
Ascension of the Goddess of Decay

Hello, everyone. If you're reading this, you may have read my other stories. I'm starting this one as a bit of a "getting back into it" story. (The synopsis will be further down) Both stories I've written will continue in the near future. (I have to re-read them because I've experienced a massive bout of memory loss.) Apologies for those of you waiting, but I had unavoidable circumstances that impeded my writing experiences. The cover isn't mine but it's been lightly photoshopped. If you want it taken down, tell me. (Signed by Author on April 25th, 2023) Anyways, time for the synopsis: Lia was a simple girl in her previous life. Well not really, considering she was the hit woman for the largest mafia organization that operated within the United States. Over the years, her exceedingly high kill count, and overall success rate was something to be afraid of. Her personality was something akin to pure confidence, bordering on arrogance. She dealt with people the same way she did her enemies. By ruining their lives in the most horrific ways. IE: Setting them up for FBI investigations, having their houses repossessed by the government, or even having them framed for a serious crime. Lia was someone that no one wanted to ever cross. If you did cross her, you might as well have signed your own death certificate! That was until she was smacked in the head by a falling piano. While following through on a hit, no less! I mean, come on! A piano?! that's unfathomably crazy. Well, despite getting hit by a literal piano, she still managed to finish the job. But the very next day, she choked on a sandwich and nearly died! Her luck seemed to have literally bottomed out. This "streak of bad luck" had continued in her life for years! Literal years! She had come so close to dying so many times that she was genuinely confused as to how this could happen to someone! From falling down a flight of stairs to nearly breaking her neck during a cartwheel (despite having so much experience that she could do them with her eyes closed.) Lia had experienced so many near-death experiences that she had become entirely immune to the weird circumstances happening around her. Eventually, the bad luck did catch her. She was minding her own business, walking through the streets of Seattle when a coin rolled across the ground and tripped someone else, who dropped an umbrella, which she tripped over. Her fall had her land directly into the flow of moving traffic. She was then hit by a small square-body pickup truck. It had a small sticker of a smug smiling face attached to its front bumper. Lia had died because of what was essentially a coin. A coin had actually managed to kill a human being. Not just any human, but one of the most feared people within the US. Warnings for all readers: -This novel will (at some point) contain lesbian sex scenes. -System tag doesn't mean in the most literal way. (you'll find out more if you read it.) -This may become a Yuri harem novel (haven't decided.) -Will contain very strong LGBTQ+ themes

Rhasha_Trulin · Fantasy
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49 Chs

The Academy Life (Part 5) Weapons

Sisha stepped up first. It wasn't that the other two were reluctant. Lia just wanted to see Sisha's fighting capabilities.

She picked up an axe roughly 36 centimeters in length. Long enough to be efficiently wielded by both hands, yet capable of being held with one. Spinning it in her hands a few times, she smiled, obviously pleased by its weight. Her grin widened when she saw a few throwing axe holsters. She strapped them to her waist before stepping onto the makeshift arena.

Shino drew his sword and entered a very specific and weird sword stance. He had two hands on his sword, and his arm was raised to his shoulder, sword pointed at Sisha.

Lia thought the stance was wasteful and inefficient. Most of her tutors had taught her that clenching your muscles and being strained wasn't optimal.

Shino moved towards Sisha, bringing his sword down at a 45° angle. She blocked it with the shaft of her axe and kicked towards his chest, forcing him back a half step. Sisha tried to take the opportunity by tilting the shaft of her axe so his sword would slide down.

Instead, his sword was pushed out and away from their bodies, throwing her dominant arm wielding the axe in a wide arc. He had effectively parried her block, creating an opening. His leg moved swiftly and swept her leg out from under her, knocking Sisha to the ground.

She landed heavily but didn't stay down for very long. She rolled back with enough force to launch her back onto her feet, axe still in hand.

Shino didn't let up. He moved into position for another downward slice. His movements seemed clerical, almost like they were being performed by a machine.

His strike missed wildly as Sisha saw it coming. Her body moved underneath his strike, and she swung her axe towards his abdomen. He blocked it with his gauntleted hand, and Sisha clicked her tongue in minor annoyance.

He jumped backward, once more entering his bizarre sword stance before speaking. "Alright, your defensive capabilities are pretty good. Lets see your offense."

Sisha repositioned herself and took a deep breath. She took one step forward before releasing a sudden burst of speed. Her axe came down heavily, now wielded with two hands. It collided against his sword, but his arms suffered no strain against her blow.

Sisha suddenly let go of the axe and dropped low, drawing two small axes made for throwing in the same movement. She swung them in an upward slash. His body tilted back to avoid the swing.

He jumped back before sighing. "Well. I'll go ahead and clear you for the advanced heavy weapon class next year. You're more than capable. Definitely more skilled than I am allowed to teach this year."

Sisha nodded. "I thought that would be the case. I have been training for quite some time."

He nodded at Sisha before turning to Lia and Lacey. "Which of you two will be next?"

Lia was deep in thought. 'Saro, that sword stance seems completely inefficient. It seemed like a brute force method.'

Saro nodded. She was currently sitting in their headspace analyzing the fight. 'Swords are a tool, much like any other. It did seem somewhat inefficient. Regardless, I'm sure it would work in a real fight.'

Lia pondered a bit harder. 'Typically, people who prefer swords do so because they're viewed as the "noble's weapon". Usually, they're graceful and elegant. I'm just wondering if he fought that way because his opponent was using a typical brute-force weapon type.'

Saro nodded. 'He was, I'm pretty sure. It would allow him to get a much better grasp on how his opponent was thinking.'

Lia didn't respond. Instead, she snapped back to reality when Lacey grabbed her arm.

Lacey smiled awkwardly. "You spaced out."

Lia nodded. "Sorry. I tend to do that sometimes when I think too hard. You should fight next, Lacey."

Lacey nodded in response. Her eyes seemed to harden before she picked up a rather plain-looking sword. She looked towards Shino. "I don't entirely know my strength yet, but I'm also really inefficient with a sword. I've never truly wielded any weapons."

He nodded. "I still like to test my students. It gives me a better grasp on where they're at and who they could best spar with."

Lacey nodded as she moved into position. Shino assumed the same stance and surged forward. His sword came down at a 45° angle, and Lacey swung hers to meet his. She used what she thought was the correct amount of strength to parry him.

There was an extremely loud *Ping* as Shino's sword was flung back with an extreme amount of force. Both of his arms were launched back and the sword was completely knocked out of his hand. It flew for a few meters before clanging to the floor.

Everyone stood there shocked for a moment. Lacey chuckled awkwardly and Shino sighed. "That's on me. I didn't expect you to be that strong. I didn't use enough force, and you used way more than I thought you had."

Lacey looked around awkwardly. "I..uh..sorry..?"

Shino moved to pick his sword up before once again moving into position. His sword stance was the same. "It's alright. We'll give this another go."

Lacey nodded and Shino launched forward once again. His sword came down much heavier, and Lacey attempted to parry him once again. Unfortunately for her, the first parry seemed to have landed by sheer luck, and she totally missed. Shino's sword hit Lacey's chest rather hard and she was sent tumbling. It would've been a fatal blow if the sword wasn't made for practice.

He nodded. "You'll fit perfectly in this class. Sorry for that extremely heavy blow. I expected you to attempt to dodge, or move out of the way. I also had to know if you had any unnatural talents."

Lacey immediately began to stand up. "I'm fine. It didn't hurt that much if I'm honest."

Lia had been analyzing the situation. 'Saro, that blow would have at least cracked a rib on a typical person. How is she completely fine? There's no magic cast on this area, is there?'

Saro didn't answer immediately, but when she did, she sounded surprised. 'There's no magic in this arena. From what I can tell, Lacey is practically fine. I'm not entirely sure what just happened. You're right though, it should've at least cracked a rib or bruised one. Her mana flow spiked suddenly after she was hit.'

Lia mentally nodded. 'We'll mull over this a bit later. It's our turn now.'

I wonder if I'm the only one who actually researches typical weapon lengths lmao. I hope not.

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