
Ascension of the Goddess of Decay

Hello, everyone. If you're reading this, you may have read my other stories. I'm starting this one as a bit of a "getting back into it" story. (The synopsis will be further down) Both stories I've written will continue in the near future. (I have to re-read them because I've experienced a massive bout of memory loss.) Apologies for those of you waiting, but I had unavoidable circumstances that impeded my writing experiences. The cover isn't mine but it's been lightly photoshopped. If you want it taken down, tell me. (Signed by Author on April 25th, 2023) Anyways, time for the synopsis: Lia was a simple girl in her previous life. Well not really, considering she was the hit woman for the largest mafia organization that operated within the United States. Over the years, her exceedingly high kill count, and overall success rate was something to be afraid of. Her personality was something akin to pure confidence, bordering on arrogance. She dealt with people the same way she did her enemies. By ruining their lives in the most horrific ways. IE: Setting them up for FBI investigations, having their houses repossessed by the government, or even having them framed for a serious crime. Lia was someone that no one wanted to ever cross. If you did cross her, you might as well have signed your own death certificate! That was until she was smacked in the head by a falling piano. While following through on a hit, no less! I mean, come on! A piano?! that's unfathomably crazy. Well, despite getting hit by a literal piano, she still managed to finish the job. But the very next day, she choked on a sandwich and nearly died! Her luck seemed to have literally bottomed out. This "streak of bad luck" had continued in her life for years! Literal years! She had come so close to dying so many times that she was genuinely confused as to how this could happen to someone! From falling down a flight of stairs to nearly breaking her neck during a cartwheel (despite having so much experience that she could do them with her eyes closed.) Lia had experienced so many near-death experiences that she had become entirely immune to the weird circumstances happening around her. Eventually, the bad luck did catch her. She was minding her own business, walking through the streets of Seattle when a coin rolled across the ground and tripped someone else, who dropped an umbrella, which she tripped over. Her fall had her land directly into the flow of moving traffic. She was then hit by a small square-body pickup truck. It had a small sticker of a smug smiling face attached to its front bumper. Lia had died because of what was essentially a coin. A coin had actually managed to kill a human being. Not just any human, but one of the most feared people within the US. Warnings for all readers: -This novel will (at some point) contain lesbian sex scenes. -System tag doesn't mean in the most literal way. (you'll find out more if you read it.) -This may become a Yuri harem novel (haven't decided.) -Will contain very strong LGBTQ+ themes

Rhasha_Trulin · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Tournament Intermission (Part 3) Auction

Silvana walked next to Lia as they approached the rougher and more lawless side of town. Lia was intrigued at the mention of an Auction House, especially if it was an underground version of one.

They approached a small run-down building. In front was a large, muscular man with furry wolf-like ears and large sharp claws. Lia recognized him as a beast man. He saw the two of them approaching and bowed. His voice was reverential. "What floor, Miss Silvana?"

Silvana put a finger to her chin as she deliberated. "Hmmm...Garrick, send us to the 10th floor."

Garrick nodded as he opened the extremely heavy door. Lia could tell it was made of pure iron and infused with silver extract. "Right, this way then."

The two of them were led into an elevator that soon descended further and further down. Stepping out into the large corridor, Lia was surprised at the size of the Auction house.

The large winding corridor had given a full view of the mass of people seated below. Each of them held a placard with a number on it, and they were bidding on various items. The current item was a large shield engraved with blood-red runes. The price was approaching 65 gold pieces.

Silvana began to explain. "This is the 'Road's End Auction' house. One of the largest in the world. Only the one in the Elven capital can compete in terms of sheer size. You'll find lots of goodies here. Magic tomes, Artifacts, Weapons. You name it, and you can find it here. Just don't go down to the 15th floor."

Lia nodded. "How do I get in? Is there some registration process?"

Silvana chuckled. "No. You just need connections. I'll get you a VIP pass. I helped in the construction of this place, so they owe me a few favors."

Lia whistled in appreciation. "You've got quite the history here. Well, I appreciate it nonetheless."


The two of them were led to a seating booth that oversaw the auction. They were seated in a stand-alone room, with one-way glass overlooking the auction. They sat down in extremely comfortable lounge couches, and Silvana made herself at home. She lay down as she began watching the show.

The announcer was a female elf in a provocative outfit. Despite being provocative, she gave off a sense of regal importance. She wore a short skirt alongside a crop top long sleeve that wrapped around her delicate fingers. The skirt was short enough to almost see underneath, but one never could. The top had an area around the cleavage revealed in the shape of a heart.

Lia mused that her clothes were likely enchanted as she began speaking. Her voice was husky as she spoke. "The next item is something we've procured through dangerous and grueling means. A copy of 'The Graxicon!'

Lia's eyebrow shot up. She had heard of the Graxicon. It was a series of tomes written by an imperial mage at the time the whole continent was united under one empire. It detailed historical events, old witch spells, and all manner of ancient knowledge. Lia was curious, but Silvana broke her train of thought off.

"I have a collection of them if you want to read it sometime. It's very fascinating." She spoke as she read the same book she was reading in the lobby.

The Graxicon didn't gain much attention and fervor, but it eventually sold for 25 gold pieces. Only book collectors or history buffs would bid on something like that.

"Ara Ara~ Our next item is sure to spin some heads...It's a Neutral Magic Enhancement Core." The announcer spoke with a teasing tone.

The crowd gasped and began to whisper among themselves. Lia herself was intrigued. Enhancement cores were used to temporarily boost one's magic affinity. They weren't perfect though. Sure, you could boost it, but you don't have any experience with casting magic at that level.

Silvana sighed. "All these people see it as some miracle when really, it's just a crutch. Neutral is probably the worst element to get your hands on. Sure, could be useful for healing in a pinch, but that's about it. Darkness doesn't have as much utility as the other branches of magic."

Lia nodded. "Yes, I had the same conclusion."

The enhancement core ended up selling for a whopping 95 gold.

The announcer stood on stage and smiled at everyone. "We have one final item to auction. It's a sword. According to our research of it, we haven't been able to determine its original creator. However, it is made of obsidian, and infused with the essence of decay." The announcer chuckled softly. "There's one other tidbit of information...It's a sentient weapon."

Lia was curious now, and the crowd showed similar reactions as they gasped and began whispering. This sword was made for Lia, and she decided she'd acquire it. How fortunate would one have to be to find something so attuned to her here? She counted herself extremely lucky this time. Checking her gold, she looked at how much her parents had given her. Of course, if she asked, they'd probably give her more.

She currently had 90 gold, which should theoretically be enough. Silvana noticed her intent to bid and spoke. "To bid, just press the button and say the amount. Your bid will be counted."

Lia nodded as the item was brought onto the stage. It was a pitch-black blade. It had an intricate swirling cross guard, was a one-handed sword, and appeared to be light. Lia smiled. The sword would be a perfect fit for her. Its sheathe lay on a display case nearby. It was regal and elegant. It would fit nicely on her hip.

It started at 25 gold and quickly rose to 35. Lia pressed the button and bid 36 gold one it slowed down. She wasn't some hotshot that would place an astronomical bid and stun everyone. In her eyes, it was wiser to place a very low bid and gauge who was going to bid against her.

Someone quickly bid 37 gold, and Lia immediately raised it to 39. The person in the crowd scowled and bid 40, and Lia smirked pulling the bid to 42.

The man in the crowd gave up and she ended up obtaining the sword for 42 gold. She smiled with satisfaction at her opponent's defeat.


Lia and Silvana left the room after that, intending to pick up her new weapon. They approached a stand on the same floor and approached the VIP line. No other VIPs were present, so someone immediately approached them.

"Good evening, Silvana. Did you purchase something today?" The girl behind the counter was young and dressed like a flight attendant.

Silvana shook her head. "My friend bought the sentient weapon."

The attendant nodded. "One moment please."

It didn't even take one minute before the attendant returned and handed the sword over to Lia. "Your continued patronage is appreciated. Thank you."

Lia thought the words sounded rehearsed as she picked it up, handing over 42 gold in exchange.

Lia immediately strapped it to her hip and the two of them set off to obtain a VIP card.