
Ascension of the Primordial Sovereign (竹禾苗)

Hurt, anger, pain. The most common emotions felt after betrayal. 50 years ago, a cosmic wave suddenly descended on earth, causing animals and humans alike to mutate into terrifying monsters and zombies. Pushed back constantly, humanity was in despair, as it was on the brink of being wiped out after facing the horrors of the new ecosystem. Evan Hale, the heir of the once prominent Hale family, was a cheerful kid despite the apocalyptic world he was living in. Alas, that changed very quickly as he was betrayed by his once “best friend” who coveted his family’s renowned martial art, leading to the Hale family being practically wiped out with only a few members scattered across the 3 cities. Now a year after the betrayal, at 16, gripped with pain, anger, hate, and depression, Evan swore to gain as much strength as he could to exact his revenge on those who harmed his family. With the raging undercurrents flowing beneath the veil of normality of the world, Evan's ascension was coordinated from the shadows as he underwent a perilous odyssey to become a sovereign among monarchs. A sovereign who shall cause countless beings to tremble at the mere mention of his name, ascending to the primordial throne. 100 PS = 1 bonus chapter 200 PS = 2 bonus chapter I plan to release consistently, but that may change depending on certain circumstances The cover is not mine. Join the discord server for the novel below, special thanks to infernox for creating it. https://discord.gg/B44rhn7Sba

Ash_Monarch · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Wyvern's Egg

After the wave of light reached every corner of his body, the boiling feeling he felt subsided as Evan hastily gathered all the newfound strength he had and sidestepped a few millimetres to the side.

Since the flow of time returned to normal, the boar's strike was heading his way, ready to smash into him. Not wanting to take any chances, he used his full strength after his successful breakthrough.

As the boar's jaw whistled past his face by a hair's breadth, Evan bent his knees and delivered a devastating uppercut. The boar staggered backwards as an audible crack resounded in the barren forest.

Capitalizing on the opportunity where the opening created itself, Evan augmented his body with mana before sending out another punch.

Hitting true, he struck the wounded eye of the boar as the splintered piece of bone which was already pierced into it ventured deeper into its eyes, injuring it even further.


"Serves you right, bastard!"

Feeling rage bubbling up, Evan wanted to vent as he cursed the boar. He was angry at the boar, but he was even angrier at himself for just accepting his death instead, just like a coward.

If not for the azure ball that was mysteriously placed in his brain, he would have become a dead corpse being nourishment for some damn monster!

Evan was sure that if his family were to see him right now, they would be extremely ashamed of him because a warrior never gave up, even in death!

Issuing a snarl of rage that was felt by his entire being, he once again activated the Demon Reaper Art!

Clenching his fist, Evan lunged forward as the black hue flared up and concentrated on his fist, forming a gauntlet of darkness.

The boar, still stunned by his earlier blow, failed to react in time as Evan's fist connected sweetly right in the middle of its face.

A fountain of blood sprayed outwards from the new wound as the boar suffered the full might of the first form of the Demon Reaper Art.


Falling to the ground, it remained immobile as the damage dealt to its body was too great for it to continue standing.

Generating one last pained screech, the last vestiges of life left the boar as its lifeless body thudded to the ground.

Retrieving his sword once again from his storage ring, Evan moved forwards onto his next target as a palpable aura of fiery rage surrounded his figure.


At the same time, in a different location, the entourage of servants and their 'young master' continued travelling deeper into the mountains where their target lay.

The apes were only a slight nuisance as they were finished off with ease. Remembering what occurred in the aftermath of the battle, the servants visibly shivered with their faces paling in fear and intimidation.

The cause of this 'fear' was walking in the middle of the group as he surreptitiously took out a medallion with gold and black engravings.

Tracing his finger over the different patterns on the medallion, Vincent appeared to be deep in thought.

'The overall target of this expedition is to acquire the egg of the lord of the mountains. The dark wyvern! As it is the overlord of the area, its strength is not small. This was going to be tough if we were only by ourselves. Alas, my family was gracious enough to provide me with help.'

Smirking to himself, which accentuated his haughty expression, Vincent watched with languorous eyes as his group scaled the tallest mountain in the region.

10 minutes later, after successfully cresting half of the mountain, the group suddenly paused as their eyes revealed two figures ahead of them.

The figure standing on the left donned a black cloak which covered his features, with the only discernible thing about him being his thin frame. Wielding a staff with a sparkling gem on the top, he looked every bit like an ordinary mage.

Adjacent to the cloaked figure was a person who wore nothing to conceal his identity.

Sporting a buzz cut symbolic of the military as well as having a scar which snaked down his face as if it was visibly alive, the figure appeared extremely malevolent.

That figure was none other than Commander Vanderson!

Walking up to the duo, Vincent showed a condescending smile as he spoke.

"Ah, if it isn't Commander Vanderson. Long time no see, how's working in the military working out for you? Is it better than being a noble's lackey?"

Gritting his teeth, Vanderson displayed a twisted expression as ice-cold rage simmered in his eyes. Snorting in contempt, he answered with a sneer.

"Good thing I haven't seen you In a while. It saved me from having to look at your wretched face, spawn of the Fletcher Family."

Instead of getting angry at Vanderson's remarks, Vincent only chuckled lightly.

"Still as aggressive as ever, huh?"

Turning to the left, he gazed at the cloaked person who stood there quietly melding with the shadows. Raising an eyebrow at this display, Vincent spoke in a curious tone.

"What a surprise. I thought that the organization behind u would have sent someone stronger to assist me in retrieving the Wyvern's egg. What a pity."

Not responding to his verbal provocation, the hooded figure merely stayed silent, gazing at Vincent with emotionless eyes.

"Tsk! Talkative much?"


Heaving a dramatic sigh, Vincent nodded towards his bodyguard to begin the briefing.

Stepping forward, the bulky figure had a solemn expression as he spoke.

"The Wyvern who resides inside the cave of the mountain is a Beta-level monster, however, it is currently weakened after sustaining injuries in a battle against another Beta-level monster. It is currently recuperating as it awaits the birth of its children, and at most can only release the might of a rank 3 warrior due to its injuries."

Inhaling a breath of air, he continued, as his tone turned stern.

"The plan is for me, Vanderson and the other guy to distract the Wyvern whilst young master you sneak in with the aid of your servants and retrieve the eggs. Is the plan to your liking, young master?"

"It is feasible," Vincent replied as the mad desire for strength appeared in his emerald green eyes.

"Alright, we will lead the Wyvern away from the mountain range, once you see a flare that will be your signal to enter the cave."

Agreeing on a plan, the group split up, each travelling to their respective positions as the pieces which were set in motion began rolling.

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