore suddenly stood up and yelled quiet. The chatter instantly died down.

"Before we begin sorting our new first years, we will be sorting an exchange student from Durmstrang. She will be entering her six year with us, and I would like to extend my best wishes for a great year to Miss Brianna Zabini." The rest of the Hall politely clapped their hands.

Everyone was now staring at the Hat. For a few seconds, there was complete silence. Then the hat twitched and a rip near the brim opened wide like a mouth and the hat began:

Listen to my warnings Last Year You did not

Betrayal, Jealousy, Mistrust was your creed

Now the Sleeper has awakened

The ancient powers will be unleashed

Your world as you knew it will be no more

The Fates have spoken, paths have been set,

Three visions will clash, the Old, the Present, and the New

Behold, the one with the power to vanquish the Old and the Present is among you

Thus, I warned you, as the battle of the age will come

Come they will with fierceness not seen in ages

I neither predict no side will suffer the worst nor lost

As you, all heed not my advice last year

The time to unite is over

As the time to choose has come

Choose wisely

As one side will seek to eradicate the blood of new

While the other, eradicate believers of change

The last eradicates all who stand against the golden path

One Winner takes all, let the rivers of blood flow.

Everybody is shocked beyond belief after hearing the hat's song. It was 'different' as nobody could really decide on the appropriate words. Harry had a completely new respect for the hat's powers of perception. After the hat's song, many eyes in the great hall had turned to look at him. Harry managed to look at Dumbledore and saw that his eyes were narrowed on him. After what must have been a minute, Professor McGonagall found her voice and called "Brianna Zabini"

Brianna walked to the stool and sat down. The hat was lowered unto her head and within seconds proclaimed Slytherin. Brianna turned to Harry and smiled. He smiled back and she made her way to the Slytherin table where her twin hugged her.

After the sorting ceremony, Dumbledore got to his feet. He was beaming at the student. "Welcome!" he said. "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. As you all know Lord Voldemort has returned." Some people screeched at the mention of the Dark Lords name. Dumbledore continued

"I assure you that we at Hogwarts have taken every precaution imaginable to ensure your safety." Harry snorted at that last comment. McGonagall must have heard him because she looked at him and her lips were nothing but a pressed white line. Dumbledore continued

"For your safety, the forbidden forest is strictly out of bounds to all pupils, and a few of the older students should do well to remember that. I have also been asked by Mr. Filch, the caretaker to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors. Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of term. Anyone interested in playing for his or her house teams should contact Madame Hooch. Thank you for your time."

As usual, once the speech was done, the feast started. After an hour, everyone had their fill and the Prefects were given their marching orders to escort the first years to their dorms. Everyone began filing out of the doors. Harry was nearly last and when he began making his way towards the library, Malfoy and his two goons suddenly came out behind one of the columns to face Harry. Draco spoke first.

"Well boys, it seems that Potty is back with us once again. Are you still shedding tears for the mangy mutt? Aunt Bella just loves telling us how she got rid of the blood traitor. Gee Potty, your record is impressive. It seems anyone getting close to you just seems to die off. You have what, four confirmed kills. Damn I'll bet the Dark Lord would love to recruit you. It doesn't matter, I mean to keep my promise to you for putting my father in jail."

By now Harry's eyes were glowing like green coals, and He hissed back, "Sorry to disappoint you Malfoy, but unlike you, I don't make it a habit to kiss and grovel at the snake's robe. As for pureblood purity, if your two squib goons are to be any indication. Then I am sorry to say that your future world is doomed Draco poo." By now a crowd was gathering around the group. Harry decided to get a rise out of him. He began circling the trio, but paid particular attention to Crabbe and Goyle my making a show of examining them up and down. Harry finally said.

"If you so believe in your blood purity, then you can explain what happened to Crabbe and Goyle, whom I like to commonly refer to as Crabs and Boyles. Gee, with faces and names like that they should be poster boys for venereal disease. I'll bet they can barely generate enough brainpower to walk and talk at the same time. I mean all we ever hear out of them is grunts. I suppose when you are forced to keep intermarrying between cousins, you can certainly expect to limit the gene pool." By now Crabbe and Goyle were sneering and cracking their knuckles.

Many people were struggling not to burst out laughing. Draco was by now glaring at the boy-who-lived. Harry saw him reach for his wand. What happened next, Draco would never know, as Harry moved with such speed and ferociousness. Before Draco could register what was happening, both Crabbe and Goyle had been knocked out and were bleeding profusely from the nose, and as for him, he was being held by throat with a powerful grip, and his feet weren't touching the ground. His wand was lying below him on the ground.

Harry upon seeing the wands being drawn had acted in accordance with his training. He had smashed Crabbe and Goyle with an elbow hit to the kidney, the temple, nose and a knee to the face. Within three seconds, both were knocked out. He then used the weirding way and attacked Malfoy. Once he had secured him against the wall, Harry hissed.

"Listen here you albino fuck. I will no longer tolerate you and your bullshit. I'll tell you right now, you are nothing but a walking corpse, I so look forward to torturing your sorry ass, and you have no idea. Now if you don't want to hasten your status as a corpse, I would strongly suggest that you leave me alone. Don't worry, we will meet up soon enough. After all, casualty of war has to start somewhere no?" He finished his last sentence with a vicious kick to Malfoy's groin. He then cast Merda- Effreno using wandless magic. It was a simple spell to cast at any rate. Suddenly a disgusting wet sound was heard, and some people began gagging from the smell emanating from Malfoy. Draco had just soiled himself in front of everybody. The smell of wet excrement was overpowering. Harry took this time to make his escape. Shortly after, Professor Flitwick and Professor Snape came over to see what the commotion was all about.

Professor Snape was the first one to reach Draco. Looking at Draco with disgust on his face, he pulled out his wand and cast several scourgify spells at him. Snape looked at Draco on the ground and said, "Who did this?"

Draco replied in a pained voice, "Potter Sir." It was Blaise who spoke just loud enough for everyone to hear, including Professor McGonagall. "Professor Snape, Draco was the first one to start it sir. Potter was minding his own business, when Draco decided to torment him."

Blaise could tell that Snape was not happy about someone from his house defending a Gryffindor. Meanwhile, Harry had just apparated to the chamber of secrets. Looking around, Harry knew that this was going to be a long night.