
Training and truth

After Yuri had calmed down the day was too far along so she and Hephaestus decided to just use the day to rest. For reasons unknown to both Hephaestus stayed at Yuri's side the whole day. Feeling the comfort Yuri had no thoughts of separating. As night fell Hephaestus and Yuri had been sitting on the bed close to each other talking. Seeing that the sun had set Hephaestus made to leave the room for the night.

Yuri noticing the action of Hephaestus without giving any thought grabbed her hand stopping her from leaving. Hephaestus concerned something was wrong asked " is something the matter or is there something you need of me". Hearing this Yuri shook her head but still hadn't released her grip on the hand of Hephaestus.

After thinking things through for a moment and seeing Hephaestus patiently waiting for her to form her thoughts. Yuri finally answered, " I just don't want to be alone right now. Will you please stay here tonight".

Hearing this and seeing the girl's worried expression Hephaestus didn't even take a moment before she to her own surprise agreed. She sat back on the bed next to Yuri and pulled her back to her cuddling up and getting comfortable. Yuri being mentally exhausted from the day had taken not even an hour to fall asleep.

Seeing this Hephaestus was about to get up and leave the room. However, before she could even get up she heard Yuri begin to cry again. She reached out to try and comfort her when Yuri began to mumble.

Hephaestus wondering what was what Yuri was dreaming about moved closer to try and hear what was being said. As she got closer she made out Yuri's sleeptalk "I'm sorry Mom I didn't want to leave you please don't be sad".

Yuri who had fallen asleep after having her mind full of negative thoughts. Was having a dream about the last day of her previous life. She had spent a little bit of time comforting her mother and apologizing for deciding to leave her. The look of sadness and love on her face almost made Yuri regret her decision.

When morning came Yuri woke alone in the bed. As some feelings of confusion and a little tinge of sadness passed through her the door opened. Hephaestus returned to the room and noticing Yuri was awake she gave a small smile. Then walking up to her she gave her a slight hug from the side and spoke "It's time to get up and get dressed. I made breakfast for you you'll need your energy it's time to start your training".

Doing as she was told, Yuri got out of bed and changed heading to the kitchen to eat. After eating Hephaestus walked with Yuri to her workshop. After getting to the shop Hephaestus took her to a room Yuri hadn't been to before. Inside there were two forging setups allowing for two smiths to work side by side.

As Hephaestus got to work getting the fires going she explained "The last time I used this room was when I trained Tsubaki. It's not very often I take the time to train someone personally".

Hearing this Yuri felt a warmth spread throughout her chest. Feeling happy that she had a kind goddess who thought highly of her. Remembering how Hephaestus stayed by her side last night just to make sure she was fine brought a gentle smile to her lips.

After a while, the flames in the forging ovens got hot enough to start. Hephaestus spent their first day just going over how to prepare different ore and monster drops to be used.

After finishing today's training Yuri was about to head back home when Hephaestus grabbed her hand stopping her from leaving. Yuri looked at her with a questioning gaze. Hephaestus smiled and pulled her to another room that she had never entered before. Stepping into the room Yuri was surprised to see that it was a bedroom.

Hephaestus looked at her and smiled " I figured that while I train you we could just stay together. I think it will allow us to focus on your training and save some time".

Hearing this Yuri couldn't help but agree that it sounded like a good idea. Since she saw no reason to disagree she accepted. Hephaestus getting a positive response to her query told Yuri that this would be her room and then led her to another. " this is the room I generally stay in if I'm not in my official you should be able to find me here".

After showing Yuri around she looked at Yuri planning to ask if she had any questions or concerns. But as she looked at her she had a look as if she tasted something horrible. So like any good and kind goddess, she asked " is there aom the matter".

Hearing this Yuri was quick to respond with a nothing. Upon hearing this response though Hephaestus gave her a look like she was stupid then reminded her "You do know that we gods and goddesses can tell when you lie"

Hearing this all Yuri could do was let out a sigh bite the bullet and tell her the truth of what was going through her mind. " the truth is that when you told me that I would be staying here I thought we would be staying together and I got my hopes up".

Hearing her response and not expecting this Hephaestus had to say something. " I'm glad they you thought we would be together however I have to set something straight. I have made a vow that I wouldn't be with anyone that couldn't truly craft something that genuinely impresses me."

Hearing this Yuri turned red from embarrassment and before Hephaestus could say anything else, Yuri stopped her. " your misunderstanding I wasn't expecting anything like that I just really liked how we were last night and was hoping it would be like that.

Hearing this it was Hephaestus's turn to get embarrassed. As she had a red tint she then told Yuri "If that's all then I really don't mind but I'm letting you know now that nothing will happen".

After clearing up the misunderstanding they then spent the next two weeks with a schedule. They would wake up in the morning and take turns making breakfast afterward they would train Yuri in Hephaestus's smithing method After which they would clean themselves go out and pick up something for dinner and finally end the day cuddled together while talking.

After two weeks of this Hephaestus decided that it was time to come clean about something she had been thinking about for a while. So that day after training she asked Yuri to follow her to her office. When they got inside she had Yuri take a seat and then began telling her everything.

" the night that I had brought up some bad memories for you when you fell asleep you happened to talk in your sleep. You happened to unknowingly reveal some things I don't believe you intended." hearing this Yuri became concerned so she also became slightly defensive.

Seeing this Hephaestus tried to calm her down. After managing to calm her she continued. " so basically you told me that you remember your past life and that you have the ability to grow stronger faster than the average person. And you may have spoken of your interest in me".

Hearing this Yuri became so embarrassed she didn't even say anything about it she just said oh I see and got up to leave the room. Hephaestus worried about her reaction followed behind her. Yuri couldn't process the information provided to her so she went to the room originally meant for her and shut and locked it. She figured that she would go to sleep and when she woke in the morning all of this would be a nightmare.

She was well aware that she had a crush on Hephaestus. And while embarrassed that she now knew about it she could deal. The thing she couldn't believe was that she had told Hephaestus about being aware that she had died once before and this is her second life. She had planned on never revealing this ever. She only hoped that she didn't tell her how she was able to become stronger. The system had to remain secret who knows what would happen if its existence was revealed?

Hephaestus watched Yuri enter the unused bedroom and as she made to follow she heard the door lock. Worried that Yuri was going to do something she knocked on the door. After knocking she didn't receive a response so she left to get the key that she kept in her nightstand. It took a few minutes to get the key and return by the time she got back she was worried if she left Yuri alone too long.

After returning to the room she didn't hesitate to open the door using her key. After opening the door she walked in to see Yuri lying on the bed with her eyes shut. She walked over and noticed she just seemed to be asleep. Wanting to give her time to process she decided it was best not to wake her.

The only thing Hephaestus hoped was that telling her wasn't a mistake and she could get past this.